DLI and CO2 questions


Well-Known Member
IDK if this is advanced but i havent been able to find an answer elseware.


Im new to this growing stuff so im a little confused about some ofthis DLI stuff...
Everything i read seems to say 1500ppfd and a DLI around 60... Bugbee (guys the man)

In the article the person say DLI 41-51....... then a few inches below we have the chart attached below... that reaches a DLI above 40 for about a week... the rest is down in the 30s...

Is this accurate information?
Why are the pros making daily DLI adjustments? is this a quality thing or a financial thing.. Should you be 1500ppfd balls to the walls all of flower... or will quality improve w dialy DLI adjustments... Do they chnage their ppfd or there photo period to achieve this....

The second chart is a CO2 graph from the same article...

Is this accurate information??
this would seems to indicate that if ur going toi stay at house level ambient co2 levels in the veg tent... it doesnt make any sence to run over 500ppfd.... cuz the plants cant use the extra light without extra co2....

Thanks in advance


  • DLIq1.png
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  • co2q1.png
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its the second... i posted it in the general... and the advanced... and since its like my 5th time on this site i wasnt sure ofthe procedure... but thanks for the answer iskabibble
im pushing for an explanation from someone.... not the article... infact im hoping someone tells me its all crap so can disregard it
Dafuw is dli? What happened to lumens lux Par good light and grow...

Confused just don't use shit leds in bloom?
dli is the sum of ppfd.... ppfd is basically theamount of photons the plant gets at a time. what ur lights are running at. how many photons their thowing down ata given time. Some light are more efficient than others at getting to whetever ppfd u want to get to.... then u add the photoperiod to get DLI... apparently thats the most accurate estimate of light... i think someone can correct me if im wrong im just learning this stuff...

Im very curious why the DLI graph looks the way it does it seems to run in contrast to most of the other stuff i read. there has to be a reason i cant figure it out so im raching out to u all for a little help...

and im curious if the co2 graph is accurate... it might effect the veg process if im not going to add co2 i might aswell stay around 500ppfd if that extra light is wasted...
that co2 graph would also indicate that if ur not supplimenting outdoors ur only using like half the light.... so i should be most focused on getting the stuff in the greenhouse co2 late august/ septmeber...