
I am actually in the process of crystallizing a small batch. ;)

I'd love to see a pictorial tek by you if it isn't too much trouble....

What tek did ya use? Would you mind posting a link? Or did you with all your fancy chemistry knowledge devise your own tek and improvise?j
It wasn't a tek per se, most alkaloid extractions are the same or similar.

Yeah, I'll give you one once I get my bestine or equally pure solvent.

I'll begin working on it. I will only do a 150g batch because my big separation funnel broke so 500ml is my capacity.
But I have ordered another 1000ml one and hopefully that will be large enough for a good half kilo wash.
Its spelt 'tutored'!! ;)

On a side note, I have many seeds forming and should be able to take a snap of some xtal's within 24 hours.

I also just signed a lease at a new place I take possession of on the first of August. Gas furnace, central air, dishwasher and laundry room en suite, all hardwood floors.
Exciting !

seems like DIMETHYLTRYPATAMINE is the talk of the town recently in the hallucinatory section of!!!!

oh wait....
thats everywhere!

dmt is getting popular!!!

lives are being saved!!!!
Yeah i agree BBQ deam's is blowing up these days! Seem's like most people are educated on the spirituality behind it as well... Fucking legit!
dude ... check ... I am like this dude in the clip !!
Jokes !

Yeah that's probably more true but still it's nice. I can remember when salvia took off and nobody knew anything about it, they just did it to get fucked up. Seems like deams is a lot different, atleast within my group of friends.
Nah Phelps, DMT is just as 'active' in my neck of the woods and most just understand that its a very powerful hallucinogen. They don't desire to know more.

But do we really need to know that much to receive guidance from our psyche. Its certainly true that single experiences, even with DMT, will not change a person unless they are seeking it.
i think DMT is a very pure, hence easy for body to process, and very powerful and i also think it bridges the right and left brain and that is why the highs are so spectacular