Do bloom boosters make your bud taste like shit?

i think you must be mixing some concepts
more the plant progress into flowering less she needs nitrogen in her feeds
thats why pk nutrient are made for
you use the bloom nutrient after the stretch and slowly add the pk booster over the bloom to reduce the part of nitrogen
but adding pk boost dont mean you increase the ec man ... you must reduce the bloom when you add pk
you just giving another ratio of npk ...with less n like you say
people fuck with booster because they add it over the current feed

and i dont know why you speaking about root boils or sugar

you have a bad opinion of the word "flushing"
in soil you never water to runoff
you must anticipate your flushing 2 weeks before the end and by giving pure water the electrical conductivity of the medium will slowly decrease
but as you said nitrogen needs are at minimum, so the traces of n mixed with pk remaining in the soil will allow the plant to finish the bloom without N deficiency
not sure to understand what that study about other plants prove ? can you elaborate please
I think you're really caught up in cannabis being some mythical plant that requires special treatment. The plants may be different but many plants share the same terpenes. Hers the list from that link and then another link with cannabis terpenes many of them the same.

I grow in soil, but have done multiple types of hydro except coco. It doesn't matter the ions absorbed and used by the plants are the same. Flushing is like bulimia for plants binge and purge, binge and purge, but plants can't purge.
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If you are flushing early on in the plants life to correct a mistake of over feeding then that is one thing.

Flushing before harvest serves no benefit. Flushing nutrients from the grow medium has no purpose to a plant that is trying to finish growing and properly maturing.

Go a head a try things both ways, and do what serves you best though. If your confirmation bias is strong enough I'm sure you will keep believing the broscience about flushing.
like i sad not once not twice but 3 fucking times my ppm spike and ec drop is good enough for me it would not spike if nothing leeches out right ? it will spike over 3 wash outs ;)
lol kids using words like science and insults to prove to themselves they gro dank buds
and in reality they dont know anything about agronomy
make me laugh
when you cut your plant with pk salts remaining in your medium you WILL smoke these salts even if the quantity isnt significative
smoke your salts and stay autosatisfied of your poor level
finaly someone with brains welcome aboard son
I think you're really caught up in cannabis being some mythical plant that requires special treatment. The plants may be different but many plants share the same terpenes. Hers the list from that link and then another link with cannabis terpenes many of them the same.

I grow in soil, but have done multiple types of hydro except coco. It doesn't matter the ions absorbed and used by the plants are the same. Flushing is like bulimia for plants binge and purge, binge and purge, but plants can't purge.

so im curious, in your hydroponic grows, knowing you dont water with clear water at the end, what was the ec of the last feed you gave before chop ?

ps: like i said there is nothing about purging the plant. you just "purging" the medium if you want to use this word
if the concentrations of salts is high in th medium, it will be high in the plant too
so im curious, in your hydroponic grows, knowing you dont water with clear water at the end, what was the ec of the last feed you gave before chop ?

ps: like i said there is nothing about purging the plant. you just "purging" the medium if you want to use this word
if the concentrations of salts is high in th medium, it will be high in the plant too
my ppm sits around 1400 on the last feed then when ph water fresh is added it will jump from 200-300 all the way up to round 800-900
my ppm sits around 1400 on the last feed then when ph water fresh is added it will jump from 200-300 all the way up to round 800-900
that question was for Krypto
if he feeds high before chop its guarantee that salts will remain in the final product ..
anyway how lazy are u cunts ?? you can run a 8-9 week grow cure for 3 months but can not run fresh water thru for 2-3 days lol
Running water for the last 2-3 days isn't what we're talking about though. What we're talking about is you telling people that it somehow removes a plants nutrient content, it doesn't. You think plants can be flushed like a radiator or brake system.
Straight water will not do as good a job as Florakleen will. Use if when you have leaf burn at any time while still growing and as a final flush to improve the taste of the buds.

General Hydroponics FloraKleen removes fertilizer residues that can accumulate over time in hydroponic systems, growing media, and potting soils. Use FloraKleen monthly to purge your hydroponic system or potted plants of excess salts that can accumulate as a result of regular fertilizer application. FloraKleen is an excellent final flush, and can be used at any time to dissolve mineral and salt buildup. Its high concentration and low price make FloraKleen the economical choice for maintaining your plants in both hydroponic and soil-based environments.

• Dissolves accumulated fertilizer salts.
• Reduces plant stress from excess and imbalanced nutrients.
• Releases nutrient bonds between plants and systems, also correcting nutrient lock-out.
• Use FloraKleen as a final flush a few days before harvest to promote maturation and sugaring.
• Safe for use in all systems and media while plants are growing.
ps: like i said there is nothing about purging the plant. you just "purging" the medium if you want to use this word
if the concentrations of salts is high in th medium, it will be high in the plant too
A shitty salty medium is a shitty grower problem not a nutrient problem. Cannabis is a hyperaccumulator that can and will absorb toxic amounts of heavy metals that cant be removed with some extra water.
Straight water will not do as good a job as Florakleen will. Use if when you have leaf burn at any time while still growing and as a final flush to improve the taste of the buds.

General Hydroponics FloraKleen removes fertilizer residues that can accumulate over time in hydroponic systems, growing media, and potting soils. Use FloraKleen monthly to purge your hydroponic system or potted plants of excess salts that can accumulate as a result of regular fertilizer application. FloraKleen is an excellent final flush, and can be used at any time to dissolve mineral and salt buildup. Its high concentration and low price make FloraKleen the economical choice for maintaining your plants in both hydroponic and soil-based environments.

• Dissolves accumulated fertilizer salts.
• Reduces plant stress from excess and imbalanced nutrients.
• Releases nutrient bonds between plants and systems, also correcting nutrient lock-out.
• Use FloraKleen as a final flush a few days before harvest to promote maturation and sugaring.
• Safe for use in all systems and media while plants are growing.
Whats in it?
While I'm sure Florakleen would assist in flushing, once a nutrient (especially P) actually gets into the bud itself, good luck ever flushing it out or burning it off. All you can really do is get the plant to finish uptaking and using the nutrients it has stored up in both the roots and the leaf tissue. This is why the best policy for not getting nute build up in your bud is to take a preventative measure and not chronically overfeed to start with.
While I'm sure Florakleen would assist in flushing, once a nutrient (especially P) actually gets into the bud itself, good luck ever flushing it out or burning it off. All you can really do is get the plant to finish uptaking and using the nutrients it has stored up in both the roots and the leaf tissue. This is why the best policy for not getting nute build up in your bud is to take a preventative measure and not chronically overfeed to start with.

That's why you want to follow the instructions that came with your cannabis nutrients, if you did not get instructions check their web page.
Even giving label directed strength doses, it's easy to OD a plant on why it's pretty much always best to start at a baseline of 1/4th label strength, and work your way upwards rather than starting at full manufacturer strength, and reducing it if there is nutrient burn.
I think you're really caught up in cannabis being some mythical plant that requires special treatment. The plants may be different but many plants share the same terpenes. Hers the list from that link and then another link with cannabis terpenes many of them the same.

I grow in soil, but have done multiple types of hydro except coco. It doesn't matter the ions absorbed and used by the plants are the same. Flushing is like bulimia for plants binge and purge, binge and purge, but plants can't purge.
I think this touches on a good point, of why is Cannabis held to a standard above pretty much every other commercial crop in the world? I've never heard of performing a final flush on tobacco, tomatoes, or even Opium Poppies, for that matter. I think it all comes down to how appropriately you fertilize. If you fertilize appropriately, there should be very little need to flush out nutrients because there really shouldn't be any if you just stop applying a week or two before harvest and continue watering as normal. Once heavy metals enter a bud, all the water and FloraKleen in the world isn't going to remove a substantial portion of it. Which is why you have to work preventatively, preventing excessive nutrients from being stored in the buds in the first place.
That's why you want to follow the instructions that came with your cannabis nutrients, if you did not get instructions check their web page.

The only people who follow the nutrient makers feeding charts are newbs, and they learn by the second run to not follow the nutrient makers feeding charts.
Even giving label directed strength doses, it's easy to OD a plant on why it's pretty much always best to start at a baseline of 1/4th label strength, and work your way upwards rather than starting at full manufacturer strength, and reducing it if there is nutrient burn.
yea naa house and garden recommend 3 ml per ltr i can go as high as 5 ml per ltr + additives +bloom boosters ppm can sometimes sit round 1400-1800
yes on this point i find its too much ppm
i would never go over 1.2 in wool, maybe 1.4 max in coir during flowering
maybe 1.5ms max in vegetative stage
by checking the runoff you will notice that its never legit to feed over 1.5 ms in flowering