Do i have a girl yet (pics)?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i have 3 bagseed girls growing in my laundry room.... i started from seedling the Feb 10 and i got my 3 girls flowering for the past 3-4 days. The were all at least a foot tall before i switched to 12/12. They are called "La Niña (smaller one)", "La Pinta (medium) " and "La Santa Maria (bigest)"

My question is, since i have read that the male plants show their signs of sex earlier than the females, is it possible that i have a girl before i know anything about the sexing of the two other plants?????

Thanks ahead of time for those who help!!!



Active Member
no, i had 4 plants, i could only sex one and it was a male, i waited about another 3 weeks, and found out my other 2 plants were males, you can't rely on that. the plants were all planted at the same time too.

actually the answer would be yes... it's possible... 50% chance still lol....

i saw pistels, should be a female


Well-Known Member
thanks Motta and Mr. Burns,

but does anyone know if the fem could actually start to flower before the males??? (i guess this a general pot growing question) i've read that males actually show first!!!
Well this is being a bit negative and assuming i'm not getting 100% females since they are random seeds!!! and they've just been in the 12/12 schedule for the past 4 days or so!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah pic 3 is definitely female. i find females easier to notice, cause you know its them. males are harder for me to pick out cause they dont really look like anything for a long time. the hairs are easier to notice than balls, in my experience.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for the feedback!!! Then for plant 1 , La Nina, I have a confirmed teenage girl going through puberty then!!! The second plant called La Pinta, is not showing anything yet, but im not loosing hope on her just yet... only 6 days of flowering... And plant three (the bushiest of them all) called La Santa Maria im prolly 50% sure is a female but the hairs are way too tiny for me to tell... (that was my quick update on my grow...) let me know if you are interested in pics.. and i have no problem (unless they are sleeping) to update this thread.

I have a quick question.. i seem to notice that some of my stems, eventhough the 3 plants are looking grogeous and healthy, are of a purplish color!!! let me know what i can do... unless its a strain thing! just wondering!!!!


Active Member
yes,put heavy red wave light to them. stop fertilizing.kick back for about a month and a half, lower light level to 8 hours after that time.enjoy a harvest in 2 months.takes me 2 weeks to dry in my attic hanging upside down.