Do I just plant it?


Active Member
Okay guys first time using the paper towel method. The strain is low flyer auto flower. Only doing one and the seed is cracked after two days should I just drop it in my FFOF potting mix? I know it sounds like a crazy question but I’ve never grown auto flower (I know they can be sensative to transplant) or done the paper towel method. I couldn’t grow without y’all thanks in advance!



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I would put it straight in your 5 gln pot but leave about 3-4 inches low on dirt so you can add some as it grows
I like to let the tap root pop out just a bit more but some people don’t. Some people plant right into the soil straight out the package. I poke a hole in the soil about as deep as the second knuckle on my index finger and gently place it in there and cover it back up, Being careful not to break the taproot
That soil looks so wet. Hope that’s not the pot your doing it in. if so need to bury 1/4 of an inch
That was a pot I just watered (not cannabis) there is a different plant in there. I just laid the seed there for the picture! (Also I used the auto edit feature to see the tap root better it tends to make things more glossy).
one more question. I’ve read a lot about seeds and lighting. Since the seed has technically germinated could I go ahead and put it under my LEDs?
Just as it is. It's a seedlings so unlike a clone it will adapt fast to it's first environment
Okay guys first time using the paper towel method. The strain is low flyer auto flower. Only doing one and the seed is cracked after two days should I just drop it in my FFOF potting mix? I know it sounds like a crazy question but I’ve never grown auto flower (I know they can be sensative to transplant) or done the paper towel method. I couldn’t grow without y’all thanks in advance!

The best thing you could do is to stop soaking that soil. Your seed is going to drown if it stays that wet.

Autoflowers are not sensitive to transplanting.