Well-Known Member
Okay, guys. I know HPS vs LED is a hot topic, but I posted in the LED forum, I told you guys that I was concerned about heat. And if I am discussing what direction to go on a higher end DIY LED build, I certainly have no plans to go backwards , recreating my first grows with T5s and CFLs. Sorry, HPS and fluorescents really aren't the direction I am looking for.....been there, done that. (And if I had to factor in the cost of a discrete, portable a/c unit for that gravita...the price difference would be blown away within the first grow.)
I won't say that money is not an issue, I don't want to be wasteful, but if I end up spending $1500 I really don't give a fuck.
@Rider509 I have heard of Quantum boards, but like I said, I have been completely out of the loop for the last few years. And I mean completely out of the loop, my daughter is now 2 and all of the time that I would have spent growing, reading boards, and planning out future spaces has been replaced with diapers, feedings, nursery rhymes, and other tasks appropriate for my little mini me. I don't intend for this to be my last light, and maybe comparing to the spider was a poor choice. I was thinking 3 long bars across the space.....maybe with the central bar larger. I don't think I want all white lights, but I guess I am looking more for a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the different styles of LEDs - from the prospective of those who have grown with them. The technology has passed me by, while I have been focusing on the role of Mommy.
Now that she is getting a little bigger, and we have a bigger home, I'm ready to get my feet wet.
I won't say that money is not an issue, I don't want to be wasteful, but if I end up spending $1500 I really don't give a fuck.
@Rider509 I have heard of Quantum boards, but like I said, I have been completely out of the loop for the last few years. And I mean completely out of the loop, my daughter is now 2 and all of the time that I would have spent growing, reading boards, and planning out future spaces has been replaced with diapers, feedings, nursery rhymes, and other tasks appropriate for my little mini me. I don't intend for this to be my last light, and maybe comparing to the spider was a poor choice. I was thinking 3 long bars across the space.....maybe with the central bar larger. I don't think I want all white lights, but I guess I am looking more for a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the different styles of LEDs - from the prospective of those who have grown with them. The technology has passed me by, while I have been focusing on the role of Mommy.