do i have enough bulbs? spectrum variety?


Active Member
I would look for something organic that is readily available at your local store.... that way you don't have to go searching whenever you need more soil. I used Black Gold potting soil, around $7 a cubic yard, just be sure and check for fungus gnats before you bring the bag in your grow area, I have heard that Black Gold can have them although we have never had a problem with ours.

Next grow may I suggest an autoflower plant if you can get your hands on some seeds. They stay small, so they are great for stealthy grows and they grow from seed to harvest in only 8-9 weeks. Autoflowers also grow under any lights, so when your big girls are vegging you can have little autoflowers flowering in the same light... sweet right?

We have posted some pics and have a thread on here you should check out. We love to share the knowledge that we have learned on our grow. Peace!
i only have room for 1 MAYBE 2 small plants.

also, i think already had an encounter with nats. the soil i first planted my very first seedlings in was from outside. it had been in a pot on our balcony un-used for nearly a year. when i first planted my seedlings i wasnt too serious about it, so i hadnt invested anything other than my time at that point.

I ended up leaving them in that pot and brought it inside, about a week later, there were nats EVERYWHERE!! thats when i immediatly uprooted the plant and transfered to the pot its in now. I havnt seen the nats since, so i think im in the clear. that was like a week ago.


Well-Known Member
gotta be careful using soil thats been outside over time..... u can get all kinds of bugs and usually once theyre there its hard to eliminate them... good job gettin rid of the knats


Active Member
yea, at first i saw a small winged bug flying around int he bottom of my right above the carpet. i killed it and then noticed a spot in the dirt where it seemed like another 10-15 of them were crawling the start of an ant hill. thats when i really started to notice that they were all over the place. within 5 minutes of seeing the first nat i had the plant moved into a new soil, and that pot went right back out to the balcony not to be used (at least by me) anymore.

Mr. Blue

Active Member
i can get fox farm at the hydro store? nice, i will have to stop in there and see what they have. i've never been there, i only know where it is because its in the same shopping center as the hookah bar.
FoxFarm (Ocean floor mix) Its a light blue and white bag. you'll love it.


Active Member

When i got home today, i planned to go to lowes and get a new pot and some soil for my germinating seeds. I got a bit of a surprise....

When i first planted my first grow, i planted a couple seeds in the planter in random spot, thinking if they sprouted and my others died, i;de have a back up.

They never sprouted.

Until now!!

Check out the pics. I found it outside. It was in the same planter that had the knat problem, so i removed it promptly and placed it in the pot. I guess i dont need those seeds now, lol. oh well

I'm not sure when it sprouted. I was just out on my balcony day before yesterday and it wasnt there... So it popped up in the last 2 days.

but this is where it gets weird....CHECK OUT THE ROOTS ON THIS SUCKER!!! i dug a big straight-down hole in my pot, and put the roots down instead of just dropping all that root in a shallow hole.

Im thinking the seed made its way down deep and sprouted, then worked its way up. I'm calling the plant at 2 days from seed, since it just broke the surface in the last 2 days.

lol, ignore the mess in my room. monday is my cleaning day and i skipped it this week. bongsmilie



Active Member
I've also switched to Sta-Green all purpose potting soil. its only 0.10-0.08-0.06 so i can better control the nutes it gets.

and a 11" w x 8" deep pot.


Active Member
good job those trace amounts will help the roots grow
i got enough left to fill my pot 2 more times probably. i figured though, i wouldnt need to change my soil all the time if i got something neutral so i could control what it gets when it gets it as far as nutes go. i didnt even think about the roots lol


Active Member

i killed my plant that was all messed up. when i went to throw out my germinating seeds, i found one had sprouted, so i replaced my botched up plant with the new seed. so im now have a small plant and fresh seedling in my grow box.



2nd set of 'bladed' leaves are starting to form.

Plant is almost 1 week old.

I got a timer for it now, and instead of 12/12 i am doing 18/6 for 1 month then switching to 12/12

That sounds like a good plan. What kind of nutes are you going to use?

I am always excited to see a new grow. Once a grower, always a grower.:leaf:


Active Member
That sounds like a good plan. What kind of nutes are you going to use?

I am always excited to see a new grow. Once a grower, always a grower.:leaf:
i dont actually have any right now. im open to any types of suggestions. i might go totally organic stillt oo. but i would rather give her a few harmless nutes to help grow faster.

also, the plant is now 1 week old today. i will try to post a new pic soon.

the 1st set of bladed leaves are a little larger than the previous picture and faned open a bit more. the 2nd set of bladed leaves are there and are starting to grow upwards from the 1st set as of lights out last night.

lights and fan come on at 8 AM (when i set My actual alarm for work) so me and the plant have the same wake-up call. and the lights go off at about 2 AM.


Well-Known Member
u should try to get some cheap nutes for around week 4 or so on ....... does ur soil have any nutes in it? i might have missed it