DNC Email Leak

They aren't my parties and if the system wasn't so rigged most politicians on both sides would be in prison. I just like pointing out hypocrisies to the fanatics and I'm no Clinton fan but with Trump I recognize a sociopath when I see one.
Fair enough, I thought you were replying to me and I felt like ranting because @Fogdog summoned me to the thread calling me an accelerationist.
I mean, I suppose I'm an accelerationist, but neither candidate is relatively in the same direction as the one I want to accelerate in.

They just keep throwing liberal candidates under the corporate run fascist bus.

I think the term in this case was meant to suggest that you're okay with Chump in office, as long as it hastens the revolution. I would not agree with that assessment of your motives, based on what I've read of your politics here.

Fuck- I'm more of a lefty than you are, lol
They just keep throwing liberal candidates under the corporate run fascist bus.

I think the term in this case was meant to suggest that you're okay with Chump in office, as long as it hastens the revolution. I would not agree with that assessment of your motives, based on what I've read of your politics here.

Fuck- I'm more of a lefty than you are, lol
Not regarding Trump, definitely not. But I'm definitely down for a change of pace, focus, and scenery.
are people upset that hillary did her best to win an election? is that a scandal now?

has anyone even mentioned that she has had the most negative coverage of any candidate by far?

are people upset that hillary did her best to win an election?
No, that's expected

People are upset because the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the mainstream media colluded together to ensure a Clinton victory (which is in fact illegal according to the FEC IIRC)

is that a scandal now?
Yeah, I would say that it is considering DWS resigned because of it and members of the DNC implicated in the email scandal have publicly apologized for their conduct
has anyone even mentioned that she has had the most negative coverage of any candidate by far?


So did Donald Trump among GOP candidates, and yet he's the republican nominee

Although with Trump, I actually think the negative coverage benefitted him. The negative coverage of Clinton didn't seem to make a difference compared to the tricks her campaign, the DNC and the media pulled. Have you heard of "Correct the Record"? Head on over to /r/hillaryclinton to see that shit in full force;


"Putin did it 'cuz Trump!" :roll:
No, that's expected

People are upset because the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the mainstream media colluded together to ensure a Clinton victory (which is in fact illegal according to the FEC IIRC)

Yeah, I would say that it is considering DWS resigned because of it and members of the DNC implicated in the email scandal have publicly apologized for their conduct

So did Donald Trump among GOP candidates, and yet he's the republican nominee

Although with Trump, I actually think the negative coverage benefitted him. The negative coverage of Clinton didn't seem to make a difference compared to the tricks her campaign, the DNC and the media pulled. Have you heard of "Correct the Record"? Head on over to /r/hillaryclinton to see that shit in full force;


"Putin did it 'cuz Trump!" :roll:

so hillary tried to win an election and the DNC did what was in their best interests by defending their candidate from an onslaught of negative coverage?

failing to see any scandal here, much less a reason to even be upset.
so hillary tried to win an election and the DNC did what was in their best interests by defending their candidate from an onslaught of negative coverage?

failing to see any scandal here, much less a reason to even be upset.
I'm not trying to get into it with you about this, because when you're not trolling, you're pretty level, but that's like saying it was in the best interest of 1860s white men to keep enslaved African slaves in chains: sure, it may have been, but we both know damn well it isn't/wasn't right, and you can't justify something simply because it was in the best interest of the ideology you may identify with.
so hillary tried to win an election and the DNC did what was in their best interests by defending their candidate from an onslaught of negative coverage?
No, the DNC colluded with the Clinton campaign and members of CNN and MSNBC to ostracize the Sanders campaign and paint negative narratives against Sanders during the primary when, according to the DNCs own rulebook, they're to remain neutral during the democratic selection process. Like I said, illegal according to the FEC. DNC can't collude with a specific campaign and they certainly can't steer the public narrative like we now have evidence they did
they didn't do a very good job at it then, because hillary got the most negative coverage of anyone.

maybe compare it to slavery like ODG did. LOL
How much of that 'negative media coverage' came from Fox News?

What did the numbers look like coming from CNN and MSNBC in regards to Clinton v. Sanders?

Wanna bet on each of those networks there was more negative media coverage for Sanders than Clinton? Avatar bet, 3 months. I haven't checked, but I'm willing to bet that much, how bout you?
they didn't do a very good job at it then, because hillary got the most negative coverage of anyone.

maybe compare it to slavery like ODG did. LOL
Not the best example, but my point is, using "It's ok because it's in someone's best interest" might be one of the worst justifications there is. Hitler argued the extermination of the Jewish citizens of Europe was in Germany's best interest. Watergate was supposed to be in Nixon's best interest. I mean, it's just a terrible justification, y'know? Especially when you know that it's wrong. Don't try to bullshit, because if it had been Trump doing the same thing, we'd both be demanding his head.