Do I leave them out?

Cashfl0w LLC

Active Member
I live near Tampa, florida and this is my first ever grow so i dont know much atall about how to do this right.. I was going to grow my plants outside in my back yard the seeds just grew the first 2 green leaves yesterday in potting soil.. and i was wondering if i should leave my plants outside all day like from around 7 am to dark or will the florida heat kill them? or are they supposed to be outside all day

Cashfl0w LLC

Active Member
So just leave them outside all day? never bring them in? the heat wont bother them it gets pretty hott during the day round here


Well-Known Member
If they started outside, and you plan to grow them outside, then leave them outside.


soemtimes the heat actaully does ruin them, i had one that was starting to grow and then i came back the next day and it was pretty much fried. leaving them outside is fine, but you might want to be careful on the really hot days


Well-Known Member
maybe u know more about outdoor than i , my pic is a plant i grew in ground, it got to about 100+ for a month and it got a good amount of sunlight ,Too much heat or other prob.?