Do aliens exist?


Active Member
I watch a lot of the television shows (science and History Channels etc.) that deals with this subject. I firmly believe that we are not alone in this Universe, and also on this Earth. There are way too many instances that they have left their mark here on the Good Earth.

MaineYankee :-)


New Member
I love the idea of some super alien race that can fly here from apparently light years away, somehow sustain life through the journey, finally find us, and the just crash in a remote desert in the United States... Americans are pompous. They may exist but our version of it is so retarded it makes me disbilieve the whole lot of it.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I believe that there is more than enough evidence to prove that not only do they exist but that they have been here on earth, influencing life.


Well-Known Member
I love the idea of some super alien race that can fly here from apparently light years away, somehow sustain life through the journey, finally find us, and the just crash in a remote desert in the United States... Americans are pompous. They may exist but our version of it is so retarded it makes me disbilieve the whole lot of it.
The thing that gets me is...they come all this way, and all they wanna do is PROBE us? You only have to click on craigslist for that.


Active Member
potentially aliens could be all around us, not in a Men in Black kinda way but existing in 4th and fifth dimensions upward. in the same way a 2d creature has to real perception of the 3rd dimension we exist in then in the 4th and 5th dimension there might not even be that much space between galaxies, almost anything is open to conjecture and debate, chances are the 4th and 5th dimensions are about as provable as god.

most things on earth are carbon based, its more than likely that a silicon based lifeform would have very different properties regarding evolution, given the complexities of silcone compounds moleculary it'd be safe to assume evolution would happen at an accelerated rate. so if they developed when the dino's developed on our planet they would be extremely more evolved than us assuming its proportionate and in theory would definitely of had the time to think about space travel and give it a punt, but they'd find our enviroment toxic and vice versa

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Space has 3 large dimensions. If you spread out and mark different points in space, and measure the angles between them you can verify if you are using straight lines in the dimensions you think you are. Just like a 2D person could walk around on their paper and draw large triangles and measure the angles. If the 2D world is perfectly flat the angles will work out like they do in geometry class, but if it's warped in some 3rd dimension you will see discrepancies in the angles. If you start at equator, walk to north pole, turn 90* right, walk back to equator, turn 90* right, then walk to starting point you will just have made a triangle with 3 90* angles, which does not compute for a triangle, because you are trying to measure something in 2 dimensions when it is in 3 dimensions. When we measure space though there is no warping, just 3 dimensions. We may have some dimensions curled up real small, but I don't think there is any possibility there is another large one we aren't aware of.

An intelligent silicon based life form probably wouldn't exist. It makes many similar bonds as carbon, but it is a different size and does not quite have the versatility of carbon. I don't think silicon based life could be as complex, I think it would have to be carbon just like us. That's just how chemistry works.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i think yes wen i go to the store they say look its that eligal alien n i look but i nevor see him, im not shure but i look around n nothing he must disapeer or something..


Well-Known Member
I believe. And I credit that to years of watching the x-files and more recently the gem that is ancient aliens.