Do i have the general idea of what i need to grow ?


Active Member

Ok so the bit about the grow that confuses me the most is the fan system intake and exhaust with a carbon filter and everything.
but in a picture above i tried to draw what i think i need.

have i got that bit right ?

so all i need to add is my light's my pots and soil
bit of white paint on inside of the cabinet

then pop the seed in and im good ?

EDIT : Im only growing two plant's at the same time using one 300W Red CFL as i will be growing Auto feminized and told that blue is not all that important in auto's because they flower so fast
It's going to be a small stealth cabinet


Well-Known Member
Scrubber goes on the inside. Fan is more effective pulling through a scrubber than pushing.

Shorten all hose to it's minimum length to keep fan as effective as possible.

You can put the can fan outside of the tent but keep the scrubber inside

no need for intake fan, the can fan will create enough suction, use a passive intake, just a lightproof hole, slot, whatever


Active Member
carbon filter inside the tent/cupboard dude. sucking air through the filter to outside. a 300w red spec sfl wont give off too much heat therefor you prop get away with passive intake, but yes more air to be sucked out than sucked in creating negative pressure. otherwise looks good mate. nice drawing lol


Well-Known Member
Actually, 2 autos, I wouldn't even worry about the smell, just grow em out.


Active Member
why forget about the smell ?

and so why would i need tubing if the carbon filter goes inside the cab ?

Sorry im not familiar with the term's you use aswell such as Scrubber
but thanks for the help so far


Well-Known Member
why forget about the smell ?

and so why would i need tubing if the carbon filter goes inside the cab ?

Sorry im not familiar with the term's you use aswell such as Scrubber
but thanks for the help so far
because you are growing 2 plants designed to flower immediately, which means they stay quite small, kind of like growing 1 nice bud. 2 of those won't stink very much.

No need to apologize for not knowing, we learn by asking. :) Scrubber is another term for carbon filter


Well-Known Member
He's just saying 2 isn't a huge smell, noticeable though. Scrubber is basically your carbon filter, they work best pulling the air threw instead of pushing air into it. Your getting it! Good luck, remember the golden rule about growing. Tell no one.


make sure the exhaust fan is at the top of your room and the intake air is on the bottom. heat rises i have a 4 by 4 by 7ft tall i use mini florescent full spectrum and they cut my electric bill by 60.00 dollars and flowering is wonderful. good luck and yes don't tell anyone


Active Member
Yeah i know not to tell people
i made that mistake the first time i planend to grew
i started buying stuff and thought i could trust one of my best mate's

but nah he wen't and told everyone he could and decided it was best not to carry on and that time
but now im in a position financialy i can have a small grow and have the time (not they that take to much time anyway)


Well-Known Member
That's what's nice about keeping a journal, you can still share and get feedback but rather anonymously and the feedback you get is from growers of all types from all over the world. Great education to be had for free here.


Active Member
Yeah it's a great webite here
Is 2 plant's being auto's and probibly growing to a max of 45CM do you think it has the power to stink the house out ?
or maybe just that one room it grows in


Well-Known Member
Depends on strain I guess. I have 2 going right now that are stinking my room up bad. Hits the rest of the house if I'm not on it. Little tricks work great though. There's this shit I use called faboloso or something its basically like pinesol just some floor cleaner I pour about a half cup into a half gallon of water on the stove on low. Covers the smell completely. My wife hates the smell but its better then it smelling like I raise feral skunks in the house. If you smoke in your house that will work ok. But then it smells like you been puffing.