Do I harvest?


Hey folks, I have a Purple Urkle, today is day 45. Trichomes currently show almost all either as cloudy or milky, with about 1% beginning with a touch of amber at the heads.

This seems a bit early to me, but the tichs look pretty good. It's worth mention however, that amber could only be seen at 120x, and no amber is seen at all at 30x.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say without seeing a picture of plant etc...I'd hate to give you wrong info.. Our the calyx swollen up? Is the Bud still showing signs of growth? What do the Pistils look like? are the leaves yellowing?


Most leaves are yellow but there are some pretty lush green ones down low. Everything by the top is either gone or very yellow.

The buds haven't grown in some time. I'd say it has been more than a week and they haven't moved.

On another look, there are 1 or 2 clear trichomes here or there. I'm thinking of waiting a bit. The amber trichomes are just starting. Those that are amber are just a tiny bit of color in an otherwise milky trichome.

Pistils are mostly amber, but there are still some white ones here and there.

This plant has been sitting around 12" under a 600w HPS in a climate controlled SOG.


Thanks folks. That's the way I was leaning. We'll see how she is in a week. I did start to flush with water and blackstrap molasses.


I did cut a side sample of a smaller bud, let it dry for a couple of days. Without cure or proper flush, it tasted fantastic, like sweet licorice. No white ash at burn. My tolerance is insanely high and I still got off a little to 1/4g of dried flower (about a bowl). Very excited.
But I won't be growing this strain any more. It is a low producer and a real high maintenance bitch.