Do I Have a Problem???


Hey everyone,

Brand new member I've been reading /learning a lot off this wicked site. I went away for the weekend and came back to possible problems.

I've got 3 plants that have just been transfered outdoors 1 1/2 weeks ago. I got them about a month and a half ago as 2" tall clones. I had them under a cheap 18" light untill I transplanted them outside.

I am new to the growing side of the sport so please let me know if I'm doing things wrong.

I water every evening @ 6pm unless we've had rain. they have grown from 2" to 14" in a couple of weeks. I was given a sample of DNF from a local shop. I gave them a drink for the first time of that before I left for the cottage Friday evening. I got home this afternoon and my 2 look great but 1 of them seems to be in trouble. the veins in the leaves are turning red??? Some of the leaves on the bottom half of the plant are turning red as well. Am I screwed??? Thanks, I'm going to go to the garage and see if I can forget my plant problem for the night.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
they have been out for 1 1/2 weeks, thats more than enough time to harden em off. its either too cold or genetic, just watch it and update us on any new developments. i think its probally fine just give it a 1/4 strength fert next watering but be careful if its any stronger than that it will nute burn the plants really bad and they could die


Well-Known Member


Ok mint. Thanks.

I've got buddies that use a multipurpose 20-20-20 at least once a week. I'm nervous of killing them. Should I stick with the DNF or is there like a Miricle Grow 15-30-15 or something like that I can use without ruining them?


Well-Known Member
use 1/8 strength 20-20-20 w/micronutes for veg and work your way up to full strength then get something like a 10-50-10 for flower at 1/8 strength and increasing it slowly till 2 weeks b4 finish then just flush and use plain water.


use 1/8 strength 20-20-20 w/micronutes for veg and work your way up to full strength then get something like a 10-50-10 for flower at 1/8 strength and increasing it slowly till 2 weeks b4 finish then just flush and use plain water.
Awsome. I went to the shop where I bought the DNF I forgot to mention I used some Osmocote when I built the garden. It called for 100g / 1sq ft of soil. I used maybe a 1/4 of that. The guy told me that if I'm over watering that could be my problem.

Here's some pics

