Is it a generational gap issue, or rather
a connoisseur verses average user issue?
I like these types of threads for their social
diversity in regards to a very simple question.
I've used grinders, scissors, forceps, and
from time to time I take what breaks off and
use it as it comes. It really depends on what
I have in regards to quality.
Well cured DJ Short Blueberry... Shit.
I've gotta go with whomever said that they
suggest a bowl over a bong for taste. I have
been without a bowl for nearly 2 years. Just
a stupid looking, but quality glass, bong that
I've used to partially filter my smoke.
I recently had a bowl on hand...
DJSBB... tastes, as well as effects, I was not
getting from the 10" bong where very present
from this tiny glass piece.
When it comes to quality grown cannabis, I tend
to treat it like quality vinted wines. I store, handle,
and consume both as to get the full flavors as well
as the full effects.
The world screaming Blueberry.