dmt Naphtha question


Well-Known Member
check it

50g mimosa bark
50g lye
dissolved in
750ml dh2o
then use 50ml naptha per pull.

i believe those are the ratios from nomans tek.
i have used them forever and they work mint.

go to the grocery store and find coffee filters that are unbleached brown paper.
buy them.
pour your snowglobe through one.
it will collect the majority of your spice.
then quickly dry the jar out by putting a fan on it.
this is important.
if you let the dmt on the jar warm up too much, it will melt and run out with the excess naptha, so dy it quickly.
once the jar is dry, you can scrape it clean.
as for the deems in the coffee filter, let it dry and then carefully remove it,
dmt will smear like a wax, so handle it carefully.


Well-Known Member
Dude you used WAY WAY too much naphtha, about 150 -200ml per pull is all you need.

Heres my advice, stop evaporating and add 300 ml of the naphtha (you are evaporating) to your base solution and roll it, invert, and tumble it, dont shake, for about 15 to 20 min. let settle and Collect 150ml of the naphtha then start evaporating till its about 50ml work and then stick it in the freezer. Then proceed with the secondary pull and so on. Evaporating 2 liters of naphtha is a waste of it, not much is nesessary.

Keep us updated


Well-Known Member
Dude you used WAY WAY too much naphtha, about 150 -200ml per pull is all you need.

Heres my advice, stop evaporating and add 300 ml of the naphtha (you are evaporating) to your base solution and roll it, invert, and tumble it, dont shake, for about 15 to 20 min. let settle and Collect 150ml of the naphtha then start evaporating till its about 50ml work and then stick it in the freezer. Then proceed with the secondary pull and so on. Evaporating 2 liters of naphtha is a waste of it, not much is nesessary.

Keep us updated
ok ill try that. i was just following this vid. But if i just wait till the original naphtha i used on the first pull is down to about 50ml then throw it in the freezer would that still work? Here is the tek i used to do it.


Well-Known Member
Ha what a coincidence im watching fam guy and its one of the orig episodes where he takes lucy and ends up at the renaissance fair haha.


Well-Known Member
Yes that would work but you would be wasting naphtha IMO. Check this tek out, its much more efficient in its use of naphtha.

Ok cool thanks for the link. I guess im just gonna let this pull evap and scrape what i got. Tomorrow im gonna try this way it seems a lot more legit. Thanks. BTW the stuff that has been evaping from the glass cake dish is starting to turn milky. Im guessing this is good ha. The little amount i poured into a small glass bowl is starting to crystallize im starting to see the first formations. Ill let yall know how it comes along sometime tomorrow. And after that im gonna start over using the tek u posted. I will be sure to let yall know how things turn out tomorrow. Thanks for all the help. Im sure ill need some more help tomorrow haha. :peace:bongsmilie:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I mean additive... haha.. but I was looking for that kind of response... salvia seems to carry alot of the psychoactive relationship to PCP... THAT deliriant who the fuck am i kind of ordeal!
Ah well in that case, easy to explain.
Salvia is a foreign substance to the body, whereas DMT is a naturaly occuring chemical in the body.


Well-Known Member
Ah well in that case, easy to explain.
Salvia is a foreign substance to the body, whereas DMT is a naturaly occuring chemical in the body.
Hey guys just wanted to say got a good yeild. I didnt have time to stick it in the freezer but am going to do that today with another pull Im gonna start. I would say out of the 2 pulls ive done so far i got about a g from 150g mhrb. Pretty good stuff too, everyone seems to enjoy it. Thanks for all your help everyone. :peace:bongsmilie
Salvinorin A is the most potent naturally occuring hallucinogen. It's effects on the brain is quite astounding. Unique. I feel that it has a very close and natural relationship with the human body albeit it is not made in the brain.


Well-Known Member
Ah well in that case, easy to explain.
Salvia is a foreign substance to the body, whereas DMT is a naturaly occuring chemical in the body.

That's the kind of answer I was looking forward to... extra natural typtophan why not ;)