Do I Keep My Fans On 24/7??? Kinda Confused!


Active Member
Alright , so i read somewhere that your temp in your grow box should Drop 20% when lights are off , and my grow box temp is in between 70 and 80 and my humidity is between 40 and 50 , and doesnt drop when the lights are off , i was just woundering if im sapose to keep my fans running so that the temp will drop? , like will it matter or will it stress the plant if i dont? Any feedback would really help!


New Member
As long as its not 120 degree or 20 degree air fresh air is never bad. I keep mine on all night but temp drops where I live are about ideal right now


Active Member
lol , no i mean my temp is in between 70 and 80 , so i ment to say is it ok it drops in between 50 and 60? , dident mean to put the percent thing there haha


Well-Known Member
Air flow is an essential for your plants those temps during dark periods will not hurt at all. Might turn them a little purple looking.


Well-Known Member
50 degrees might stunt growth a little but no air circulation is even worse. If temps are a concern run a small heater on the timer.


Active Member
well i turnd my fans back on and the temp dropped down to 67 , and im gonna keep an eye on it , whats the lowest you guys think it should drop too ? , the hole reason i asked about keeping my fans on was because i have one plant in a grow box i made and i have a hole bunch outside , but i just dont want to shock it with the heat staying between 70 and 80 , i had my fans and my lights on a timer to turn on at the same time , but then as i said i was reading online that the temp should drop 20% at night and i was checking out my plant today and the leafs were kinda droopy , not like hardcore but they werent pointing up as much anymore for the past 2 weeks , so i thought maybe its just too hot in there for it