Hey so I have a question regarding @guitarguy10 and his qb120 dilemma.
What do you all think about running 2 in series on a Delta LNE-48V150WDAA? This would send 3200ma to the circuit which is a little overpowered but if he dimmed them to 2800ma he could run at 65/70W each no problem. this would be a really easy build and low enough voltage to be "safe".
The other option would be to use the LNE-24V120WAAA. These would require being setup in parallel tho. Not sure if he should consider adding resistors or fuses at that point to protect from one board dying. I dont know if I'm overthinking this bc HLG doesn't mention it, but LED Gardner has me rethinking that one.
I got a bunch of both of these drivers on blowout from Arrow for $11 each a few months ago. I found out about the sale from RIU so figure I should pay it forward and help this guy out so his first experience w QBs isn't so frustrating.
If you all agree this is a good setup, I will drop 2 in the mail before the end of the week.
I'm no expert but from what I understand, the 24v waa driver would be "safe" to run in parallel because it has the onboard voltage adjustment as well. If the voltage is limited on the driver, even if one board were to fail, it would only allow the one remaining board to use up to that specific voltage and therefore be limited on how much current it could pull. Hopefully someone with more knowledge/experience can come along and confirm what I say to be accurate though. I "limited" the voltage my hlg-a type driver when I wired my first build up, but have not had any failure to actually see what happens if one board were to go out. I did play around with both the Vo and Io adjustments to get a better feel for the set up at first, but after setting the Vo I only use the Io to adjust the power.
Good on you for offering to help him out though man, always nice seeing some positive vibes being sent out. I was going to attempt to respond to a previous question yesterday, but didn't want to confuse anyone even more so and you answered his questions in a way better fashion than I could have. Hope what I said above is true/helpful for the build moving forward though.