Does anyone sell QB132 boards in Europe? I can only find pre-built kits that come with a driver.
Can ask hlg about their European distributors? I can't find any bare with a quick Google search.
How about the top tier gla highlight board ? I think diyleduk sells them, just dim it down if needed depending on driver.
...about HLG in europe i sawed...
HLG - Horticulture Lighting Group - LED Grow Light solutions with high efficiency - Horticulture Lighting Group - HLG
...quick Google my old pc...then....
...hombre si te puedes permitir los de GLA....que te voy a decir...ya me gustaria poder usarlos en mi diy futuro...pero no llevo prisa...debo resolver asuntos de mi familia antes...o a la vez...y en eso estoy o estare este año...
robincnn pasa de mi actualmente...normal estando en el olimpo...como muchos otros bros...
no problemo...los quiero/querre igual...tuvimos nuestro ratito...y fue genial...the good times baby...good times...
ahora son mental pictures en mi mente...
be calm sister Sunni...
my actual situation make the translations hard to me...
im trying to do my best...i know spanish its a problem here....but actually my posts are erased in short time...
mis post solo duran o duraran unos minutos...quizas unas horas ...pero intento borrar todos... algunos los dejo como ejemplo...
ponerse en mis zapatos... ver videos en otro idioma...y dije que hago yo para traducir videos de otros idiomas...
transcripcion de google y traductor de google...cuando hay ...que a veces no hay transcripcion del video y otras veces el traductor de google no traduce correctamente ....pero es lo que hay....
otros años estaba ayudado por un ordenador mucho mejor...el que tengo actualmente es una mezcla de piezas de pc que funciona porque tengo paciencia con el.... espero por mejores llevo prisa...
vengo de una larga estancia en cama..."aterrice" y ya me valgo por mi mismo...el año pasado que aterrizaje... y bum el covid......economicamente escapo de milagro ...mi mujer y yo...
tambien este año posteare menos...o eso intento...
antes creia tener amigos por aqui...
...pero la gente cambia...y te sorprende... a veces a bien y a veces a mal...
...yo tambien he otra ave fenix...que renace de sus cenizas...
...espero estar mas liado este año en casa...intentando hacer mantenimiento a la casa donde vivo actualmente....que es la vieja casa de mi mujer...por lo menos esta pagada...y es otro comienzo...
...ya vi que en los foros no me quedan verdaderos amigos...solo conocidos a los que gusto a ratitos... da pena por los concidos del foro...los bros...
...peo tampoco creo les importe mucho si estoy o no...
...te vi hacerte madre...cambiar ..hacerte dura como diamante.... perdi unos añitos en medio... no nos conocemos de nada...pero no es la primera vez que hablamos.... creo te de mucho trabajo sister...
ya borro yo... y ya me autobanee de los hilos de los bros...y excepciones tambien hago...
...luego pocos post mios nuevos veras por aqui....
Paz y Amor...en 2021 mucho mas....
Saludos desde Tenerife - Islas Canarias
Third wire is for a ground, young apprentice. You should ground your lighting rigs, this helps you to not die. Short runs of small diameter wire is fine but upsizing is always good.
Using rated in-wall speaker wire in walls makes sense as does having larger diameter wiring for longer runs...using fancy branded wiring does nothing.
Should I swap out my 4 qb132 running on meanwell lrs 350 out for 2 qb96 on a HLG 240h 54a? For flower tent. The 4 qb132 are unfortunately the “all around” spectrum if I’m not mistaken. I like my rig I just feel like the 132s aren’t getting the proper footprint. I mean they are perfectly where they need to be, right over where each of 4 plants would sit in a 4x4, they just don’t have enough watts to power each plant on their own so I use 2qb96 in the middle and a hlg100. It’s just kind of bulky/ugly and I feel my spread could even be better.
I feel my spread could even be better.
I've been running my QB96's excessively low lately (@ around 50 to 60 watts per board) and loving it. You do need more units to cover the area, but it's a nice way to disperse the light evenly.Get 4 more QB 132, that will give you about the equivalent of 4 QB 288 and better spread. I wouldn't mix high power LED, QB96, with mid power boards
That’s what I’m sayin if there was ever a time to jump it’s now.... right now I’m running 2 qb96 4qb132 and a hlg100. Lot of wires and drivers. Heat. One stationary rig sounds frickin awesome.... just wondering if it’s gonna be all I ever hoped for. I hate LED light not penetrating too well. Lower bud not being too dense. Wonder if the 600rspec is fantastic?
How much are height issues a concern? 600R needs to be hung higher than Diablo boards and bar style LED.That’s what I’m sayin if there was ever a time to jump it’s now.... right now I’m running 2 qb96 4qb132 and a hlg100. Lot of wires and drivers. Heat. One stationary rig sounds frickin awesome.... just wondering if it’s gonna be all I ever hoped for. I hate LED light not penetrating too well. Lower bud not being too dense. Wonder if the 600rspec is fantastic?
I’m going to have to order the tall vivosun tent instead of this stupid roof shaped one I have now. It’s about a foot shorter. I measured earlier. It absolutely will not work with where my canopy is, even at shortest possible distance away. Can’t do it unless I can mold it into half the carbon filter..... so it’ll be a thousand dollar deal at the end of the day. May do it. May not...How much are height issues a concern? 600R needs to be hung higher than Diablo boards and bar style LED.
Think I’m gonna grab the hlg 600r. What do you guys think?
That’s what I’m sayin if there was ever a time to jump it’s now.... right now I’m running 2 qb96 4qb132 and a hlg100. Lot of wires and drivers. Heat. One stationary rig sounds frickin awesome.... just wondering if it’s gonna be all I ever hoped for. I hate LED light not penetrating too well. Lower bud not being too dense. Wonder if the 600rspec is fantastic?
Sorry to sound stupid but what plug do I select for a regular ole United States light socket? For the hlg 600r