Do clones need nutes besides rooting gel?


Well-Known Member
Aero cloner
air stone
6.0 Ph TAP water
Dip n grow at 20% dilution, soaking for 5 mins minimum.
T5 light
Refresh water as needed

Nubs at day 3
Rooted and Potting at day 8 to 10
11 strains


Well-Known Member
I soaked my cubes in a solution of mammoth p and water and then popped my cuttings with rootech in turn on my heating mat put the dome over them and wait. An like O'Connor said scrap them a bit I keep fresh disposable scalpels you really don't want to use your finger as there's bacteria under your nails. Keep everything as sterile as possible.


Well-Known Member
I used to run several ez clone 128 sites using their Ez clone solution with clonex hormone. I foliar with tea now, before i used clonex clone solution(not the hormone). I use t5's on 18/6 and keep my clone room at 72-74. I used to be pissed when more than 2 or 3 wouldnt root per cloner.

I dont do the large scale clone thing anymore and those cloners arent small. I only need 40 cuts for my home space so ive been running rockwool trays when i need them. I use clonex hormone and foliar tea/clonex clone solution to keep them green. I also drop a pinch of myco into the cube holes. I still get about 100% in rockwool but its more work for me. I mist 3 times a day which is excessive but keeps my clones looking great.

Sterilized razors or scalpel should always be used.

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
Thanks, I have to keep that in mind. I'm no expert on cloning. I do fine, but I'm always looking for pointers on how to do it better.
I just did 100 got 95 and they were long shots for the 5 I didn't get lol rapid rooters murder ezcloners are just faster