DMT still works after a year of poor storage?

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
I have a 3-chamber freebase pipe similar to the one below that I have used to smoke DMT in the past. When I bought the DMT, it was a orangeish brown sand. I would put a good amount of DMT in the pipe and it would last for several uses without having to reload. Many uses actually. Cause there was so much resin in there that never seemed to go away, we could use the same bowl over and over again. That was about a year ago. Since then I have given the rest of my DMT to a friend, and my freebase pipe, (still caked with resin and crystalized DMT all the way up the tube), has been sitting in my drawer for this entire time. A year more or less.

It's been exposed to air and heat and occasionally light if I take it out of the drawer to look at. But I tried it today and it is just as potent as it was a year ago it seems. How can this be? From what I've read online, DMT is pretty fragile.

The weird thing is, when I tried it today, it was not harsh at all. It was like breathing air. No disgusting taste or smell. This is in direct contrast to when I first smoked DMT with that same pipe. Extremely harsh, even in miniscule amounts and a potent taste and smell

What happened to my DMT resin over the year to make it not harsh or taste bad at all? Was my original product extremely contaminated by harsh chemicals and they just degraded over time while the DMT didn't? I'm so confused.

Someone with chemistry knowledge on DMT please help me understand! :razz:



Well-Known Member
Thats strange but lucky the taste is um.....not that good if you ask should share some of your good tasting dmsters

thats the last of my DMT pure got it from some family only have about 250mg left but should be alright...sorry can't answer your question but figured I would add something


Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
Yeah it's crazy. It's just like breathing in air. I still have yet to have a breakthrough. It's just so radical. The speed in which it goes from dead sober to a super high psilocybin dose is so jarring. Haven't even gotten to see the portal, let alone go through it.

Any tips for me other than stop being a pussy? :wink:


Well-Known Member
BIG HITS thats the only advise I can give to breakthrough.....or 3-4 grams mushrooms and 30-50mg smoked spice at the peak will definitely do it :fire:


Well-Known Member
Big hits and hold them with your eyes closed. And if all else fails do it during the peak of another psychedelic. With practice you learn to let go and surrender to the experience but that takes practice and a fair amount of comfort with psychedelics in general to be able to do.


Well-Known Member
DMT in its natural forms is very shelf stable , if kept dry in a air tight container, cool, and out of sun light it should last at least 25 years


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I totally forgot to answer the original question. Sorry OP, I've been making like a duck and dabbing all day.

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
I guess now would be the best time to breakthrough since the harshness is gone. It's just very unsettling when one second your fine, then the next second everything is breathing and tingling and vibrating. It's been a long time since I've tripped on shrooms. So it's been a while since I've visited that realm.


Well-Known Member
take some time to gather yourself before the rip....then plunge in, there is nothing to be scared of

it is very strange but good I think I may bust into mine after lunch I have no work today and my wife and kids are at the inlaws this evening...I have half gram mdma, two hits of L left and that bag of spice should be a fun day/evening


Well-Known Member
Duck would have more to add to my 'theory',but as far as taste,all the etheral substances have left like elvis..put naptha on a plate,wait 10 days and it won't smell..similar thing with your stash..other than that,get a blow torch and handle it like a meth pipe..hit that shit like ike did tina...hold on..and thank yourself later.
I myself don't think ill ever break through..made deems with a now deceased friend,we were filling bowls up with it and all I ever got was the 'patterns'..colors coming around me and enveloping my 360degree entities ect..I feel I've tried to over do it..still,nada..good luck bro!

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
It just seems like something that must be done. I need to experience this.

Does anybody ever worry about DMT or other psychoactive drugs messing with your brains ability to naturally produce the psychoactive compounds and hormones?

Cause DMT is technically a hormone right? Taking exogenous hormones like testosterone can potentially diminish or destroy your body's ability to naturally produce it. You think DMT crystals could do the same?

Imagine an existence where your spiritual antennae is permanently destroyed. That would be awful. Not saying that's what would happen, and it's an extreme notion. But how awful would that be? What kind of life would that be? Just a brain dead piece of flesh that fucks eats and shits.


Well-Known Member
Hey man quit talking about my brother like that!!!...:-D
Its called being
I do feel ya tho..that's what all need to think about when consuming any psychedelic..kinda the same idea of surfing a 20ft wave and after just turning on the water hose the rest of your life..that's one reason why I continue to eat psychedelics..ill always wanna improve my thinking and adjust to others,sometimes I feel they help me achieve this when other methods don't work...being cut off from that method would leave me at my present state..sure I could deal with my current disposition in life,but why not better it however I see fit..for me and everyone around me and everyone ill ever meet..they deserve the best from life as well as would be horrible to not have that 'love'..but I don't think dmt or any psychedics would erase that..only improve..all I feel is joy on these drugs and the knowledge that my trip is helping me find a better me..

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
Hey man quit talking about my brother like that!!!...:-D
Its called being
I do feel ya tho..that's what all need to think about when consuming any psychedelic..kinda the same idea of surfing a 20ft wave and after just turning on the water hose the rest of your life..that's one reason why I continue to eat psychedelics..ill always wanna improve my thinking and adjust to others,sometimes I feel they help me achieve this when other methods don't work...being cut off from that method would leave me at my present state..sure I could deal with my current disposition in life,but why not better it however I see fit..for me and everyone around me and everyone ill ever meet..they deserve the best from life as well as would be horrible to not have that 'love'..but I don't think dmt or any psychedics would erase that..only improve..all I feel is joy on these drugs and the knowledge that my trip is helping me find a better me..

It's weird. My psychadelic experiment period lasted a little over a year. With shrooms, a little DMT, a lot of weed and some other stuff including meditiation. Specifically chakra meditation focusing on the third eye. A lot of things happened during that time. I grew so much during that time. Then I stopped taking any psychadelics and even weed for about a year. But I grew almost just as much during that period. In similar ways and in different ways as well.

Today I almost got the feeling that the beauty of everything is just too overwhelming. I have this spot I sit at outside where I've done a ton of weed and psychadelics at and have spent a ton of time in altered states in that spot. And I go there to sit and think sometimes. And today I just got this overwhelming sense of "fuck man, this is too much". I know what I'm supposed to do. I'm intimately familiar with the beauty of this reality and what's beyond. Fuck I just got the same feeling while typing this. Things are just too weird.

Idk, maybe I got too far away from the psychadelic mindset. Maybe I need to get back into the thick of it, but also while finding some kind of middle ground.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a trip is needed..I've found my middle ground after things got too crazy,but still have my time with lucy very often,to make sense of the crazy and make the crazy into a better more usefull thing..I don't accept the glass being half full..I want to be the liquid in the glass..the real reason you're looking at the glass in the first place..idk if I'm making sense...but I hope you get my drift..

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a trip is needed..I've found my middle ground after things got too crazy,but still have my time with lucy very often,to make sense of the crazy and make the crazy into a better more usefull thing..I don't accept the glass being half full..I want to be the liquid in the glass..the real reason you're looking at the glass in the first place..idk if I'm making sense...but I hope you get my drift..
No I gotcha


Well-Known Member
Finding that middle ground is the challenge.
I don't think that taking psychedelic drugs interferes with our bodies ability to produce any endogenous compounds. Down regulation because you're getting something from exogenous sources requires that you have a near constant source of them in the body. Like how the endogenous opioid system gets down regulated to hell when you're addicted to heroin. It's really hard to take psychedelic drugs like that. Most people get the chill out message pretty quickly and then they go through a weird adjustment period but they come back to something close to reality anyway.