Dmt Lab, derp?!

That's the thing, once you get in the DMT loupe, you get these weird insights and observational skills and gnostic inputs.
Of course getting lab grade shit will draw attention. So, you would need to look at the product you made.
A friend of mine known as Root has done some really nice microscopic shots of the crystals. Even really clean looking DMT will capture impure yellow crystals as it settles out.
I wouldn't use DMT I didn't make myself. I haven't used any for the last few years, but I have a stock of some bark.
Q21Q21 lemonene/Vinegar/lime tech works awesome, everything is food grade, so there is no worry about bad chems getting in to the final product.
No such thing as good or bad chems. Only impure chems. And proper and improper use of them. Ive made 95%+ pure 5 ho dmt with boiling xylene. Almost lab grade. Suggest researching chemistry. 10% tek, 90% further research. It takes me 10 minutes to read the tek, then i spend weeks, maybe months further research. And recheck every so often cuz things change. Like chemical make up of solvents. I gotta change my tek cuz of that shit.
That's the thing, once you get in the DMT loupe, you get these weird insights and observational skills and gnostic inputs.
Of course getting lab grade shit will draw attention. So, you would need to look at the product you made.
A friend of mine known as Root has done some really nice microscopic shots of the crystals. Even really clean looking DMT will capture impure yellow crystals as it settles out.
I wouldn't use DMT I didn't make myself. I haven't used any for the last few years, but I have a stock of some bark.
Yeah after i extracted and used 15+ grams of crystals i became chemical wizard, obsesed with purity. Took pieces from 10 teks and made my own, adding my own steps not found in any tek, created from my own research and understanding of chemistry. Advancing scientific knowledge. Have done dozens of extractions since frome many different plants. Every plant can be extracted, shit, even cat nip. I got some damiana resin up in my cabinate ;) sux i lost 95% of my equipement. Now im window shopping for real lab gear. No more grocery store bought kitchen laboritory. Nothing short of lab purity extracts will cut it for me.
That's the thing, once you get in the DMT loupe, you get these weird insights and observational skills and gnostic inputs.
Of course getting lab grade shit will draw attention. So, you would need to look at the product you made.
A friend of mine known as Root has done some really nice microscopic shots of the crystals. Even really clean looking DMT will capture impure yellow crystals as it settles out.
I wouldn't use DMT I didn't make myself. I haven't used any for the last few years, but I have a stock of some bark.
Yeah if i did buy dmt i would ask for their tek and was solvents, or lack there of were used. Chances are it will fall short of my standards.
Yeah after i extracted and used 15+ grams of crystals i became chemical wizard, obsesed with purity. Took pieces from 10 teks and made my own, adding my own steps not found in any tek, created from my own research and understanding of chemistry. Advancing scientific knowledge. Have done dozens of extractions since frome many different plants. Every plant can be extracted, shit, even cat nip. I got some damiana resin up in my cabinate ;) sux i lost 95% of my equipement. Now im window shopping for real lab gear. No more grocery store bought kitchen laboritory. Nothing short of lab purity extracts will cut it for me.
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care to share your tek?
That's the thing, once you get in the DMT loupe, you get these weird insights and observational skills and gnostic inputs.
Of course getting lab grade shit will draw attention. So, you would need to look at the product you made.
A friend of mine known as Root has done some really nice microscopic shots of the crystals. Even really clean looking DMT will capture impure yellow crystals as it settles out.
I wouldn't use DMT I didn't make myself. I haven't used any for the last few years, but I have a stock of some bark.
Why does it seem DMT gets a whole lot more interesting the more One does it, @ANC ?
care to share your tek?
FASA Tek basicly. I did STB ION FASA that time tho a Salted(Ion) A/B FASA would prolly be better. Ive fallen away from STB teks for pretty much all plant extractions except yopo. A/B's allow for more leaway and personal modifications to make the Tek your own. I never follow any Tek to a T. I prefer to take the best parts of different teks, some times adding my own personal mods based on my own research and theories. I try to add something new to my Tek every extraction. Make the good the best and the best even better!