DMT and Phalaris arundinacea.

Hello all! I tried DMT crystal for the frist time the other night, It was a terrifying experience but amazing at the same time. I did not treat the drug with respect before i felt its true power. My first lesson on DMT was to respect it and not take this durg lightly. So now i am doing my research and i need some help or info.

1. My frist question is about Phalaris arundinacea. ( ) I am having a little trouble identifying the plant any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Also if you have any tips on making DMT crystals or paste with this plant i would love to hear it.

2. In this guide ( ) they talk about making a paste in a wheatgrass juicer then using an MAO inhibition to unlock its power. Has anyone tried this method? if so please let me know about the taste/effects of this method.

3. Can you buy MAO inhibition? on this site ( ) they sell Peganum harmala extract but it is used as a dye and not sure if it would work with DMT paste/tea?

4. Thank you for taking to time to read this, if you have any info or tips for me i would love to hear about them.
not sure id want to be in that world for more than 20mins, considering i have forgotten where i was b4 on it. it would be hard to handle reality when you come back after 12hrs+

gl tho :)
I almost got stuck in a bog harvesting phalaris aquatica. The mud sucked my boot off, and I sank knee deep into the mud. Let me tell you, it was one hell of a day. Driving home was no fun either. I was able to get my boot back though.

Have fun - Dr.Nick
not sure id want to be in that world for more than 20mins, considering i have forgotten where i was b4 on it. it would be hard to handle reality when you come back after 12hrs+

gl tho :)

Haha i know what you mean when i took my frist hit of DMT crystal i keep telling myself that it is only going to last 5min hang in there. Now to think i want to spend five hours or more in that world. Shamens have been doing that way for a 1000yrs and they say the DMT pluse a MAOI tea will lift you up to the universe on a feather and bring you back the same way unlike DMT crystal wich takes you up in a rocket ship then drops you back down to earth the same way.