do i have enough light

Ive got 7 ladies each in 1.5 gallon buckets and im running 3 300watt and 1 1000watt lights with some good organic soil and i started super cropping when i started them in to flowering. Any guesses out what my ladies might yield
Should have super cropped during veg dude. Why do it during flower? Won't that induce stress and make the plant focus energy on healing the super-cropped area and diverge from creating nice buds?


Well-Known Member
I would go with 3 gal buckets with that much light you must`a veg`d them huge cos I`d run 10 to 20 plants under that many watt`s


Well-Known Member
People can tell you the max yeild but you're probably not growing in world class conditions with plants veg'd for months. Need more info.

Do you mean 3x 250w hps or 3x 300w cfl. I don't believe they sell 300w hps in new zealand.


The only thing I would suggest are larger buckets. Your roots will run out of room quickly in 1.5 gal. That is if they haven't already. Root-bound plans can stop you from producing as much as you hope.


Well-Known Member
Ive got 7 ladies each in 1.5 gallon buckets and im running 3 300watt and 1 1000watt lights with some good organic soil and i started super cropping when i started them in to flowering. Any guesses out what my ladies might yield

First, you train in veg, training in flowering has negative effects and you will find you dont get much difference in yield.

Second, 1.5 gallon buckets are definitely going to cut your yield down as well. They will rootlock and stop growing pretty quick.

Third, anyone who even takes a guess at your final yield with the little bit of info you have given is not going to be reliable at all. You dont know what your yield will be until you have finished drying it out, period.

Garden weeds

Active Member
Why super crop at the start of flowering? People are crazy, do you want to stress ur plant and like others said make it concerntrate on healing the area u have cut?? Or do u just want your plant to hermie??? its either one of those answers or ur just crazy lol. Always use training techniques in VEG, never in flower!!! GW
Why super crop at the start of flowering? People are crazy, do you want to stress ur plant and like others said make it concerntrate on healing the area u have cut?? Or do u just want your plant to hermie??? its either one of those answers or ur just crazy lol. Always use training techniques in VEG, never in flower!!! GW
I'm afraid your the crazy one homie, first off you don't cut the stem when you supercrop. You bend and crack it, not advised in bud stage (I'll give you that). As for 'always use training techniques in VEG never in flower'.....WRONG!!!! lst can be utilised in bud stage, if the stretch is too much, no probs bend it and tie it down. Or if your buds are being burnt by the light bend and tie. ^^^ I suspect this is a noob trying to teach a noob, when in fact they are wrong themselfs. I'd ignore GW's advice. Jmho
The 1000 watt bulb is hps and the 3 300watt bulbs r cfl and should i transplant my ladies n to bigger buckets since they r in flower or leave them as they r


If they're not too deep into flowering and you can transplant without shocking them, then yeah, upgrade immediately.

Garden weeds

Active Member
I'm afraid your the crazy one homie, first off you don't cut the stem when you supercrop. You bend and crack it, not advised in bud stage (I'll give you that). As for 'always use training techniques in VEG never in flower'.....WRONG!!!! lst can be utilised in bud stage, if the stretch is too much, no probs bend it and tie it down. Or if your buds are being burnt by the light bend and tie. ^^^ I suspect this is a noob trying to teach a noob, when in fact they are wrong themselfs. I'd ignore GW's advice. Jmho
I meant bend it not cut it but got confused when i was typing, and what i said was IMO, i would never ever do any training techniques in flowering other people may but i dont. So run along noobie
I meant bend it not cut it but got confused when i was typing, and what i said was IMO, i would never ever do any training techniques in flowering other people may but i dont. So run along noobie
*giggles* you confuse my post count for growing experience? Lol. Why didn't you just say you don't train in flower? You stated he was crazy if he did. There is more styles to growing than just your way to grow.


Active Member
I meant bend it not cut it but got confused when i was typing, and what i said was IMO, i would never ever do any training techniques in flowering other people may but i dont. So run along noobie
rawr grrrr growwwl
my ignorance makes me angry

stop asking dipshit questions unless you're just troll hunting

go read some threads
meanwhile, let em grow and don't worry about your yield
grow pretty green leaves with no bugs or molds
let that be your first goal

oh - and never ever ever never take advice from angry name callers rofl