From what I know of dmt, having not tried it yet upsettingly... other than a place you're comfortable in the setting doesn't effect much because on that third hit you're in a different world completely.
pretty much spot on..any nice comfy sofa will do...tbh if you could magically be transported to a mud pit in the middle of a dmt trip,you wouldnt know it till you wake up and come out of the trip..and youll probably say that was the best damn mud pit in existence
i cant imagine why you feel the need to curl up in a fetal position on it instincts or just something you do or what?.i just lay there on my back..ive tried moving around a few times but find it hard to make yourself move when you cant see/feel...
i do the same thing,letting the flame slowly roast the pile on top...if the hit is thick and slow enough,im usually starting to fade into it about half way through the inhale...