Do fertilizers have expiration dates?


Active Member
I just got a big jug of liquid karma from a friend theres about a quarter gone and he said its a few years old maybe more, I would like to use it so I was just wondering if it can go bad or if its safe to use?


Well-Known Member
yes they sure do...expecially orgainic based nutes....liquid goes bad the fastest...synthic nutes i have yet to see go bad...peace az


Active Member
no I tried to look it up on the internet but came up empty handed, and I looked all over the jug and cant find an expiration date, maybe I'll call my local grow shop and see if they know.


Well-Known Member
they wont be able to tell you...cause who know when the bottels were actually poured...just dont overbuy organic based nutes an your shouldn't have to worry about it...peace az


Well-Known Member
no I tried to look it up on the internet but came up empty handed, and I looked all over the jug and cant find an expiration date, maybe I'll call my local grow shop and see if they know.
i did some checking too and came up empty as well.


Well-Known Member
my former food-service experience says - when it doubt, throw it out.

but that may not apply here...


Active Member
Thanks for looking, it seems that if there was an expiration date that we would have found something, I also had the guy at the store go look at a brand new jug in case my exp. date wore off my jug and he said that there wasn't an exp. date on any of them.


Well-Known Member
yea..the best way to check organic ferts is to smell em when you first buy them...then in like 6-12 months if you still have same bottel smell that...if the smell has changed it is now degenerating...peace az


Active Member
I used to have a little jug of liquid karma and it definitely smells the same, but I'm not confident enough in my smelling skills to determine if its old or not...