Do different strains grow at different rates?


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question, I was wondering if different strains grow at different rates?

I know that some strains take different amount of times to flower, I was just wondering if this can apply to vegetative growing as well...or are all strains pretty uniform in their vegetative growth?


Well-Known Member
yea they do i have 2 strains of the same age 1s't strain grew about a foot more than the other in the same amount of time


Well-Known Member
Not daughter ran into the closet all excited to see the babies, I hadda get her out, ended up knocking over Carlton's cup. I don't think hes going to make it, his root is only like 2 inches long and greying/browning. I freaked got him back in his soil a.s.a.p... I am still going to take VV's advice tho and get some superthrive today and keep trying- I'm not giving up on him while his real leaves are still green...


Well-Known Member
i am growing 2 different strains right now all germinated at same time...from my experience...which is limited....the males grow faster...but ill take a pic 4 ya 2nite and we can see if 1 strain is growing faster


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that seems pretty widespread, usually the plant that's doing the best and growing the best ends up male.. how sad... lol...

Just was wondering because my plants are doing great, but I've seen a few others that are under less cfls and same age as mine yet they look about 2-3 days ahead... coulda been my overwatering problem early on tho that stunted the growth...