DJ's LED medical grow


Well-Known Member
I would need 7 days minimum to trim all that. I only pull a plant when I am ready to trim it- usually one per day


Well-Known Member
I finally ordered a loupe. I don't know why I waited so long, but it should be here within a business week.

The short one started half a day behind, and now I feel like it's around 2-3 days behind. It could be due to the head count difference, or it could be a dozen other factors. The short one was the experiment with the first node set, which so far hasn't proven worthy. Of those two branches that were allowed to go up, while everything else got pulled out, only one made it to the top of the canopy. The second one is just below, and isn't usually in the pic/s. One was supposed to have 8 heads, and the other 10. Now it's more like 8 and 9, but I'm not really complaining. The 8 head one is ahead on development/swell/hairs/trichs/height.
If it came down to each branch producing the same quantity, but increases flowering time per branch, I'd rather finish in 8-9 weeks than 9-11. I'd like to compare 4x mains vs 8x mains, same veg time and see how flowering is effected.

They get fed again today at lights on, I might update a couple pics, the short plant is starting to swell.


Well-Known Member
Awesome pics. Any chance you may be in CO?
Not any more.
I left a piece of my heart in the Denver Metro area though. I lived in the area for almost a year and a half.

I'll be back some day, not sure when, life takes me many places.

I'm still rockin the GRINDtainers and Buddha Vape I got from the Cannabis Convention 2010. I got so much free smoke from that show, I don't think I smoked anything I paid for after that, for like 6 weeks?? I should have started growing then, I probably would have stayed.
Yeah I know what you mean. I just read through all 12 pages of this thread and thought I would chime in and see. Awesome work with the LEDs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words, I can say I planned it all out, but I'm shootin from the hip.

I always forget the standard page length, I'm on page 4, I think I set it to max posts per page without all on one page.

edit: I didn't pay attention until a couple weeks ago, but this thread got a lot more attention than I thought. I passed 3600 views. :bigjoint: Thanks to everybody, I hoped I helped in some way.


Well-Known Member
Great work here dj. Just got caught up on and I've missed out on a lot. Glad I made it for the finish though. From the looks of it you got the pk down already, what's your schedule like with that????


Well-Known Member
according to my notes, I only added it for two feeds. Day 1 and day 5 of week 3. I dropped PPM of A + B by 5-10% for that week, I was under the impression that was to prevent a nute burn, and I definitely didn't get that. I'd go another week next round, four feeds instead of two.

This is my first indoor grow, I forced myself to err on the side of caution rather than greed. I am REALLY glad I talked myself into an extra week of veg. All my other attempts have been failures, so this amount of success is encouraging. My previous attempts were outdoor guerilla style, or one bean I killed after sprouting under a 15W "grow light". I did my research to get to this point, and I'm real glad I did. Minimal surprises, but a boat load of learning. I wouldn't be at this point if it wasn't for you guys, so I'm giving back all the knowledge that I can. I've tried to help everyone that I can, because I appreciate those who helped me.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: post went wonky, links died, edited, I think it's fixed... who gives a shit, it's pics.:bigjoint:

Day 54 of flowering, light schedule 11:30/12:30, day 89 overall.

Day 1 of week 14 I'll drop it to 11/13.

everything seems good to me, I'm assuming over a week to go. I fed today, 1100 @ 6.0, next feed will be 1000, then 900...



Well-Known Member
Those are filling out nicely. Thanks for posting, they look wonderful.

Can't wait to see the end result on these nuggets. :D


Well-Known Member
Looks great, glad I got a chance to jump into the tail end of this grow. I like how nice and neat you ave your room set up.


Well-Known Member
It's messier than it looks, but you also don't see the passive intake. I need to reconfigure the intake, I am far from satisfied with what I have, but it works.

Thank you all for the kind words.

Today is the end of week 8 of flowering. Tomorrow light schedule drops to 11/13. I about freaked out last night, thinking my timer failed... I forgot that I took the initial 1/2 off the beginning of the "on time"... *facepalm*

Let's see where week 9 of flowering(14 total) takes the ladies. Again, breeder states "flowering time: 8-10 weeks", we'll see if she goes from a dirty blonde to a brunette this week.


For those that are reading and not posting, and those who have already helped/commented thus far...

How important is it to keep light out of a drying area?

I have the PC fans, and the inline fan from earlier in this journal, and I was thinking about making a drying box. Something small and foldable/storage size, or even a modified tote. I have a hard enough time keeping light out of my grow box, how do I keep light away from drying herb?
I can DIY just about anything, but the budget is definitely not a whole lot... and I don't want to be "taxed" by utilizing space from other people. I also have more activated carbon, so I can make a filter for the thing.
I'm not trying to win any magazine covers, so if they're aesthetically not perfect after I won't be annoyed. I was thinking about a keif catcher already, but not sure how to execute it.

Edit: I would like to have some cure for 2-4 months, and some that can be ready 7-10 days after harvest. Ideally, so I can make this last me until Round 2 is completed.


Well-Known Member
In theory you want a cool and dark place because light degrades thc and light usually means some form of heat too.

But in certain situations you have to make due... I dried my hps nugs over where they grew, while the led side was/is still flowering(lights on). You can dry in your flower cab, it will only take 5-7days till they are ready for jars that you can put away. And if you are growing beans again, you could deal with a few days of no cab for the seedlings.


Well-Known Member
I can make a dark place, but "cool" would mean ambient.

I would like to give them two days of darkness before cutting anything, but I don't think they will both be ready at the same time. They still seem to be 2-3 days apart, how much would this effect outcome? I wasn't planning on "flushing" much, the dunking in nutrient solution actually flushes the medium quite well. I want to flush with plain water an hour or two before final lights out.

Why are there so many varying opinions on how to harvest?

I find out Thurs if my living situation changes again in the near future, if I'm moving then I'm going to wait to pop beans. I'm not in trouble or anything, but a potential upgrade. I wouldn't be changing a whole lot, but I could actually have a 2x3 or a 3x3 to use instead of this tiny fuckin closet(48" height)
Either way, I'm not popping beans until this harvest is in jars... I like those Cvaults, but I'm going old school with mason jars. If I have to open and air out a dozen jars, that's fine IDGAF.