
There are some great people over at the nexus. IMO, you should do much more research before going about a synthesis, than you would before going about a grow. It's a dangerous extraction, but with a lot of reading it can be as easy as 1-2-3.
i was kidding bout mdma though i wish it were true!
Just signed up on DMT Nexus. generous place with loads of dmt info :)

but im saying for your first extraction dont get your hopes up high... 2nd though its balls out. just dont buy bunk bark. to small pulls
i was kidding bout mdma though i wish it were true!
Just signed up on DMT Nexus. generous place with loads of dmt info :)

but im saying for your first extraction dont get your hopes up high... 2nd though its balls out. just dont buy bunk bark. to small pulls

All good tips. Lots of small pulls, not one big.
do a big pull on final pull. smaller pulls are better due to the dmt and naphtha ration being more concentrated
another tip is once you do your pull evap your naphtha at room temp till it turns cloudy. seal her up throw her in the fridge.
also i think before you pull warm up your main jar to 80-85F. i use a space heater. once its warm light spin bottle for 1 min. set down at let naphtha separate to top. then repeat that 2x.

i do 20mL/cc pulls
Almost my 700th post, damn it's come quick. Either way, I'm going to throw out another forum with a wealth of information: DMT Nexus

Many people there are older and wiser thus the volume of good information. A lot of extraction and other miscellenous guides that are worthy of a read!
Many people there are older and wiser thus the volume of good information. A lot of extraction and other miscellenous guides that are worthy of a read!

The dry-tek over there still scares me a bit. Doesn't seem like it would result in a clean extraction whatsoever. But then again, I've never tried it.
What are you implying?

i started a DMT thread not to long ago trying to get more tips, and it was deleted. im not trying to start shit because i love RIU. i would like to know why tho? its bugging me because its a very safe of a drug, its even in our brain. but what im trying to get at is could you explain this to me?
come on man. lets not make a big deal out of this. if u need a method or tek just get it pm'ed or emailed to you. theres gotta be rules and guidelines on here dude. has all your recipes and extraction methods you could ever dream of! I have been learning over there for a few years now. The community is top notch as well! Its very odd to go to one forum and feel welcomed like they make you feel. It seems to be free of all the regular morons you find in a forum that pertains to the info that is available. This is not an promotion just a heads up! You might find a guy similar to me under the name happycaps! you find me shoot me a pm and I will give you inks to what ever your brain desires. has all your recipes and extraction methods you could ever dream of! I have been learning over there for a few years now. The community is top notch as well! Its very odd to go to one forum and feel welcomed like they make you feel. It seems to be free of all the regular morons you find in a forum that pertains to the info that is available. This is not an promotion just a heads up! You might find a guy similar to me under the name happycaps! you find me shoot me a pm and I will give you inks to what ever your brain desires.

Indeed! That's another valuable source of information. Shroomery does have its perks, but frankly its very disorganized. Mycotopia's search engine is optimal to say the least. Much to be learned on that site ;)