DIY with Quantum Boards

Guys I 've purchased 48 unit of Samsung 561c led boards. 24 of them. so in total, it should be equivalent of 6 unit 288 boards. But ım indecisive about the driver. Do I have to use Meanwell drivers? Cant I use cheap aliexpress drivers?
No point in going to the aliexpress drivers. Look at meanwells LRS-series of psus and check if any matvhes up with your voltage. They are drasticly cheaper than HLG/ELG series but not as efficient nor versatile. Aliexpress drivers is not going to do you any favors
I have found lrs drivers on an international website which I have found to be purchasable with freight cost. If they will run my lights efficiently they can be the second plan. But I think locally find drivers may be used to do the same. Maybe more drivers but more efficiently than a single driver.
The problem with cheap drivers is terrible efficiency, oftem only 80%. that obviously defeats the use of a highly efficient LED.. there are other good drivers besides meanwell but they all cost about the same.

And some of those cheap drivers can be fire hazards. spend the money to be safe and efficient!

QUOTE="mehmet Can, post: 14767159, member: 986636"]For example

would 12 unit of 50 watt led driver 24-36v 950 ma driver drive my system efficiently? (not as in cost of electricity but brigness(as in PAR assuming alibaba boards are using real leds) of the light). the cost of freight for Meanwell is not bargain price. I am trying to replace it with something that could be find locally or something that could be found on Aliexpress. As you can understand i am a noobie on the subject. I would highly appriciate any advice that could help.[/QUOTE]
Ghost Train Haze #1 at 11 weeks in flower under 260w of HLG QB 3000K. This strain went 2 more weeks for a total of 13. Hung dry for a week and is now curing in jars with 58% Boveda packs.

This was my first time doing a scrog and I don't think I will ever not do a scrog again. The dual 288 boards are perfect for a 2x4 scrog. Been a satisfied customer for over a year!

Would a LPC 150 1050 be enough for 4 of my boards? That is equilavent of a single 288 board.
I have found lps series locally. Could some one suggest me the best way to go LPC series?

No point in going to the aliexpress drivers. Look at meanwells LRS-series of psus and check if any matvhes up with your voltage. They are drasticly cheaper than HLG/ELG series but not as efficient nor versatile. Aliexpress drivers is not going to do you any favors
The seller on alibaba suggesting 2 units of Hlg 240 c700b for 24 of my units( 6*288 boards)

I have found elg locally with same specs. Would that work? İsnt 700ma low? Cant we do more current for higher brightness?
700 mA is low. I'm not familiar with your board, but I'd run the board much higher. What's the point of spending that kind of coin and time to get mediocre results?
700 mA is low. I'm not familiar with your board, but I'd run the board much higher. What's the point of spending that kind of coin and time to get mediocre results?

What would you suggest? My boards are 48 lm561c led boards. The advertising is they are 20 watt each and vf is 22.3V
The seller on alibaba suggesting 2 units of Hlg 240 c700b for 24 of my units( 6*288 boards)

I have found elg locally with same specs. Would that work? İsnt 700ma low? Cant we do more current for higher brightness?
So youre asking about how to power your alibaba boards/strips in a thread dedicated to quantum boards/the direct competition? Not the best look...
Why dont you try your luck at the "how to power DIY led" thread instead? Its what its there for ;)
If you did not buy the kits you will need. 2' 18g solid core wire. M5 screws, m5 screwdriver, wire strippers, wago clips, nema 15p 16/3 sjtw power cord, a way to hang the sinks. If you know how to solder you could skip the wago clips.

@pop22 and @SoMe_EfFin_MasS_HoLe

Ordered wago's, carabiner hangers, wire zip ties, IP67 Waterproof Electrical Connectors, tin lead 60/40 resin core solder, NEMA 5-15P SJTW 16/3 6 foot power cords. Some M5 screws were included that appear to fit a phillips screwdriver. I have a multimeter from Harbor Freight, will need to pick up some wire strippers.

Can I purchase:


Is this the only wire needed? No other wire is needed between AC and DC sides? From youtube videos it looks like a higher gauge wire is used on the board side of wiring.
Thanks everyone!
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What would you suggest? My boards are 48 lm561c led boards. The advertising is they are 20 watt each and vf is 22.3V

@mehmet Can can you drop a link re: what you're looking at? There are so many off brand LED products on the market and most of the off brand ones are not tested, so you really need to be careful. Let's have a look at what you have to give our best guess. Because we're dealing with electricity you need to be especially careful. There's risk of product damage, fire, electrocution, etc. So we don't want to just guess, you know?
So youre asking about how to power your alibaba boards/strips in a thread dedicated to quantum boards/the direct competition? Not the best look...
Why dont you try your luck at the "how to power DIY led" thread instead? Its what its there for ;)

To be honest the title of this thread made me believe that I am exactly where I should be. Sorry if it was a mistake
I need 1 more like before i can post links :)

Shenzhen Bright Technology. Im sure google will find it for you

Okay I think I found it. These are samsung 561c s6 diodes CRI 90 rated for 20-28V

What type of heat sink are you using? That's going to really make a difference. If the seller recommends 700 mA with 240 watts for 24 boards (10 watts per board) then that makes me think that you're not getting good heat ventilation with this sale which is sort of defeating the whole purpose. If they're advertising this as the equivalent to 6 x 288 HLG boards -- then that would be like running each 288 HLG board at only 40 watts. Ouch. I would want to run those 24 boards at at least 30 watts each if it were me...

Also do you understand the difference between A vs. B type functionality on the drivers, make sure you get what you need. I'm also assuming you're wanting to run these in series as opposed to parallel. Are you really sure you want to go this route, it seems a little sketchy to me.
@mehmet Can can you drop a link re: what you're looking at? There are so many off brand LED products on the market and most of the off brand ones are not tested, so you really need to be careful. Let's have a look at what you have to give our best guess. Because we're dealing with electricity you need to be especially careful. There's risk of product damage, fire, electrocution, etc. So we don't want to just guess, you know?

Googling this would be more direct:
Greenhouse SMD5630 led light bar Samsung lm561c lm301b S6 bin led grow light bar with meanwell driver
Googling this would be more direct:
Greenhouse SMD5630 led light bar Samsung lm561c lm301b S6 bin led grow light bar with meanwell driver

I don't know if you noticed but this alibaba vendor grabbed images directly from A couple of the same images can be found on LG's DIY strip build page. I would proceed with caution if you intend on dealing with this vendor.

Ledgardener image followed by Shenzhen Bright Technologies image


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