Well-Known Member
I think youre right pal it didnt occur to me cause i have never worked with fems. I can tell you that the lemon og definetly has very slight pheno variations but only in structure and as i said too little in smell hence negligeble.

Yes do cause it will fucking amaze you!

I will post the pics no worries.

Roots keep growing like normal since they still have to absorb water and produce biomass, none of it can be done without roots. It's just the way they absorb those nutrients that plays its role in the end result, in my amateur opinion.

I will defo do a breeding journal when i get a suitable MK ultra female to polinate with that lemon og pollen from the male. cannot fucking wait.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
just found this on the mk ultra (for those that didnt know like me)


Thats interesting your going for a (sort of) BX to the og line, id like to (sort of) BX it to my Lskunk to bring more of the lemon out in her, it would be interesting to see the results!!

Mushmouth was talking about an MK ultra diesel on the weed nerd a few weeks ago, but i cant find any info!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

Beneficials Bio-Link Plus 1L

Living beneficial microbes and fungi, use your plants natural defenses!

Hydrogarden Bio-Link Plus allows your plant to help itself! Naturally fighting a wide range of insects and disease. Bio-Link Plus does this by re-introducing a wide range of naturally occurring beneficial microbes and fungi that have long since largely disappeared from the environment. These naturally occurring organisms aid in the natural process of plant growth and development.

Improves nutrient availability and efficiency resulting in improved plant response.
Aids the development of healthy root systems, making the plant stronger and more resistance to adverse growing conditions & disease.
Assists in the prevention and control of Anthracnose (Black Spot), Botrytis Cineria (Grey Mould), Pythium, Phytophora, Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew and Rhizoctonia as well assisting in the prevention of Red Spider Mite, Mealy Bug, White Fly and other insect attacks through building up your plants natural amune system.

Benefitial microbes assist in the digestion of minerals making them more plant available.

HydroGarden Bio-Link Plus is organic and contains a wide range of benefitial Microbes and Fungi. It is non toxic and non hazardous to humans, animals, fish and plants.

No animal by-products are used in the manufacture of Bio-Link Plus

[FONT=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]OK so i ran out of bio enzyme that i normally use so was on the hunt for something new, it was this above or cannazym. the labels say that cannazym will help to turn dead roots into food, were as the above will make the plant stronger and suck up more nutes. so i went for the above with my thinking a strong plant will look after itself.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]i can now say money well spent, THERE IS NO SMELL ON EARTH LIKE THE ROTTING SMELL FROM THIS however my roots have never been so pearly white! i was so impressed i have let a small bug problem alone and she is still plowing along regardless and showing great resistance, Money well spent!

i will however use the canna cure to rid them tonight then again in 3 days.

there was just over an inch of vertical growth yesterday alone which isn't bad considering there conditions. i wish i had 1 more week veg though and id defo be hitting double figures in [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]yield, LS is straight fire however the yield is on the low side, they are slow in veg, and when compared to a haze etc i would expect a foot tall LS plant in the conditions its in to yield around 8-10 oz dry. [/FONT]

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Thats assuming there will be no more hiccups (there will be im sure!) Both plants smelling very strongly when lights are off, not so much when lights are on, both smell very Lemony, and after heading out yday to buy some Lemon sweets (for the kids ;)) i can safely say the smell is VERY similar to the lemon drops i bought!







L.S.B clones


Makeshift groom!!



Well-Known Member
Nice update!

Do you have mould problem with your LS at the end of flowering? I did when i did it and i was hoping crossing it with the og18 would get rid of it but no... Just found last night 2 tiny bits of mould on the clusters, minute though..

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Nope thank fuck I've never.seen that shit I have the opposite problem at the min it's too dry. Time for a bowl of water in front of the fan, I want my tent back up but the misses threw all my poles away. I cant afford to get a pvc replacement until after this season.

so I have one 600w she broke other one and spare in the middle of a 10ft by 15ft room......not ideal, but I'll just have to manage!!

You got any more picks of them two, I'm gagging, I really need a cheese strain n since I cnt afford to buy the original right now this will have to do!!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
original pictures of the las vegas lemon skunk clone. 100% lemon smell no skunk undertones finishes in 9 weeks

now i would like someone to answer the following for me

A. looking at MY picks do i have two different phenotypes or am i para?
B. looking at her would you say she leans more sat dom or indica dom?

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]mr [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]noodles[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] says ....."its what dna and greenhouse used for their lemon skunk fem . by the way greenhouse and dna lemon skunk seeds are the same . probably produced by either dna or greenhouse in bulk . yes they do share that kind of service among themselves . common practice between euro and spain operation .[/FONT]

more than you think and fanboy would fall on their ass if they knew who produce seeds for who at the moment , all i have to say its LOL X 1000000"

usda101 says......."
It stays in my lineup and cant be found many places . One rub releases the most excotic stinch cant be mistaken . Smokes real head heavy easy to grow not finickey at all . clearly has a more sat leaning pheno.


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Posts: n/a

[HR][/HR]I had three female SLH, no hermies, I would risk it mate, they are cheap...

Lemon Skunk is a cutting from Las Vegas, it was obtained by DNA Genetics, that's how it got to the Dam.

Franco made up some bullshit at icmag about it, he said it was the old Citral cutting, he only said that to cover up the fact that someone who used to work with DNA gave the cut to Arjan as revenge on DNA.

I don't think there's any Lemon Skunk in SLH. LS is excellent though, if the GHS LS fems are that cutting selfed, shoul be worth a try.

I crossed my keeper SLH to aa Colombian Gold male, not tried growing em yet.

As for GHS, the story I told of the LS cutting, DNA and the guy who fell out with them so passed the cut on is true, I know the guy personally, so GHS did have the LS cutting at that point, but if they made seeds with it or not I have no idea

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
ELL by canaventure seeds.

using the mum above and a lemon larry og kush then bx to the lemon mum. these are very very heavy lemon skunk leaning phenos!most on the review have said what a great yeilder she is and how SAT dom the original clone is! this explains the up high!

so veg picks of ELL LS pheno! (practically LS) courtesy of Kes5480 @thcfarmer.com


Electric Larry Land #4

Electric Larry Land #5
This is the og leaning pheno for comparison notice less xmas tree shape and smaller stacking of nodes like og!

any ideas were id get a pack of these from the tudes all sold out ;(

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
FUCK ME!!!! i HAVE Found it......look at this from this https://www.thcfarmer.com/community/threads/kes5480s-test-grow-electric-larry-land.39823/page-5

posted by canaventure himself!

CannaVentureCannaVenture Seeds

Hey Kes, just saw yoru question man.. Yeah The lemon Skunk has Big leaves, but not wide like a full on Indie dom plant..The LS leaves are more like a hybrid in veg and once they hit 12/12 they will get even skinnier.... Rub the stems, you should be getting a strong lemon/lemon cleaner smell... It will really come out once you get a month into flower...Great smell...Great taste.... Great day time high... All that jazz....

What i have neglected to mention is that the larger plant "sat dom" as i have been calling her, STINKS but were ive been smoking this spicey street weed i havent really been able to pinpoint the smell....untill now! i have seeked advice from a couple of noses who dont smoke. and they have said and i qoute "that smells like the first cut into a lemon" and "smells like a lemon with abit of lime, yea smells nice!" <no mention of a skunk smell and ive used these noses before!!! woohoooo

she is also displaying all of the above characteristics! she stinks so much in veg,... flower will be a joke! also if this turns out to be correct and it is what i think it is, SAMPLE nugs will be sent out as testers to confirm i have what i think i do!


if i have what i think i do ill be busting out some GHS super lemon haze and getting me an actual Lemon tasting SLH.......lets see....

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

clones sat in a cup of water overnight from sunday to monday.

monday placed in dwc cloner. added 0.5ml of bio benificals

tuesday morning and i have little little bumps all up the sides of the stems!

p.s im the shitest cloner EVER!!!!!!! hopefully 5-6 days till roots!!! wooo hooo!!!


Well-Known Member
Nope thank fuck I've never.seen that shit I have the opposite problem at the min it's too dry. Time for a bowl of water in front of the fan, I want my tent back up but the misses threw all my poles away. I cant afford to get a pvc replacement until after this season.

so I have one 600w she broke other one and spare in the middle of a 10ft by 15ft room......not ideal, but I'll just have to manage!!

You got any more picks of them two, I'm gagging, I really need a cheese strain n since I cnt afford to buy the original right now this will have to do!!
Things are fucking ectic atm stinks like fuck no matter how much ona is about, branches are literay weakened by the weight of the buds and most side branches had to be tied up or they´re down by the scrog net (which went out the window cause they just fucking grew and grew), its fucking crazy. My friend keeps wanting to chop them them but im still not happy with trychome colour at all with either strain. These might be 10 weekers for the connosseurs i will do it at 9 and 2 to 3 days, however at week 8 the lemon og could be chopped if you really had to do it.. The amount of resin is just outrageous, sparkly goowey and syrupy on the lemon. Exodus putting on shit loads resin too but not in the same category as the lemon and it smells like a dead rat is puking aborted dragon shit. Very impressed with how they started literally packing on weight from en of week 7. I will show you harvest pics. praying to not have any more mould sprouting up (i really only had 2 buds with the minutest amount and i cannot get humidity below 60% right now :S). Also using final phase for the first time ever on the second week of flushing see how that goes.. I used to just change the water on the tanks every 2 days while flushing (lived in an area with some fucking TOOOOOOOP tap water)

nice pics you posted i will go through your posts more thoroughly


Well-Known Member
original pictures of the las vegas lemon skunk clone. 100% lemon smell no skunk undertones finishes in 9 weeks

now i would like someone to answer the following for me

A. looking at MY picks do i have two different phenotypes or am i para?
B. looking at her would you say she leans more sat dom or indica dom?
holy shit you´ve got the vegas clone! That shit just has to be fucking great to star crossing! omg you are making me jealous! Pure lemon innit?¿
I really think you are being para about the phenotypes, in my amateur opinion. It´s hard to really spot such minute differences in phenotypes without a larger specimen sample.
You´ve got some genes, and know how to grow them out! keep at it, great thread for those lemon.
Also didn´t know the story of GHS lemon skunk which i find impressive, well now we know that they might have 1 decent strain in their catalogue.
Great examplw you showed us by cannaventure. i find the description of the smell of the ls bang fucking on, just straight frsh natural lemon, not that fake chemically shit. The Lemon og smells exaclt that but with a sour diesel fuelyness behind it, it´s incredible.
Keep showing us all that cool stuff!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
holy shit you´ve got the vegas clone! That shit just has to be fucking great to star crossing! omg you are making me jealous! Pure lemon innit?¿
I really think you are being para about the phenotypes, in my amateur opinion. It´s hard to really spot such minute differences in phenotypes without a larger specimen sample.
You´ve got some genes, and know how to grow them out! keep at it, great thread for those lemon.
Also didn´t know the story of GHS lemon skunk which i find impressive, well now we know that they might have 1 decent strain in their catalogue.
Great examplw you showed us by cannaventure. i find the description of the smell of the ls bang fucking on, just straight frsh natural lemon, not that fake chemically shit. The Lemon og smells exaclt that but with a sour diesel fuelyness behind it, it´s incredible.
Keep showing us all that cool stuff!
I FUCKING WISH I DID!! thats a few pictures of Canaventures personal cut straight from vegas.

the point of the pictures is

1> to make this the number one thread for lemon heads.

2> i know DNA used the same clone as pictured, this info and the description that he gave ,along with a few test diaries i have of his electric lemon larry (were this is crossed with a lemon larry og) has given me enough info to know exactly what to look for in my seeds.

Because i know DNA used the above clone all i have to do is keep popping seeds until i end up with one that exactly matches (im not settling for nearly) the description as stated by cannaventure and looks just like the picture. this might sound ridicules but there is more LS leaning phenos in the pack and more that lean towards Neville's skunk #1.

(also i dont mean to blow my own trumpet but i think i already have what im looking for! pickys at lights on!)

TA for stopping by n all klite n dropping a few words, really makes it worth doing- other then the fact im guna get seriously fuckin high at the end of this LOL


weed nerds vs lemon heads looool

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

so this is the start of week 3 under the hps

The one that started off indica dom only occasionally smells of a lemony skunk mix when you rub the stem however she is growing well and in perfect health. this is the one id say leans towards the skunk farther due to the skunky smell and that the Las vegas clone is more sat dom.

The sat dom i now believe to be exactly what i'm after, shes been stinking up the place for ages, knock into her little frame and boom straight lems. when compaired to the L.V.L.S she shows similar node distances and leaf/node structure. so far no sign of skunk in growth or smell, leafs are also narrower then indi dom. the smell alone is convincing me, this is the first girl i have had that smells straight lemon only. when the grow is done i would love to get some samplers to help me decide weather i have what i think i have.


skunk leaning.


Las Vegas Leaning.




Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Fookin hell mate they is goin for it
im pissed about the little one shes the one ive neglected most, but now the one i want most.

this is also not a true rep of dwc if i was in my tent with fans etc and had my environment right these girls would be 3x the size they are now, 3 inches of growth per day in veg has been my best ever (from clone)

im just a fuckin un happy grower atm and its showing in my plants.

got new airstones n theres now 1000xmore bubbles

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
it does look like all my clones have rooted in record time most have little transparent nubs on there stems. they were taken monday! so by next monday i should be in flower and vegging these bitches for 8 weeks.

not sure if i'm going to mainline or go back to the 8 branch star system i used before. i'm also a fan of just 4 branches looks good!