

Well-Known Member
Has any one went in front of a liscense judge with medical liscense. Last year i got denied ive been denied 3 times. Never took a lawyer either now its time to go try again. i called up a lawyer 250 a hr and automatic charge of 1000$ just to go the driver liscense appeal division.
to appeal your liscence lost from oui's must have 1 year of sobriety, lots letters from friends family employers, and the Substance Abuse Evaluation. Last time i did all this but i didnt say i had medical marijuana card so i made it all to the judge sat down in front of him 1ST ? So You Have a Medical card DENIED. That fast I got my dui when i was 17 and 18 no im 26
they make seem impossible to get a drivers liscense been into no trouble for atleast 5 years work full time, kid, got married but i got a medical card that judge was asking me where i get smoke when and how much. I didnt say i grow it but maybe i should. Any lawyers anyone recommend? ive talked with some they only can do so much like make the letters sound better um prepare my documents before going in front of 1 of few dlad judges. Maybe just try agian on my own and keep the 2000$ a lawyers gonna need
Wish I had advice for you. I am the last fucking guy you want license advice from though.

Don't swear at them. Keep all your clothes on. Lawyer can help.
that's some horsepucky.
perhaps you may wish to not renew your mmj card until you obtain your drivers liscense, then go back for the mmj card.
not perfect, but it should work as long as you stay off radar until you're covered again. *this is not legal advise. don't listen to anything I say... ;-)
have u thought about moving out of state getting a licens then moving back. and can u go to another county and try and get ur licens there someplace that is extremely medical friendly or somewhere where the attorney is friends with most of the prosacuting attorneys. good luck. if you can find a good attorney thats friends in the comunity u can not put a price on this they r great. look for attorney's that sit on some type of community board and or owen alot of realistate in the community. they tend to be more intertwined in too the community and have the kind of friends u need to help u. good luck
I am in the same boat. 2 DUI's about 9 yrs ago. Been walking ever since. I actually quit drinking when i got my card :) not a drop since Feb last year! I'm about the same age as you "27", and I drank everyday for years. I have tried to get my drivers license in other states, and been denied in Florida, Texas, and once before here at home in Michigan.They say this state has some of the toughest driving laws. Now i know i need a lawyer next time i try my restoration hearing. Thanks for the heads up! keep us posted on the outcome of your trial.
thinks guys i thought letting my card expire then go take a test say im completly sober but fuck my legal right now to smoke but once i got caught with a sac so they think im abusing the shit but since i got my card i drop all drugs and that getting wasted crap just work sleep back to work 4 years last time i went to the dlad i only had 3 years but same exactly but an extra year outa trouble havent even talked to cop since i went to jail about 5 years ago for a pb violation. but denied.
So let me get this straight the judge denied you your DL because you have a mm card? How did the judge find out you are a patient?
YEA thats what i was thinking he wouldnt know. so i didnt say i had one when i took a substance abuse evaluation with some other money hungary bastard. i get there i sittdown u have be sworn in then he looks at his computer and says so you have mmj card why isnt it in paper work blablabla there strict cause of the people dieing all over. I understand but man so many years later still cant get a damn liscense.And it has fees just to get a evaluation was 100 and i knew the guy, he worded everything good.
I drive its all good hell fastest i could go this morning was 40mph lol
Now, I thought it was very specific in the MMMA that having a card wouldn't deny you any privelage....like the provelage to drive, based solely on your having a card. I will look that up but the judge does what the judge wants to do because, well he is a judge and the fuckwads write all kinds of bullshit laws from the bench using their precidence on rulings. motherfuckers. Sorry about your shitty luck.