DIY with Quantum Boards

They are F2 regs, so why wouldn't I? I've been breeding autos for sometime now. I've had some sample bud, I feel these are worth it! Find a good one and both make reg seed, and Fem a couple branches, maybe even self it, haven't decided. I'll se what I get then decide.

I don't understand. Why would you phenohunt autos?
No? Tell that to Dutch Passion!

QUOTE="PSUAGRO., post: 16781761, member: 312570"]
Lol, pheno hunting autos.,........ Merica, Dutch ain't this stupid
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And I deduce from your words that:

1. You think you know shit about autos

2. You don't know shit about autos!
Quantum Stinkiness -

Dank Stank all up the nostrils on these bitches.

Ethos Endgame R2

She went all dark purp leaf and reeks something fierce. Had to yo yo a few branches so far but all good .
GH hempy running 5.9 ph. …


Dutch Passion Master Kush

Same GH hempy setup - a bit of a PK hog too.


Durban poison x gg4

Seeds from my CS fem chuck last year - ended up with a shitload of seeds. Wifey and Cats love the plant.
Never wrong running Durban :bigjoint:

I am running a 3 part hempy ( perlite / coco / vermiculite blend ) for shits and giggles. MycoChum and GH maxi grow for this stage . Yes one is in a coffee container ~ I drink a lot of fucking coffee. I have another 2 in regular grow bags - all been topped.


SUPAFLY will get her hempy bucket this weekend .

INDICA wants a snack ….

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They are F2 regs, so why wouldn't I? I've been breeding autos for sometime now. I've had some sample bud, I feel these are worth it! Find a good one and both make reg seed, and Fem a couple branches, maybe even self it, haven't decided. I'll se what I get then decide.
I'm still confused. Wouldn't you need to pollinate everything, and then just keep the seeds from the best phenotype? Maybe that's what you're planning? I admittedly don't know a lot about breeding autos, but I assumed it was generally open pollination between two specific parental genetics, but not specific phenos.
You're talking about a large seed bank/breeder. Probably using cs/sts , years of back crossing (ruderalis gene is inherently unstable),isolation rooms, etc.

You're pheno hunting autos in a small tent. Should call your new "strain" melting pot, lol
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Maybe I shouldn't have responded as I did, but you know what? I'm sick to death of the snarky, disrespectful bullshit on this forum. Because it is poorly controlled, people seem to think they can hide behind there computers and safely say any damned thing they want, and so they can. And so I fell into the exact trap that was planted. Maybe you didn't mean to troll, but that is sure how it feels. What I do know, is that I would not go onto one of your threads and speak to you that way. If I didn't like what you were growing, or how you were growing it, I'd either have said nothing, or I would offered, polite, constructive criticism. Because, what is the point of doing otherwise? Pushing someone's buttons? Taking your frustrations out on someone else? The joy of bullying? Please, help me understand why this seems acceptable? Because it is not!

I'm asking politely, people, please, be respectful of everyone here. Share information, provide useful information, ask questions that matter. Anything else just wastes all of our time.
My response was based on this comment: "Merica, Dutch ain't this stupid" No they are only the largest producers of autoflowers in the world........ So are they stupid or not?

You're talking about a large seed bank/breeder. Probably using cs/sts , years of back crossing (ruderalis gene is inherently unstable),isolation rooms, etc.

You're pheno hunting autos in a small tent. Should call your new "strain" melting pot, lol
It will depend on what I find in this generation. If there is no one or more outstanding plants, then all get pollinated by what I feel is the best male or males then hunt the F3 generation.

I'm still confused. Wouldn't you need to pollinate everything, and then just keep the seeds from the best phenotype? Maybe that's what you're planning? I admittedly don't know a lot about breeding autos, but I assumed it was generally open pollination between two specific parental genetics, but not specific phenos.
My response was based on this comment: "Merica, Dutch ain't this stupid" No they are only the largest producers of autoflowers in the world........ So are they stupid or not?

It was about your methodology and yes I'm quite aware that the Dutch have auto breeding down(not stupid). I should have been more specific.

Regardless, your right, my comment was insensitive and I apologize pop...... You do you, good luck on your project.
In case anyone is interested, here is Soma's take on auto breeding:

Method 2

The second method may demand some of your time and your skills as this does not cater to the autoflower strain crossed with autoflower strain; rather, this maximizes on cut flower strain x photo-sensitive strain.

An entirely new autoflowering plant that has the stability of its raw autoflowering plant, but then the former plant being used is not an autoflowering or a photo-sensitive plant, and then accomplishing this would be tricky as the genetic lines don’t lean on the same wall. Stabilizing on the contents will take some time that it will cost you almost the whole year to achieve on it. However, I will still impose it below on how to do it. This method has three breeding cycles that you need to follow.

The first breeding can be done through an F1 cross. An autoflowering strain breeding with a photo-sensitive strain will result in a heterozygous strain. Consequently, the resulting plant is unstable as new traits are being mixed.

The second breeding can be done through an F2 cross. The resulting plant from the first breeding will be again crossed, with the two strains being used in the first breeding. It will give you the result of 50 percent likeliness of what is the result in the first breeding, 25 percent of being a photo-sensitive strain, and then the remaining 25 percent would be the stable autoflowering plant.

The third breeding cycle can be done through the careful selection and F3 cross. The resulting plant from the second breeding must be crossed with the selected plant that possesses high autoflowering content. You should not only choose one among them but also choose all the autoflowering dominant plants out from the two breeding you have done. After choosing it, you will conduct the third breeding by crossing all those selected plants. The resulting plant right now would be a hundred percent autoflowering plant.

After finally doing the last breeding, you can now have your autoflowering plant out from autoflowering strain and photo-sensitive strain. Why did I say that this needs time? Because you need to find out what dominance the plant has after the breedings you have done. Moreover, you cannot easily identify by simply looking that the plant is already an autoflowering or still photo-sensitive.

Whenever you want the autoflowering seeds, it would be really best when you experience breeding and making it first-hand as the outcome would totally satisfy you after some time of working on it. One disadvantage of cultivating an autoflowering strain is that you cannot cultivate it out from clones. You really need to spend some money on buying the autoflower seeds. Breeding it for the first is costly, but after you sell on it, the money will be back on you plus the profits you have gained.