DNA Testing and Terpene Fingerprinting

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As I said before, could give fuck all about any corporatism and rules. Haven't before, won't after. Never been good with rules, you understand coming from a family of criminals (and I mean that in a good way) ;)

Anyways, I think it's better to hear it from the horses mouth, so I appreciate your responses. And I'm well aware of morons out there in Colorado and elsewhere wanting to act like they actually did some work and patent a clone only strain or some stupid fucking hemp plant. Business men who don't know jack shit about plants but plenty about business.

I'm actually tired, but I will craft you a better more encompassing response in the morning. Before I go, I do see your point on coattails and using your name. But from a hypothetical, let's say I did some work with an early blueberry strain and selection I like and worked it down more. What do I call it? Do I give it homage perhaps like Peak Seeds does and call it blueberry? Or do I handle it some other way?

Eta: are you saying attitude seed bank and seedsman don't sell your beans legitimately? Or are you saying other breeders are simply using your names/genetics under their own breeder label? Also how is Whittaker? That strain had my interest
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Here's my gripe;

When someone creates something out of the joy of creating it and another person takes that creation and paints it yellow and claims it for their own and then talks down the person who actually created it in order to elevate the status of their yellow rip-off, it's really unethical, unkind and basically just mean. And this is what's given me the sour taste in my mouth. I admit, Im frustrated, but I will work through it. I've got waaaay to much going for me now to stay in this spot. I just need to vent a little and I'll get over it.

I don't expect anything from anyone, least of all royalties or sympathy. I understand how the game of royalties is played, hence the comment about patenting. And although patenting isn't something I am interested in doing, I can promise you this, there are lots of others who are not only interested in doing this, but actually looking into doing this at this very moment. And once more, where's the incentive for the small time breeders sitting on a gold mine of genetics to not sell out these genes to someone looking to patent them? You get me? This lack of communal support for our breeders seems poised to potentially drive this whole seed thing right into the ground for all of us. And the access to these wonderful genetics that we've come to love so much right to a bottlenecking end.

Im suppressed to hear of these "many accounts of my father threatening to sue people over intellectual property rights." Although I know my father has spoke on this matter before, I know it's also something he has really no interest in at all.

Myself on the other hand may end up being a completely different matter. It almost seems appealing to drag some of these issues into court at this point…but I digress.

As far as what seeds banks actually sell our seeds, Im literally unaware. If you think all the Blueberry seeds you see online or in the shops come from my family, you are sorely mistaken. As a matter a fact the overwhelming majority are knock-offs and there are no royalties received, only the complaints are directed towards me and my father and our brand. So when you say there are seeds available in the seed banks for 130 a pack, Im surprised at how accessible you seem to allude to them being, almost as if their offered at multiple seed banks or something. It's funny how many places whitaker blues beans are available even though there is only one breeding cut of the mother. Fascinating how that works out, eh?

There are no stipulations on what a person can or can't do with a seed once it's sold….UNLESS, the genetics within the seed are patented. When our industry refuses to regulate the foundation of ethics we've all been playing on, we'll leave no choice but for the patenting of genetics.

Take the genetics, make whatever you want with them. DO NOT however take the brand name along with the genetics, drive the brand name into the ground with a shitty knock-off and then jump ship to the next biggest brand name. What is it this week, gorilla glue#4? Take the genetics and make whatever you want, but don't be a dick and make something completely sub-par to what it came from and then swindle the person the genetics came from and your customers by calling it something it clearly isn't. Pure lack of creativity and innovation is what all this comes down to. People unable to work for themselves and then afraid they're gonna get caught stealing someone else's work, so they bash the person they stole the work from real quick…..childish.

Again, I do not expect royalties for the use of the genetics. I do expect the brand and the intellectual property behind it and the effort put into building it to be respected. Just as we would respect any other intellectual property. I may pirate music, but would I charge people for listening to it? No I wouldn't. And if I did have the balls to charge people I surely would try to tell them I created the music and that that other band everyone keeps talking about sucks.

"You are right, pirating and plants are different. A plant has many genotype expressions, even if IBL, a digital copy is just that, an exact copy. A selection of a plant is not the same, even if I start with the same stock as someone else. Surely you'd understand that, your father made selections from stock from other growers around the world. Wait, do they receive royalties and money from your dad's work?"-----Sure, I understand that. And you must understand that when someone does this and then claims to have Dj Short's strain available and sells it as Dj Short's Blueberry or Dj Short's 'wonka-berry' that they are actually stealing his endorsement/strain and brand? And for what? To charge a few extra bucks on a lb or pack of seeds? And to what cost to my fathers efforts? So that people can think the phenotype someone else selected or bred out is a fair representation of my fathers work and word? Fuck that. Call it your own version of wanka berry and leave me and my father out of this. While Im on this topic, this doesn't mean that you then just lie about what the parent strains were either, be an adult and have some fucking morals.

"Now I could see someone being upset over selling F2 of your father's work, but any grower probably wouldn't want those if they were looking for the real deal right?" ----and this is precisely what is occurring in massive amounts. Also, I think people may have neglected to see how easy f6's are to make, or they're just calling f6's f2's. Make all the f2 Blueberry crosses you want, or all the f6's of the IBL Blueberry's you want. Just don't call em Blueberry, and don't ride the coat tails of someone else's brand and work.

Yes, today is a new day. And this is why I've so haphazardly began this discussion about DNA testing and terpene finger-printing. If I may reorient this towards my original topic.

What will all of any of us who've grown accustom to making money from cannabis through the use of specific brand names do once those brand names are bough by corporate interests? What will any of you do when your first costumer comes back to you and says,

"look, I just need to say this, I've been getting this pot from you for years, and it's great, I love it. But the thing is that all these years you told me this was Trainwreck. Well, the other day I had it tested and turns out you're either a liar, or don't know anything about genetics, cause this isn't trainwreck.

All Im saying is prepare, because that day is approaching much faster than anyone seems to be ready for.

You came here to whine and you expect people to be sympathetic to your cause? I mean seriously dude first you come in here with some crazy ass claims (some are true) but you provide no evidence nor real substance to debate. You can call me a douche bag or a 12 year old I will take that. But I would rather be something that cleans a vagina and has bigger balls than a whiny bitch.

Boo hoo your daddy sells seeds and people took them and made their own, the family profits dropped and now you are here to cry about it. Sorry for being an asshole, oh wait no really not sorry.
I try to give everyone the benefit of doubt and tend to read people fairly well. I think Tonight_You has said just about everything I want to. What I don't understand is how you don't know how much all the seedbanks are charging for your guys gear. I am not talking about other peoples Blueberry as they are much cheaper. I am talking about yours, I just don't understand how you can say you make nothing because I am used to seeing people want your gear and it sells for a premium price. Even if you only make half of it that's still around $65 for a pack of 10 beans!

The only thing I can tell you on that part is to make more seeds of your main blueberries and lower the prices. I know you think you wouldn't make as much by lowering the prices but I believe you would actually make a lot more money. There are tons of people that would love to give Blueberry a go but can't afford it or pass it up as they find something else for half the price. I am not telling you how to run your business by any means or trying to be a dick. I am just saying I think you guys have offered a lot to the community and would like to see more people buying and talking about your guys strains. You just seem to have the wrong attitude completely when it comes to dealing with growers on here. I do understand how there is always 2 sides to everything though, and I am sure growing up with the life and family you have you see things quite differently then any of us on the outside of things.

And like Tonight_you says. You got to give guys such as Bodhi respect for breeding with your guys Blueberry to share the love knowing that he is not going to make a dime off from them just because he honors your families wishes of not selling a blueberry cross. That almost don't seem right to me as it was his own strain it wasn't him taking blueberry and IBLing it.

If you do stick around here I hope you can show us the better side to everything and show the guys what all you can bring to the table. The online community is a big part of growing/breeding these days. If you get online and are polite and generous to others your outfit will go much further then it ever has before. I have been wanting to pick up a pack of Blueberry myself, I don't care too much what price it is I just want whatever one is the best. I want a Blueberry that actually shows a lot of color and has that nice euphoric high that the strain is known for. It is hard to see the differences in any of the strains you guys offer now, and they seem to be all different then the Bluebery offered by you guys 10-15 years ago. I have seen many people report that the lines were not stable on here and that the plants just aren't the same as they used to be. But I am still willing to give them a try I would just like to know what strain or 2 to go with out of your guys lineup to get what I want. What one is the closest to the old blueberry everyone breeds with?
That's just it DoctorFrost. You hit the economic theory on the head. Lower prices to increase consumer demand, which in turn will make more revenue. The costs of production stay the same unless of course DJ Short changes things to decrease expenses.

Now bodhi is a stand up guy, but let's not ignore the fact that by giving away those beans he also benefited financially. Due to those being freebies, Bodhi stimulated demand as when I bought a pack of his gear, these were given away as a bonus. I made two purchases to get two of those packs.

Now I can get your family not being happy using a name you've made famous. I can see that being frustrating as it does cheapen a brand, as your product label gets diluted if people make poor representations of your original genetics.

Now someone like me isn't interested in anything but the best/original to be honest with you. That of course isn't everyone, some people will always use cheaper substitutes when possible. A way around that is again to make beans cheaper to increase consumption.

Let's not forget through some of the knock offs (I'm using that term for any one selling "Blueberry" that isn't yours) were made when your Dad did business with them. In particular I'm thinking Dutch Passion. If that was a shared venture, I can only presume compensation was provided since genetics were shared. I'd think they'd have a financial right to continue work made between the two of the companies if they also spent time making such crosses.

Anyways, I'm glad you've cleared up some air on a few topics. I'm also glad you are participating on these boards. I hope you take this opportunity and reach out to us growers as well as create interest in your gear.

And here is a picture of Blueberry Hill. She's quite the beauty isn't she? Not the strongest gal I've got but she's a good day smoke. Would like more of a blueberry flavor/smell off her but I realize the Appy dad took over the aromas of spice. I've contemplated looking for another mother but she's a nice producer, and people really like her.
As far as what seeds banks actually sell our seeds, Im literally unaware. If you think all the Blueberry seeds you see online or in the shops come from my family, you are sorely mistaken.

Thank you for the response. I can understand some of your concerns.

The statement I quoted above is a bit confusing though. Are you saying that seed banks like Attitude, Seedsman, Cannazon, etc that carry your brand are potentially selling knock-offs under your brand name?
I think all this dilution of genetics thing is a bunch of hogwash. Yeah it can happen but when you got serious breeders on the job the impact should be positive not negative. It won't always go that way but I definitely don't understand the cry about it. If they didn't want to release their genetics they should have just kept it in the family vault. Then we wouldn't have to deal with some dudes kid whining on the forums.

I have no clue what seedbank sells our beans... lmfao.. this kid has about as much information as a garbage can has treasure.
You are right Tonight_You, and honestly what are the expenses of making beans? I know you put your hard work and time into them but think about it. You can make thousands and thousands of seeds off a big plant. I bet it is 10-100 times as much as a bud plant profit wise. It'd be very hard to lose any money making beans, and if you do there is something seriously wrong.

And you are right, I never thought about how he used them as freebies. I hope he makes some more Blueberry crosses as freebies because I want some. I would love to have gotten a pack of the Blueberry Hill when they were available. I figure they are all long gone tho.

And King Arthur, that's just it... How could he not know where there seeds are being sold at / who they are doing business with unless he wasn't a part of it at all. He just confuses me in all his posts because nothing really adds up and I wonder why he is even posting what he is. But hey I will give him the benefit of doubt on some of these things if he just explained himself a little better.
If someone wants to use the Blueberry or some other strain to breed something 'better' or different, that's awesome. Its totally doable. I definitely don't pretend to think there aren't scores of people out there capable of doing things with the genetics that I couldn't comprehend. There are so many good growers and breeders out there. So if someone wants to take the Blueberry and breed it into something else, shit even if they just continue the IBL from the f5 point, I wouldn't want to stop anyone from doing that. That's good business for me and good business for them and provides good smoke for everyone. As far as what someone should call it, that's completely up to them. Just don't call it Blueberry, and certainly don't market it as Dj Shorts Blueberry or Dj Shorts strain. I've never heard of Peak seeds and don't understand the hypothetical part about working out an 'earlier' version of Blueberry and then offering it as a homage to my father. Sure seems a lot more like pirating the brand than paying it homage. Did they contact Dj to ask? Have they offered royalties for using the brand that's selling their product? Or is the 'homage' the payment? Because the other problem is that if Dj is not associated with peak seeds, then they are offering a product under the guise of my fathers brand that may in fact be sup-par. And at any rate most likely is not Blueberry, anyone purchasing these strains are then under the impression that what peak seeds offers is representative of my father work. Again, I've never heard of peak seeds and am only using them as an example.

Call it whatever you want, just don't call it one of the biggest brands in the biz to sell a few more packs.

I came here to whine and evoke sympathy? Odd, I clearly stated I expect zero sympathy. King Arthur, you're clearly a troll or 11. I can't respond to you in any manner worth either of our time unless you provide a statement worth responding to. If you're just hear to insult me, kindly fuck off please and thank you.

The reason I don't know how much seed banks charge for our gear is because 99% of the gear out there you think is 'ours' isn't. And I know for a fact that the price point on the gear is beyond reasonable, especially considering how rare it is. And I know lowering the prices would be good for everyone. However, think of the logistics involved. Its not like these things just grow on trees, oh wait, that's right….but the problem being that those trees are illegal and that I/we are conducting ourselves within the framework of a legal system. I will not go into this in detail. I won't be prodded anymore on this subject, all I I will say, and I'll leave it at this, is that if you don't know how this works, then you don't need to, and the knock-off seeds you've been buying will suffice just fine for your purposes. Once you want to look out from under the covers maybe then you'll find the beans you've been looking for.

"You just seem to have the wrong attitude completely when it comes to dealing with growers on here. I do understand how there is always 2 sides to everything though, and I am sure growing up with the life and family you have you see things quite differently then any of us on the outside of things." <<<<< BAMM!! Nailed it! Thank you DoctorFost. Yes, I am figuring out what angle to take with the growers. I understand this is part of my complication. I am new to this scene here, Im new to stepping out from my retreat. All this shit is new to me, and Im a breeder/grower. I have to work with the growers around me, and I don't know how, it's been hard. And there is a lot of educating that needs to be done on all fronts. I need to learn some things about the life and struggles of a grower in order to support them as they need, and vice versa. I am learning. And please forgive my frustration, as a community, we haven't all been playing too nicely.

I try to have respect for those using the genetics ethically. There really are too many to name, just as there are too many knock off's to name. And honestly, this is why I am not at this time naming names. Here's the thing, those using the genetics appropriately and with a set of morals won't look twice at my rantings. They know it's below them and their time is way to precious to waste defending themselves to me, even if I may be Dj's son. Those using the genetics appropriately won't look twice at this and they know they won't need to. They know that when it comes time to do the DNA testing that not only are the genetics in their shit what they say they are, but that they were also given permission to use them. I think some of the confusion in all this may be about copyrighting of brands which is a completely different thing than patenting or copyrighting a genetic. Take the genetics, make your berry out/incross. But either provide reimbursement for the use of the brand, or make your own. No one is saying don't sell the cross because it has Dj's genetics in it. If that's what people were saying, a huge swath of the strains out there would be owning Dj a lot of money.

"If you do stick around here I hope you can show us the better side to everything and show the guys what all you can bring to the table. The online community is a big part of growing/breeding these days. If you get online and are polite and generous to others your outfit will go much further then it ever has before." <<<< Thanks again DoctorFrost. Im hoping I can show a better side of myself also. I should admit again, I began this conversation quite haphazardly. This is all practice for me. Practice at saying what I think needs to be said. Thank you for your understanding. As far as the comments about Blueberry being unstable, I can attest to that just not being true. I just rand 30 females through my flower room for this reason, to test the stability of the strain. It was annoyingly stable. And perhaps the reports about it not being stable or just not being what it used to be would fit right in line with what Im saying about there being so many knock-offs (which have only grown in numbers the past few years making the authentic thing that much harder to find) out there that the complaints from the knock-offs are louder than the praises of the real thing? Especially if only 1% of the people are getting the real thing. As I've said I do know that, the overwhelming majority of whitaker blues offered just ain't what people are saying they are, and this I know for a fact, because there is only one breeding mother of the quimby available.

Tonight_You, again lowering prices is a good idea Im all about it and working hard, seems a little unrealistic though to demand that production is increased. Again, consider the logistics of it all. But I hear ya. The gravity of the matter is searching for it's center ;)

I am not in a position at this time to verify what seed companies are offering authentic Dj Short gear or not. I can say however that give it some time, perhaps as much as 2-4 years and all this knock-off shit should work itself out. I know it seems like a long time, but most of us have waited longer for the strain we've been wanting to be released. The demand side of the supply and demand is starting to demand that we tell them what is in the genetics. They will get their wish. Soon, much sooner than any of us could imagine we will start seeing who is offering the real deal and who's not. The first thing we'll start seeing are certain products being removed from offering. Here's some advice, get to know your seed venders personally. Watch the trend of sales in their products and what they're pushing. Ask where they get their genetics. Do research on what they say is their genetic stock and where it comes from. Get to know your seed venders. I think we might be surprised to find out how many of them will make no claims of being something they're not. I mean hell, just ask them.

I think as far as what expenses go into making beans, you're all overlooking something major. It may be cheap to produce seeds, but the logistics and money involved in getting them to all of you really isn't an easy thing AT ALL!

And if you give away free Blueberry seeds with a purchase of your seeds, is that not a gimmick to sell more of your seeds? And are those giveaway Blueberry seeds a fair representation of Dj Short's Blueberry? Was his breeding mother stock used to make them? These are all question that someone who wants to know the actual intent of this promotional Blueberry give away would need to know. And anyone who doesn't actually know those questions personally is only assuming, but apparently also only assuming on the side of what benefits their wallet.
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What will all of any of us who've grown accustom to making money from cannabis through the use of specific brand names do once those brand names are bough by corporate interests? What will any of you do when your first costumer comes back to you and says,

"look, I just need to say this, I've been getting this pot from you for years, and it's great, I love it. But the thing is that all these years you told me this was Trainwreck. Well, the other day I had it tested and turns out you're either a liar, or don't know anything about genetics, cause this isn't trainwreck.
Here's what I would do. I would say, if you love it, why do you give a fuck what it's called? If you care more that the bud that you have loved for years is actually genetically dissimilar to the strain it is named after than the fact that you love it, you need to get your priorities correct. This is weed, not a gucci purse, you take it for effect not the name that comes along with it. And if you ARE smoking it for the name attached to it, you are a poseur and you neither deserve nor will receive respect. Now, I'm not saying that there is no benefit to knowing for sure what the genetics are, at least when it comes to stabilized genetics, but we already have cannabinoid and terpene testing (And of course the let-me-try-a-toke-before-I-buy-any testing), and given phenotypical deviation it would be much more informative to know the tested levels of your cannabis than then genetic lineage of it.

Now, when it comes to seed selling it's a bit different. If people are selling random bagseeds, from god knows what schwag, and making money by lying and saying it's real stabilized genetics that produce specific traits with a high degree of reliability, pretending that it is coming from the breeder, that is a different ballgame. Because you can't check the seeds before you buy them, and by the time you find out you're also out the money it cost to grow. So it's not like some weed that may or may not be "Trainwreck" but that you love either way. It's just different.

On another note, saying that people shouldn't use strains in crosses and then name check the parents when selling them is like saying that a bar shouldn't name check Jack Daniels or Coca Cola when selling Jack and Cokes because the creator of Coke doesn't want the way Jack and Cokes taste to reflect on their brand or boost sales of Jack and Coke because of their name.
Well I got my packs of your dads beans from...... Your dad..... And so far I've found a buncha hay.. Herm prone hay...

I've found herms in almost every seed companies beans now including some of the most dick riddin fanboy loved companies... BUT the 2 packs of blueberry I've been through now gave me a bunch of weak watered down stretch crazy hay slanging ornery ladies... Not to talk down on your dads beans I've only gone through 4 packs of them but I have yet to find anything even worth smiling about..

Even bodhi packs drop turd after turd if your not lucky with how the parents meld. Bodhi has so many fans it's nuts... Including myself, the man is awesome and an inspiration, I just have yet to find anything that exciting out of more packs of beans then I can remember from him.

I won't name the ones I feel are truly pushing quality terp filled beans at the moment out of respect of the op but I will say I've found nothing of note out of beans handed to me directly by your dad, and they resembled much of what people bitch about with your dads genes.

I've been told by some that they've had some of the best blueberry And azure haze ever that came from your dads packs so idk... It's possible they are out there I guess.. But recent experience with a competitor would make me think your dad missed... I found 9 AMAZING winners out of 24 beans.. honest true to life huge yielding and amazingly terpy and strong. That's not so with your dads, why's that? His beans had a very "Dutch" feel to the flavor. Is terp profile on the top of his list of qualities to breed for? Or stability like the Dutch model? That's what it felt like to me..
People will care about the genetics because we're talking about medicine. Even recreational users will be wanting to know what they are consuming. When we're talking about a plant with a chemical make up like cannabis and attempting to pair it with the chemical make of of our body, the genetics matter. HGK420, sorry to hear about your experience, it seems to be limited to a very select demographic of people though. Most everyone who gets them form Dj himself seems to be very pleased. So, Im not sure what complications you ran into with your growing style or what type of standards you're trying to fulfill or what standards you're even comparing them to because you don't say...so all I can say is sorry about your luck. If your shit is tasting like hay, maybe try less nitrogen? I mean these are some of the most stabilized genetics on the market, does anyone really believe that they were stabilized to taste like hay....?
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"On another note, saying that people shouldn't use strains in crosses and then name check the parents when selling them is like saying that a bar shouldn't name check Jack Daniels or Coca Cola when selling Jack and Cokes because the creator of Coke doesn't want the way Jack and Cokes taste to reflect on their brand or boost sales of Jack and Coke because of their name."

Not quite, because what the bar won't do and can't legally do is sell you a jack and coke with coke and jack daniels in it but put "cola and whiskey" on the label.

And Im not sure if you read my comment correctly, I actually said that breeders *should* name check the strains used to create their own. They should be releasing the accurate names of the parent strains, I said *they should.* I also said that their marketing brand for the strain they created should come with it's own brand unless the use of another's brand comes along with reimbursement for that use.
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People will care about the genetics because we're talking about medicine. Even recreational users will be wanting to know what they are consuming. When we're talking about a plant with a chemical make up like cannabis and attempting to pair it with the chemical make of of our body, the genetics matter. HGK420, sorry to hear about your experience, it seems to be limited to a very select demographic of people though. Most everyone who gets them form Dj himself seems to be very pleased. So, Im not sure what complications you ran into with your growing style or what type of standards you're trying to fulfill or what standards you're even comparing them to because you don't say...so all I can say is sorry about your luck. If your shit is tasting like hay, maybe try less nitrogen?

Definitely not tasting like hay directly, just low terpene planttastic flavor with a low low yield(which I didn't mind because I don't know what I would of done with more then an ounce of it..)

Let's just say I might have an idea what I'm doing. I've popped 500+ seeds since 2011 and have found roughly a dozen keepers with roughly 50 great tasting low yielding almost keepers. I grow many different ways including an entire garden dedicated to TLO using home farmed worm castings and guano "from a guy" out of country.. (The TLO garden is where your dads beans got popped)

What am I looking for? Something that gets me excited, my favorite strains make me want to smoke another joint only minutes after smoking the first because of the amazing flavor that's left behind. I've found myself medicated to full effect many times with a half smoked bag of Hgk with no more coming for weeks and il just roll another like a fat guy full with a bag of Doritos... That's what I'm looking for.. A strain that makes me behave illogically and smoke more then I need because it's such an enjoyable experience.

Other companies I've found strains that do this for me..

KARMA GENETICS (I use caps cause this is the one I found 9/24 winners)
Dna/reserva privada
303 seeds (reigning champs for most winners found)

There's a couple more that I won't list because I don't want to give credit to the shady operations they got going on (ones obvious) but I've found a few winners amongst controversy with 3 companies.

I'm sure I'm leaving out a good one but if it's this hard to remember it couldn't of been that good ehh.

I've popped beans from

Subcool (most almost winners out of the bunch, a couple downright knockouts that didn't yield anything tho)
dutch passion
Mr nice
Hazeman (smh)
Lots of private beans and one "famous" weed celebrities beans.
Rare dank (couple almosts here too)
Delta 9
And of course... Your dad.

I've also seen at least 10 jars at a local compassion club with your dads finished works in them.... Same story as mine.. Terp free since 83...

I'm not discounting your dads beans, I plan on grabbing a couples more packs next time I run into him I've just had no good experiences yet.. And have the rare oppourtunity to ask.. What's up? I notice most of the old timers beans suffer from the same issues your dads did... They felt out of touch with today's cannabis quality.. Is terpene presence a motivating quality for you guys or no?
Again, Im just not having the results you are with my finished products HGK420.

What I do know from my own personal experience is that Dj's Blueberry doesn't have as many of those sweet candy flavored terpene's you're probably used to that the market has demanded. There is a lot of it in there. But what I've also learned is that many of the major secondary terpene notes are temple floral and earthen. Those terpenes are extremely sensitive and require much nurturing to bring out in the cure. Also what you feed it along the way will have an obvious impact on the development of the terpenes in the cure. I hope these are all things you've kept in mind when working with Dj's Blueberry. There are scores of threads available all over the interwebs alluding to just this matter when they discuss the nutrient sensitivity of the Blueberry. She's no hybrid, she's an heirloom strain and wants to be grown and treated as such. Again, Im sorry you had the experience you did. The 30 females I just ran through my room reek of grape berry. And the closest I got to hay was mellon and or chocolate. And I already know the melon chocolate smelling ones are gonna be a pain to cure up.
Again, maybe try less nitrogen?

And not sure who the "Get a job, hippie" comment was directed at, but good one.
I actually have two. ;)
Again, Im just not having the results you are with my finished products HGK420.

What I do know from my own personal experience is that Dj's Blueberry doesn't have as many of those sweet candy flavored terpene's you're probably used to that the market has demanded. There is a lot of it in there. But what I've also learned is that many of the major secondary terpene notes are temple floral and earthen. Those terpenes are extremely sensitive and require much nurturing to bring out in the cure. Also what you feed it along the way will have an obvious impact on the development of the terpenes in the cure. I hope these are all things you've kept in mind when working with Dj's Blueberry. There are scores of threads available all over the interwebs alluding to just this matter when they discuss the nutrient sensitivity of the Blueberry. She's no hybrid, she's an heirloom strain and wants to be grown and treated as such. Again, Im sorry you had the experience you did. The 30 females I just ran through my room reek of grape berry. And the closest I got to hay was mellon and or chocolate. And I already know the melon chocolate smelling ones are gonna be a pain to cure up.
Again, maybe try less nitrogen?

And not sure who the "Get a job, hippie" comment was directed at, but good one.
I actually have two. ;)

That's an answer I've got before when I asked someone about blueberry, "did you cure it up just right?"

And my answer to that is.... If every other one of my winners tastes and smokes exactly like it smells/tastes in the last few days on the vine... Even with 60-90 day cures... Why does Blueberry magically get amazing when cured facing southwest at 61degrees humidity while the summer Soltice passes?

I comepletely understand different growing methods and environments change a cutting but I can confidently say that many many of my chosen keepers have been grown in several other gardens to the same amazing effect as in my own, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to grow your dads blueberry? What was the deal with azure haze then? Taster terp free as well... F12 or f13 or whatever number it was had 1 that had a good strong terp presence... Just not the terps I was looking for..

I'm not saying that the blue berries didn't have blueberry hints to them... They did.. Just hints tho. I've found plenty of seeds that just had hints of flavor in many other companies packs too.. Just along side terp crazed taste bud crushers too... Not so in the short packs?

I know your dad uses super mystic breeding algorithms and whatnot but is Terpene presence a big factor? you've still never answered me there?

I know in Dutch methods terpene production falls by the wayside to yield and conformity a lot of the time is this something you guys have ever considered? I know I'm not the only one spouting "watered down" when it comes to dj short so it's gotta be something... Maybe we all just can't grow as good as you guys? Maybe that should be taken into account that your customers are inferior growers to the great like yourself so maybe try to breed strains that the favors come out easier? Many others have figured it out..
"On another note, saying that people shouldn't use strains in crosses and then name check the parents when selling them is like saying that a bar shouldn't name check Jack Daniels or Coca Cola when selling Jack and Cokes because the creator of Coke doesn't want the way Jack and Cokes taste to reflect on their brand or boost sales of Jack and Coke because of their name."

Not quite, because what the bar won't do and can't legally do is sell you a jack and coke with coke and jack daniels in it but put "cola and whiskey" on the label.

And Im not sure if you read my comment correctly, I actually said that breeders *should* name check the strains used to create their own. They should be releasing the accurate names of the parent strains, I said *they should.* I also said that their marketing brand for the strain they created should come with it's own brand unless the use of another's brand comes along with reimbursement for that use.
Sorry I must have misread your post. For the record, this was the line that i was specifically referencing that makes it seem like you don't want people to name check the strain they used.
Take the genetics, make whatever you want with them. DO NOT however take the brand name along with the genetics....

But I do have one nitpicky thing to say, they absolutely COULD sell you a beverage called "Cola and Whiskey" that is composed of "Coca Cola and Jack Daniels". What they COULDN'T do is sell you a beverage called "Jack Daniels and Coke" that is made of "Maker's Mark and Pepsi"
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@Jd Short For instance, how do you feel about Humboldt Seed Organization's Blueberry Headband being described by them as "The Blueberry Headband originally came from our F3 Emerald Headband male crossed with DJ Short’s original Blueberry. This was bred out for our original project with the Emerald Triangle Seed Company. After its release we continued to work on the genetics, increasing the yield, building more resistance and furthering the flavor profile. Now at F6 status this girl is more stable than ever and ready for the public."
Are you saying that they did the right thing or the wrong thing when naming/describing their strain?
JD short said "The reason I don't know how much seed banks charge for our gear is because 99% of the gear out there you think is 'ours' isn't."

I am sort of confused by this statement. When you go to these seedbanks such as Attitude Seeds, you are able to click on the seed breeders names such as DJ Short, and find your dads Blueberry, etc. The seedbanks don't just have BlueBerry with no breeder description and it's a luck of the draw. Attitude has 3 other breeders with "BlueBerry" Other than your dad. But if you buy one of them you know who it's from. It comes in your dad's packaging etc. If someone chooses to go with Sagarmartha, or BD Bud they would know it wasn't from your dad.

So I am just wondering what you mean exactly. How do we not know if it is your dad's or not when everyone lists who the breeder is? I am just trying to understand here, or did you not realize that they listed them all seperate?

As far as the bad luck with BlueBerry, All the old posts on BlueBerry were killer, everyone loved it and it was at the top of most peoples wanted list. But today I see a lot of posts of people saying it just isn't the same strain it used to be with its earlier generation.

As to bodhi passing out the seeds free as promotional, He did not pas out "BlueBerry" seeds. He bread Blueberry to one of his dads "Appalachia" and called it BlueBerry Hill. And another is Blueberry to his Snow Lotus and called it Blue Lotus. He did not sell any of them, and gave them out to people buying his seeds. Bodhi is a man to look at and see how he operates and take notes on. He has the best attitude out of any breeder I have ever seen. He doesn't even get upset if others take his work and sell it for themselves, I mean I figure he don't like it but the man just is such a good guy. He hands out beans to all kind of people to test out, and does right by any problem. I think even if he had average genetics he would still do well. But his beans are the best I have had yet.

As far as Peak Seeds, what he means by earlier version is they got seeds from your dad probably Pre 2k and found the best of them and use them. What they sell is BlueBerry , just an earlier version and their own choice of parent stock. I like diversity myself, It seems most strains used to have so much selection but today they have been bred so many generations you lose that. Like Skunk #1 for example. Look at all the strains that have come from just a skunk number one seed. But today you would never get that lucky, as you won't find but a few phenos. It takes some of the fun out of it when pheno hunting. I'd love to have some stock of seeds from the 80's -90's. But anyway on the BlueBerry they offer, everyone seems to come back with good reports and say it is a lot like your guys used to be but they sell them 10 packs for $40 shipped. Like I said though, the price is not the selling factor for me, the quality is. If your guys seeds are $130, and theres are $40, I would still choose your guys the originals if I truly believed they were better. Because to me that extra $90 difference don't mean shit when you think about getting pounds off the winning pheno over the years. That is one reason price don't bother me, as long as I have the funds and it is worth it.

JD Short, I really don't mean to be bashing you at all. I am just trying to understand myself and be neutral about everything. I still do wish you luck here, and think if you learn a little bit about how things work online you will get the hang of it and be able to fit in.

A question of different topic - What blueberry did you run the 30 seeds with? Was it True blueberry, or Blueberry, or another? And out of all the strains your dad has what one do you recommend to get that nice coloring after a good flush, and good euphoric blueberry high and taste?
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