Do I Have LSA Crystals?


Well-Known Member
i recently did an extraction on some HBWR seeds- end result was LSA solution(100 proof vodka). well, last night i got bored so i poured about a doses worth into my pyrex and left it in the dark. this morning it was all dried up with a 'whitish' crust, scraped with the razor blade and this is what i got. lsacrystals.jpg

the science tells me this should be crystals. but i was wondering if it could be just suspended particles that didn't filter out of my solution from the seeds,,,or did i do this right? either way i'm trying it.


Well-Known Member
ohh shit. my bad.

my eyes are buggin on me today haha.

but yeah...i dont think you got anything there bud.

stick to growing cannabis or mushrooms til you learn what true chemistry is.

i wouldnt ingest that if i were you


Well-Known Member
Well you definitely have impurities in there still, but that doesn't mean you failed the extraction. What tek did you follow to extract this? Here is erowids picture of LSA.*

Not very good looking but some similarities to yours. If you didn't use any toxic chemicals to extract then test it out.

In the past I have extracted LSA that looks more like this using only peppermint extract.

(not my pic, but it scrapes thin and waxey with a yellow color exactly like the pic)*


Well-Known Member
i just did a polar extraction using naptha/alcohol. i've never tried letting the alcohol evaporate though. that's what i did last night just as an experiment. i only poured a small ammount in the dish. well anyway. i've already taken what was in the picture. my heads a little light feeling, like when coming up, but thats about it for now, not expecting too much. i was just wondering.

i havent really heard too much about using peppermint extract, any info you could point me too? thanks for being helpful.


Only "Impurities" you could have would be from not cleaning the seed's off, Did you? If you did, All is well, And you should have a decent LSA trip


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of different info on peppermint oil and it's effects on LSA, mostly that it is cleaner and possibly more potent. Do some searching and you will find a lot about it but there is still a lot unknown. I just grind seeds and mix with peppermint extract (which is only alcohol and peppermint oil), let sit, filter with coffee filter and evaporate. Very simple. Naptha will be isolating more LSA and you will have less other impurities from the seeds, but the extraction was efficient enough to avoid stomach discomforts.


Well-Known Member
i didn't wash the seeds prior to starting the extraction. this is just a heady high i'd say. my nose is cold. i'll have to look into peppermint extract for the next extraction. i'm always trying to learn new and better ways. []D[][]\/[][]D[][]\[]


Well-Known Member
I think by cleaning he means removing the fungus "shell" that naturally grows on the seeds, which can cause extreme nausea. When I ordered seeds before, this was removed before getting to me.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Looks like you've got a tiny amount of LSA there. ^_^ You should dissolve and recrystallize a couple times to clean out some minor impurities. :) Well, you've taken what was there but I mean you should dissolve the Tincture you still have and then filter and recrystallize it. ^.^


Well-Known Member
i love my dirty lil lsa haha had fun last night with a friend.. i'll work on something a little more pure next go around- when theirs sun again and no more snow. i've came to the conclusion i can have fun meaningful experiences with this stuff,,,but i'll never get one of those full breakthrough trips with it. one day the gods will bless me, i know it. good day and good vibes people.

oh, crypt. i dont think i have enough to do all that now. i only have one pill bottle worth of tincture left, maybe 2-3 doses i think. such the helpful ghoul :clap:

puffer, there will be no pitching of anny sort :-P


Well-Known Member
Mine was shit liquid and didn't work, hopefully due to bunk seeds. What differences in the process do you take to get it to powder form? I also did naptha/grain alcohol extraction just my final product was still liquid, im assuming evaporating it but how long does that process take.


Well-Known Member
Soak in naphtha, filter. Soak in Everclear, dry overnight.
Still lost. forgive me here, soak the ground up seedsin naptha, filter seeds and soak in ever clear and let it dry over night?

i ground it, soaked in naptha let it evap, soaked for 3 days( 100proof not grain alcohol) then i filtered the alcohol out of the seeds, thinking it would have soaked up the lsa, and i tossed the rest of the seeds...i feel i fucked uppppp ganja?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The Naphtha extracts all the impurities. The remaining ground seeds need to be strained out and let dry. Then you soak all the ground seeds in Everclear and filter. The Everclear solution is then set out on a pie pan to dry. Simple is simple?