DMT Extraction

Honda Cog

Active Member
(i found this on the net and wanted to store it here try one day)

Been hunting around to find a simple method i could follow,i believe this to be a good one well i understand it and feel i could do it.
If you have prior knowledge to this TEK or have done it this way please post any extra info you my have.

This tek is not mine, but taken from elsewhere on the web...the final product can be washed in a simple ammonia wash to purify it. No more need for grinding, powdering, freezing, etc.

The main text describes in detail...following this is the numbered steps, with extensive notes following.

For lye, you can use the "Rooter" brand lye from Ace Hardware (powder in a small plastic jar) labeled 100% lye in yellow on the front.


The Lazy Mans Guide to Extracting Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark by Vortex
A report and guide for a new way of extracting MHRB

Extraction Time: 1 gm in 2.5 hrs, 4 gm in 7 hr, 7.5 g total @48 hrs from Mexican MHRB Inner Root Bark

Equipment: 5 Litre ceramic or stainless steel mixing bowl, stainless stell Potato masher, 2000 ml measuring cup, Large flat glass baking pan, Fan, VM&P Naphtha; hardware store, NaOH sodium hydroxide; online auction, often listed as Red Devil Lye.


This process is much simpler than all of the other DMT extraction teks for Mimosa hostilis root bark. All you need to do is throw pieces of root bark into water which has had a measured amount of NaOH/sodium hydroxide dissolved into it, wait an hour, add naphtha, stir for a few minutes and then pour the naphtha off into a collection container for evaporation. In essence that is all there is to this tek. No need to fuss with acidifying the root bark for a defat, no pH papers needed, no separatory funnel, nothing fancy yet this is a very effective technique with higher yields than any other method out there yet.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the extraction method using a half kilo of root bark:

Break 400 to 500 grams of Mimosa hostilis root bark, whether inner, outer or whole root into small enough pieces all of it will fit into a large ceramic or stainless steel mixing bowl with enough room left over to only fill the bowl half way to the top. Next, completely dissolve 200 grams of NaOH/sodium hydroxide into 2000-3000 ml of tap water and add to the root bark.

Wait an hour for the lye/sodium hydroxide to soften up the root bark and then using a stainless steel potato masher stir and mash the base adjusted water into the pieces of root bark for 20-30 minutes and then pour in 250+ ml of naphtha into the bowl and mix for another 20-30 minutes. After you are done mixing the root bark let it sit for a few minutes so that any emulsion which might have stirred up into the solvent to settle out and then just pour the majority of the solvent off of the top of the basified aqueous mix into a large flat glass baking pan and evaporate with a fan blowing air across the top of the fluid to net 600-1000 mg of alkaloid in just a few hours.

Is there any easier process to extract and isolate that much alkaloid in two to three hours from a pound of root bark? Although the initial yield will be much higher if extracting powdered root bark which takes much less time, whole or broken root bark can also provide high yields if you wait two or three days for the hard strips of bark to turn into a mush as the NaOH breaks it down further and further over time in the basified solution for a higher extraction yield. If waiting 24 hours and performing a single extraction the broken root bark the basified aqueous mix will still need to be extracted over again three or more times to get more of the DMT alkaloid out. That's it, a very simple process with yields others have reported to be much higher than the more often used A-B or acid to base teks. With dried Mimosa hostilis root bark the DMT is already in the form of a salt as is and there are so little plant fats many people simply do not bother with a defat cycle so going strait to base chemical works out very well with this material.

Dry defat without acid

Although Mimosa hostilis root bark extracts fairly cleanly with minimal plant fats if you want to remove what little of it there is you can do so without adding an acid to the powder with water by just mixing the dry (no H20) root bark powder into enough naphtha to allow all of the powder to be freely stirred up into the fluid for a few minutes and then filtered out of the naphtha which is then discarded. For an extreme defat heat the naphtha to near its boiling point and then stir the powder into it but be sure to pour off every drop of naphtha you can when done and throw that naphtha away, you should not use it for anything more in the process. Once you are done with the solvent defat the root bark powder is then dumped into the basified mix, as is and wet with naphtha if you like, or after drying. No harm adding root bark with a little naphtha still soaked into it from the defat, you are just going to end up pouring more naphtha in anyway. This "dry" defat without water works very well to remove what fats there are but is not really needed if extracting the plant material at room temperature.

Step by step guide for the above using a pound of root bark.

If you want to use more or less root bark fraction or multiply out everything specified in this tech for smaller or larger amounts:

1. Break a pound or 454 grams of dried of Mimosa hostilis root bark into small pieces so that no piece is longer than three inches allowing them to all nicely fit into the bottom of a large 5 liter mixing bowl with lots of extra room left over and set to the side.

2. Prepare some basified water by fully dissolving 200 grams (~13 measured tablespoons full) of NaOH/sodium hydroxide lye powder into 2 liters of tap water in a large measuring cup.

3. Add the basified water you just made to the bowl of broken root bark, stir for a few minutes and set aside for two or more hours (longer is better).

4. After soaking the root bark in high pH NaOH adjusted water (which is near a pH of 13.5 or more) for a couple of hours or more take a stainless steel potato masher and start mashing the broken root as best you can in the basified water for 20-30 minutes (longer is better).

5. After you are done mashing the root bark for a few minutes (which will still be fairly hard if only soaking 2 hours) then add 250 to 400 ml of clean room temperature naphtha (more makes separation from the soup easier) and stir the solvent into the aqueous mix for 20-30 minutes (longer is better).

6. After mixing the naphtha into the bowl pour as much of the solvent as you can easily get off of the top of the aqueous mix (naphtha floats on top in water as a distinct layer) into another container, leaving all of the dark soup behind which will be extracted over again later. Be sure not to allow any of the dark water or any of the bubbly emulsion which may have formed in the solvent to go out with it, you just want clear solvent now leaving everything else behind in the bowl.

Note: If you have so much emulsion that the solvent is half filled with it wait a few minutes to an hour for it to settle out so you can get more of the solvent out.

7. Take all of the clear naphtha without any water or bubbles in it you have carefully separated from the basified mix of water and root bark and pour all of it into as large a flat glass container you can find for evaporation. Using a fan to blow air across the top of the fluid will help speed the rate of evaporation several fold faster.

8. After all of the naphtha has been evaporated you will find small white DMT bumps of extract stuck to the glass which can be scraped off with a flat blade. If you also see some shiny clear film on the glass it is best to wait until they completely solidify into a white deposit of DMT before scraping off together with the larger white clumps.

Extraction notes:

When this extraction process was first tried with inner root bark 1.0 grams of very white alkaloid without discernable fat impurities was extracted from beginning to end in just 2 and a half hours and that includes the time to fan evaporate the naphtha in a broad flat glass pan. Of course, the aqueous mix of root bark needs to be extracted over to get more of the alkaloid out of the mix but you can get plenty of DMT for unspecified uses in a short amount of time this way with a minimal amount of elbow grease and time.

Soaking the root bark in basified water

The broken inner root bark was soaked in 2 liters of water with 75 grams of NaOH dissolved into it for 1 hour before trying to mash the root bark in the basified water with a potato masher. The bark almost immediately became a dark black color and the water soon after became very dark brown colored which after 30 minutes of working the root bark with a masher started to appear more black than brown.

The first extraction cycle:

After that 400 ml of naphtha was poured into the aqueous basified mix which was then stirred for 30 minutes with a potato masher so that the solvent would absorb the alkaloid released from the root bark by the high pH water. I like to use 300-400 ml of solvent per extraction to make separation from the basified portion of the mix easier. Then the naphtha was carefully and slowly poured off the top of the aqueous mix into another container for full evaporation to net a full gram of white alkaloid from 500 grams of inner Mimosa hostilis root bark without powdering it.

Second extraction, NaOH doubled:

Right after this first extraction I wanted to see if increasing the amount of NaOH would increase the yield so 75 more grams of sodium hydroxide was dissolved into ~750 ml of additional water and added to the mix with 400 more ml of naphtha poured into the bowl which was stirred again for close to 30 minutes and carefully separated from the mix for evaporation. With the amount of NaOH doubled the yield was found to be 50% greater at 1.5 grams of alkaloid and because of this I recommend a minimum of 150 grams of NaOH for 2 liters of water when extracting 250 to 500 grams of broken root bark and from 200-250 grams of this base per 3+ liters of water when extracting from 500 to 1000 grams of broken root bark.

Third extraction

After the first two extractions the root bark was extracted a third time right way. 400 ml of fresh solvent was added to the mix again and stirred for 30 minutes before pouring the naphtha off for evaporation to yield about ~1.25 grams on the third try that day, all in just a few hours. From there another 400 ml of naphtha (which is way more than needed on a solubility basis) was added to the brown to black appearing aqueous solution, covered to prevent further evaporation and put away to soak for close to 24 hours.

Forth extraction, long soak:

After another day the root bark had become far softer and almost slimy instead of stiff root bark as it had been the day before, the NaOH clearly doing its job at breaking the plant material down. The solvent from this forth long term extraction was evaporated to yield another 1.5 grams of white extract for a total of close to 5 grams of impure DMT from 500 grams of inner root bark from the four extractions spread over 30+ hours from when the root bark was first placed in the bowl.

Fifth extraction, another 24 hours and warming:

For this fifth extraction of the aqueous solution naphtha was added into the bowl and allowed to sit another 24 hours before pouring the naphtha off for evaporation. An hour before pouring it off the mix was warmed to 120 degrees F. and stirred for 20 minutes. Upon evaporation I found that the warming had made quite a difference, even after having extracted the mix four times prior I found that I was able to draw nearly 2 grams of alkaloid into the solvent this time which was more than any of the previous single extractions, even greater than the first or second which you would naturally assume would be greater. Part of the reason for this might be that the root bark had soaked in the basified solution longer releasing more alkaloid to the water and also part due to both the basified mix and solvent being warm but in any case the draw was highest on the fifth extraction of the solution bringing the total net up to ~6.5 grams with more left in the root bark to get out, all from 500 grams of inner root bark.

Sixth extraction, more heat caused problems:

A sixth and last extraction was performed to the mix by pouring 500 ml of fresh naphtha back into the bowl, stirring for a few minutes and then heating the aqueous solution under the naphtha to 130 degrees F. for an hour, stirring often. The temperature of the naphtha floating on top of the basified solution was measured to be 10-15 degrees cooler than the basified mix below it due to what I assume was being caused by cooling as the solvent evaporated off the top, even though a fairly slow rate of evaporation. After an hour at 130 F. the warm naphtha was poured off for rapid fan evaporation in the large flat glass pan which yielded close to 2 grams of yellowish extract (only becoming yellow after solidifying, clear until then) but this time upon cooling did not firm up very quickly and even after 8 hours was a very soft sticky extract which was obviously mostly DMT as indicated by both smell and crystalline formations but would not dry into a firm wax-like substance very quickly due to what I believe might be fatty impurities released from the root bark when heated too far in the base solution.

Extraction advice; soak longer, extract more with less work:

Instead of all of the multiple extractions one after the other you could save yourself some work by just throwing 500 grams of broken pieces of root bark into 2 liters of water with 200 grams of NaOH dissolved into the water and then pour in 750 ml of naphtha and set the whole container aside for three days, stirring just once a day for 20 minutes at a time. After three days the solvent from a single draw of the aqueous mix should contain far more alkaloid, maybe has high as two thirds the total amount I had pulled out in four separate draws done over 24 hours. Obviously, even after letting the mix sit for three days and a very successful first big pull of the alkaloid from the mix you will need to re-extract the aqueous solution with more naphtha at least three times to get the bulk of the alkaloid out but then you could probably still continue extracting the mix a half dozen times or more and still get more of the alkaloid out each time, although ever diminishing returns. You just have to decide how much you want to get out of the mix before considering it a waste of time or solvent to continue working at it.

Notes on separating the naphtha from the aqueous mix:

When separating the naphtha from the NaOH/water/root you may need to first pour the solvent off the top of the mix into a large measuring cup allowing some of the dark basified water to come over with it so that you can more easily pour the solvent off using the small spout on the measuring cup because when pouring the solvent out of a bowl it is difficult to control what pours out.

To warm or not to warm the basified mix of root bark:

Although the majority of the alkaloid had been extracted at room temperature for this extraction I found that the amount of alkaloid extracted is greater when the mix is warmed up to 100 degrees F. - Whether it is a good idea to warm highly basified DMT containing plant material I do not know. Although the yield was greater in a shorter amount of time on that last draw at over 130 degrees F. the extract was different, although clear before complete evaporation of the naphtha it turned a yellow color and remained as a syrup-like liquid for two days, although which took days to begin to crystalize yet it appears to be fairly high percentage DMT by both smell and appearance when it does crystalize. Perhaps heating the mix allows plant fats to come over which did not do so before? Perhaps Not being any kind of a chemist I do not know the answer to this but I can accurately report on what I observed which is all this tech really is, a report.

When soaking the root bark in the warmed solution be sure to periodically check the temperature to make sure the solution does not go over 120 F. or you might get a lot of the gummy impurities in the extract which showed up when I did so. Even though I am recommending 100 degrees F. and suggesting an upper limit of 120 degrees F. even 100 F might be too warm if over a long enough period of time causing some of the gummy substance I had observed coming over into the solvent at ~130+ degrees to be extracted. To assure this substance does not extract along with the alkaloid it might be better to just leave the solution at normal room temperatures while soaking the bark in the aqueous mix for 72+ hours and only raise the solution to 120 degrees F. for an hour prior to pouring the solvent off for evaporation.

If you decide to heat your basified mix with naphtha in it for hours to days as the root bark is broken down by the NaOH I would cover the container with kitchen plastic wrap or something to slow the evaporation of the naphtha. After 48 hours the root bark is broken down pretty good by the lye to where it becomes fairly soft and extracts well but if you are using powdered root bark I do not believe it would be necessary to soak the bark for that long a period of time at all, probably just an hour or more should be enough to chemically break the powder itself down further for a higher extraction yield.

There is a report that DMT will break down in solution over time, more easily if at high pH. While I have not verified this report I did get a runny extract when the temperature was allowed to rise to 130+ degrees for an hour. Just in case, if you do one of these extractions at the high pH called for in this tech to help break the root bark down (and to increase the amount of yield which comes over at a pH of 13.5) I would limit the amount of time the root bark soaks in the basified mix to no more than three days.

A few last words about the tek

Although I have written this tek as a how to do guide, it is also a report and not meant to imply that this is "the way" to do an extraction, it is just one way which I am sure can be improved upon as people start getting more experience with it. I might not be doing everything just right, but I think I am close with the amount of yield that I was able to get. Heating is the big question, should we heat a basified mix at all? I don't know, but the yields do come over fast if you do. Maybe the safe thing to do is only heat the mix just prior to the last hour or so and keep the mix at room temperature the rest of the time.
I found doing q21q21's dry tek was substantially easier than anything I have read on the net regarding DMT extraction. Pickling lime, vinegar, and naptha. Great looking crystals every time.
Can you give me a link ?

My mistake, didn't see you responded! Anyways, yes here is a link.
Also, here you can find tons of extraction teks for quite a bit of things.

By the way, you will want to click on "4 Tek 2: The Fluffy White Funfest".
Here is a super short and compressed version of the tek, located at the end.

Q21Q21 said:
You need:
Lime (Ca(OH2)
First mix enough vinegar to wet your MHRB (100g of bark is good for first extraction) When it is wet, red and kinda thick-muddy slowly add boiling water until there is enough liquid that it moves back and forth when you tip the container. Mix it very thoroughly Let it sit for 15 minutes or so.
Next add at least 3:4 ratio lime to bark. IE: 75g or more lime for 100g MHRB Mix it thoroughly. It can be anywhere from the consistancy of cookie dough to thick pea soup. Not too wet and not bone dry so you see dry lime all over. Let it sit for about an hour, stirring periodically.
Make sure the bark mush is warm. Cold naptha is very poor at dissolving DMT. You can use anything gentle to heat, hot water bath or crock pot on LOW. Naptha is FLAMABLE so do not use anything with a flame or an element on anything but LOW. Add about 1ml naptha for every 1g MHRB used. It should stay clear and separate from the bark mush. Stir the naptha around all the bark. Stir periodically over 5-10 minutes.
Gently pour off the naptha (might need to use coffee filter) into a container which will go in the freezer. I use an 8 inch pyrex cake pan. If the naptha is at a low level in the container you may want to wrap it in saran wrap to prevent evaporation
In a couple hours the naptha should get cloudy. Slowly over 8-24 hours the DMT will precipitate out of the naptha and form crystals on the container. When the naptha is no longer cloudy then gently and but quickly pour the naptha off the crystals (may need coffee filter). Put the container on it's side to allow the naptha to evaporate. Watch the sun because the crystals will melt into a goo at about 40C or so.
When the crystals no longer smell of naptha they are ready to smoke or whatever. Keep in a dime bag or something.

Good luck.
My mistake, didn't see you responded! Anyways, yes here is a link.
Also, here you can find tons of extraction teks for quite a bit of things.

By the way, you will want to click on "4 Tek 2: The Fluffy White Funfest".
Here is a super short and compressed version of the tek, located at the end.

Good luck.

Thanks mate,i will look these over now.
quick question tho,where do you get Naptha in the uk ? it always puts me of a TEK when i see its needed...
Q21Q21 said:
Naptha petroleum is a non-polar solvent and the only non-food-safe ingredient, though it's toxicity is quite benign. Assuming it is always used with ample ventilation and isn't spilled all over you.
The LD50 (amount needed to consume for 50% of subjects to die) for naptha is stated as 8000-20000mg/Kg while the LD50 for DMT is 60-110mg/Kg. Heck the LD50 for Vitamin A is 1510-2570mg/Kg and Vitamin B is 560mg/Kg.
Plus 2 things:
1. It evaporates cleanly without a trace in a couple hours
2. When burned it produces only WATER and CARBON DIOXIDE, that is why using it as a lighter fuel is safe.
Anyway, it is simply lighter fluid which many houses have around already, but you need one that doesn't have any nasty additives.
If you are in the US then VM+P Naptha is your choice.
If you are in Canada then Ronsonol Lighter Fluid or Escort Camp Fuel are your choices.
If you can't find either then buy some lighter fluid and test it:
1.Pour a little on a surface (I use blank CDs)
2.Wait an hour or two for it to evaporate. If it smells or looks like anything other than a blank and clean/dry surface then the lighter fluid SHOULDN'T be used.

Not exactly sure on where to get naptha specifically in the UK, but it shouldn't be too hard. Go check some hardware stores. They may sell it as a paint thinner. I'm sure the workers could point you in the right direction. Online is also another option. I just checked amazon for UK and found nothing, but I'm sure its out there somewhere. Once again, good luck.

By the way, the tek you have here uses lye and naptha. It's basically the same process I believe, I didn't read through the entire thing, but I skimmed through it. You will need naptha for either of the teks (the one you posted, or me), but yours also requires lye. Q21Q21's tek eliminates lye from the process making it entirely food safe IF you use d-limonene. D-limonene will not yield crystals like naptha will.
Not exactly sure on where to get naptha specifically in the UK, but it shouldn't be too hard. Go check some hardware stores. They may sell it as a paint thinner. I'm sure the workers could point you in the right direction. Online is also another option. I just checked amazon for UK and found nothing, but I'm sure its out there somewhere. Once again, good luck.

By the way, the tek you have here uses lye and naptha. It's basically the same process I believe, I didn't read through the entire thing, but I skimmed through it. You will need naptha for either of the teks (the one you posted, or me), but yours also requires lye. Q21Q21's tek eliminates lye from the process making it entirely food safe IF you use d-limonene. D-limonene will not yield crystals like naptha will.

thanks again i just read the lot,will work on a shopping list soon.

was wondering if i could break open some disposable lighters and extract the fuel inside...only i can find online is "fiddes Naphtha oil" but its a sort of dye for wood..
found D-limonene on ebay tho.

Anyway thanks again Blackhash,i have all the info i need to do this and where i can find it.
Just about to start my first grow so i will give this ago while i'm curing my bud in a month or two.
Honda cog back at it again!! The lsa he wrote about was good check it out. Keep us updated like u did wit the last one
Honda cog back at it again!! The lsa he wrote about was good check it out. Keep us updated like u did wit the last one

hahaha maybe but i'm guess DMT report will come after,LSA last ages and you can be more in control of it...DMT im hoping will blow my mind and i lose all control.
Heptane should be available in the UK and is far superior to Naphtha.

So heptane can be used instead of Naphtha,when ever Naphtha is called for in a TEK ?

so if it's better than why is it not used in any TEK i have read ?

Not being rude just wondering is it a price thing or health issue ?
It's not rude, that's a totally valid question. Naphtha is more commonly available and usually a fair amount cheaper. Also lots of people don't give a shit about the quality of product they're ingesting, let alone selling. DMT should be white. I've encountered it twice where it was and it wasn't my product, and i've encountered it many times. Fucking nasty yellows and reds. Extracting and then recrystallizing good DMT is not difficult at all. But people are willing to ingest unknown garbage.
Pure n-heptane is available as rubber cement thinner sold under the trade name Bestine.
Also I wrote up a guide on extractions that I will be posting as soon as a few people have proofread it.
So heptane can be used instead of Naphtha,when ever Naphtha is called for in a TEK ?

so if it's better than why is it not used in any TEK i have read ?

Not being rude just wondering is it a price thing or health issue ?
Heptane and naptha are both non-polar solvents. I assume it would work very well in place of naptha. Let duck re-affirm it, though, he's the chemistry master! ;)
Naptha yielded nice white crystals, but there are a small amount of off-white/yellow crystals, but mainly white.
Heptane pulls a little bit cleaner of a product but where the difference really shows is in the recrystallization. Doing a defatting step initially also makes a huge difference in the quality of your product as you pull most of that nasty yellow shit out before extracting the DMT.
would love to check that extraction out once it gets posted Educk, hope everything is going well on ur end. anyone have luck find reliable bark?
Mr EDuck will you he posting a link here once your extraction is proofed.
I found a place for MHRB online but not order yet,but the site looks good.
LI'LL be posting here after its proofed and hopefully getting it stickied. Questions about extractions are really common and answering the same question over and over is annoying.