** DJ's 400w Easy Ryder & LA Woman Grow **

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Thanks covert! Planning on just two to three plants so I'm thinking just one light will do?
Tbh it may be abit of a struggle, but you could veg em for abit and keep it small. You would deffo need more light for flowering though.

DJ that LA looks nice =D
You gonna veg her out big time before you flower her or try n keep it smaller?


Well-Known Member
Veg her for long time. Unfortunately I everything has to go in garden now. Anyone know when nature would put the plants into 12/12? Because I wanna let mutha nature do her thing :)

plus it's still veg time outside

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
most outdoor finish round september...so say start budding round june/ july

outdoor smoke is the shit...such a nice high! =D

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
yeeeaaah man they get HUGE outdoors! forceflower by putting em in that shed u mentioned a while back after 12 hours? i dno.

Btw man, had to chop my sweet dwarf after lyk 15 days =[ got family stayin round and the stink this thing makes is unbelievable. even with air purifiers n air freshner. was gna smack it outdoor but looks like we got sum pretty shitty weather comin in end of this week so wouldnt b able to acclimatise her! Nyway i am dryin her out and curing her, gonna smack her in the trim jar for cooking 8-] was very suprised tho...thers a few gram of decent bud there!

gonna go back to a few odourless northern lights before i get maself a carbon filter =]


Well-Known Member
That's an arse. Family annoying. Hence why I have had to put mine outside as there using my room too. Yh I may force flower if I have too. See how it goes. I was ment to have a BBQ Saturday hope don't bloody rain! I'll have to put the LA under cover if starts pissing down... I may chuck couple autos outside aswell..

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
y put it under a cover? a bit of rain will probs do it good! but anyway you know wot our shitty forecasts are like itll probs b glorious =P


Well-Known Member
True. I mean I should just let mother nature do her thing :/
I think people over care with there plants sometimes I mean its a weed after all.

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
yeah man exactley. Hows she doin outdoors? i starting 3 N.L 12/12 from seed =] never tried that before but ther seems to be sum decent results!


Well-Known Member
She doing good! Bushing out. Unfortunately the sun been downhill past couple days and dont look like going to get better until after bank holiday monday. Im sure she will be ok. If gets ridiculous heavy rain I will out her under cover. I will grab a picture errrr tommorow? and post it up :)

Also I will post a pic of the weird looking Easy Ryder that is outside aswell lol.


Well-Known Member

I have some sad news...

Unfortunately to circumstances out of my control I have had to STOP all growing and toss the plants. I am so so so so gutted. I really don't know what to do... I don't know if just to sell all my HPS gear now. Kind of fed up and I can't do it indoors until winter now and just feels like a waste. Please someone I need cheering up :(

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
mate thats shit =/

id still keep the gear and wait till winter...think of how much u hav learnt...and spent...itd b a shame to jus blow it all and try to pretend nothing ever happened! besides u will always want to grow another plant... u dont wanna end up havin to buy the gear again!

tis up to u man =]


Well-Known Member
Yh I wanna grow now! My mum said I can still use shed but worried about 400w hps heat source coming from an outside building in my garden. It's a concrete brick shed style out building in my garden. Just bit concerned if it's nough for them to raid me

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
i doubt it man, apparently they can only really pick up considerable heat sigs if your using 2 x 1000w HID. insulating the shed as much as possible and using proper ventilation works best.

not sure if ure mum would appreciate her shed lookin like a space rocket tho =P


wow man that sucks.. i would just try to get a stealth grow box something like a steath pc grow box off the internet or a DIY type system and just grow enough to sell so you can put together the funds to get your own place and start a grow closet like im doing or even something on a larger scale my friend.. dont worry you can always work around things man dont worry about it.. what your doin is already highly illegal anyway man so if you got caught for growing you most likely would get the intent to sell charge anyway so if you arent already sellin you may wanna give it a go for a bit and see if it helps you get out on your own man. just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Yh I wanna grow now! My mum said I can still use shed but worried about 400w hps heat source coming from an outside building in my garden. It's a concrete brick shed style out building in my garden. Just bit concerned if it's nough for them to raid me
an insulated box within the shed does not show up like a lighthouse mate .... dont get greedy and use the whole thing or it will show up ... wardrobe and someway of ducting the heat out of the shed (i'd duct it so it came out around a garden light .... would be written off as lamp heat) ... blah blah blah .... its been 4 degrees here... still growing :-)