DNC Email Leak

awww, poor little shithead can't even come to terms with how constantly wrong he is. you shouted for months about how hillary would be indicted. you literally spent months doing nothing but being wrong.

that really must suck. but then again, you should be used to it by now. you also predicted a romney victory. always wrong.

anyhoo, i noticed you weren't addressing my question about the massive coincidence you are claiming has happened. is there really another person in east kern county who uses the online handle of 'desert dude' and shares your love of guns and white supremacy? seems like that would be a longshot.

you could dispel the myth by simply posting a proof picture, but my guess is that it would just turn out looking like a gun nut in front of a pickup truck adorned with the confederate flag.

anyhoo, keep on being wrong about everything, it is what you do best!

Maybe you can get one of your buddies to plant the seed. An open minded, sensitive guy like you would probably handle that OK. You could hold her hand while he drives it home. You're into that cuckold thing, right?
Maybe you can get one of your buddies to plant the seed. An open minded, sensitive guy like you would probably handle that OK. You could hold her hand while he drives it home. You're into that cuckold thing, right?

i noticed you weren't addressing my question about the massive coincidence you are claiming has happened. is there really another person in east kern county who uses the online handle of 'desert dude' and shares your love of guns and white supremacy? seems like that would be a longshot.

anyhoo, when is hillary going to be indicted, which you spent months telling us would happen?
This is America - we talk about competition and fairness but the only way to really get ahead in a big way is to operate without it.

I have not voted for a Dem or Rep Presidential candidate for 12 years. But I will this year just because of the state I live in.
Maybe you can get one of your buddies to plant the seed. An open minded, sensitive guy like you would probably handle that OK. You could hold her hand while he drives it home. You're into that cuckold thing, right?
Closed minded insensitive guys have been cannon fodder since before there were cannons. Guys like you have always been fodder because you have nothing to contribute but your blood. Your kids even laugh at your ineptitude.
phake fucking skanduls, bitches.

Hillary owns you. Get your whiny asses back on the plantation.
Have some more whiskey and go to bed, DD.

It's a compilation of many factors. All of which have been discussed on the Bernie thread.
sorry, but we disagree about the three million voter swing to Hillary. You are talking about points shaving when the opposition just plain ran away.

Bernie lost.
Have some more whiskey and go to bed, DD.

sorry, but we disagree about the three million voter swing to Hillary. You are talking about points shaving when the opposition just plain ran away.

Bernie lost.
All things fair, I don't think he would have lost

Now we have actual evidence that it wasn't fair, that the DNC was working with the Clinton camp and against the Sanders camp when the rules of the party say they have to remain neutral

Why are you OK with this?
All things fair, I don't think he would have lost

Now we have actual evidence that it wasn't fair, that the DNC was working with the Clinton camp and against the Sanders camp when the rules of the party say they have to remain neutral

Why are you OK with this?
I can't see this as flipping more than three million voters. 500,000 and I'd say OK but not twelve percent of the people who voted.

He failed to get any significant representation from Black, Latino and women Democratic party voters.

I'm saying, all things fair and Sanders would have lost by fewer votes. But he would have lost.

This is like the sports fan who complains about the umpire's bad strike call in the ninth when his team lost by the score of 5 to 2.

Bernie lost.
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I will say this for Bernie. He is a better human being than Hillary Clinton. Bernie is a lazy, shiftless, unaccomplished bumbler. He was kicked out of a commune for being lazy. He has never held a job in his life. He is still preferable to Hillary Clinton.

Hillary is the devil incarnate. It is nearly impossible to make Donald Trump a better choice for president, but Hillary accomplishes that.
I will say this for Bernie. He is a better human being than Hillary Clinton. Bernie is a lazy, shiftless, unaccomplished bumbler. He was kicked out of a commune for being lazy. He has never held a job in his life. He is still preferable to Hillary Clinton.

Hillary is the devil incarnate. It is nearly impossible to make Donald Trump a better choice for president, but Hillary accomplishes that.
I so much will enjoy hearing that you didn't live to see the end of President Hillary Clinton's term in office.
I can't see this as flipping more than three million voters. 500,000 and I'd say OK but not twelve percent of the people who voted.

He failed to get any significant representation from Black, Latino and women Democratic party voters.

I'm saying, all things fair and Sanders would have lost by fewer votes. But he would have lost.

This is like the sports fan who complains about the umpire's bad strike call in the ninth when his team lost by the score of 5 to 2.

Bernie lost.
It's OK to cheat if you beat your opponent by enough of a margin?

What the hell kind of logic is that?

The DNC broke the rules and effectively influenced the election. To what extent is speculation. The fact that the rules were broken by members of the DNC by not behaving neutral is not. And the fact that the DNC has effectively steered the media narrative of both CNN and MSNBC should deeply trouble everybody
It's OK to cheat if you beat your opponent by enough of a margin?

What the hell kind of logic is that?

The DNC broke the rules and effectively influenced the election. To what extent is speculation. The fact that the rules were broken by members of the DNC by not behaving neutral is not. And the fact that the DNC has effectively steered the media narrative of both CNN and MSNBC should deeply trouble everybody
The majority got the candidate they selected. It doesn't matter if the margin is by 1 million or 5 million. 26 million voted. 15,805,136 for Hillary and 12,029,699 for Bernie. Margin of victory: +3,775,437. That's a huge margin of victory. You are talking about points shaving when the winner just ran away from the field.

That said, Hillary had years to build her organization and media relationships. Bernie gave it one year and had a good showing. But he wasn't even close to winning it.

Want to claim election stolen? Umm well I can't go there with you. Because I don't think it was "stolen". Use another adjective. Maybe something that means "gamed the system".

Want to clean up elections going forward? Then, I'm on board with you. Actually, it looks like Hillary is too. She is on record as saying that an amendment to repeal the Citizen's United ruling will be part the legislation she brings to Congress in her first 30 days.

But right now, to me, its all about denying Trump and the fascist GOP power in the White House.
The majority got the candidate they selected. It doesn't matter if the margin is by 1 million or 5 million. 26 million voted. 15,805,136 for Hillary and 12,029,699 for Bernie. Margin of victory: +3,775,437. That's a huge margin of victory. You are talking about points shaving when the winner just ran away from the field.
They rigged the primary to favor Clinton, this is direct evidence. You are not in a position to determine to what degree to conclude by what margin which candidate would have actually won by had everything been fair. We will never know because the DNC, the media and the Clinton campaign cheated. Each to secure their own selfish interests by ensuring an establishment politician wins.

This is corruption and we have evidence of it. It should be investigated at the very least

That said, Hillary had years to build her organization and media relationships. Bernie gave it one year and had a good showing. But he wasn't even close to winning it.
He won 46% of the votes, that's with the entire media and political establishment against him and with zero name recognition 12 months before the convention. Everything equal, he would have wiped the floor with her. They cheated, that's corruption and that's unacceptable.