do i need a greenhouse?

General Kush

Active Member
Hey guys I recently confessed to my parents that i wanted to grow a pot plant to see what would happen, like a 1 time thing(haha thats what they think) and so they are letting me grow 1 down in the cellar. I was curious to know sence it doesn't have to be concealed, do i still need a greenhouse of some sort, or can it be in the open while under the proper lighting?

I guess what i am asking is that i want to know if i can grow 1 plant in an open space while it's still getting the same lights. Instead of having it in a box or something with a ton of reflecting stuff...


Well-Known Member
I would still build a grow area, that way you can seal your plants off from the mould, dirt, maybe even bugs that your cellar might be housing, also building a grow area might help 'shut-off' the smell of the plants while they flower, you dont want the neighbours calling the police due to a 'strange smell' or something, also if you dont house your plants in a grow area there light cycle might be interrupted if you or anyone else opens the door to your cellar and let light in from the hallway or something, but the disadvantages of building a grow area is that if you dont anticipate how tall your plants will grow it might become hard to water/inspect them when there taller and closer together, also they might start outgrowing your grow area.


Well-Known Member
Make it as neat and clean and stealth as possible, as if you didn't want them to know...

If it's not a hassle or offensive to them in any way, they might just let you keep going :mrgreen:

Fools rush in... ;-)

General Kush

Active Member
cool thanks guys helps alot, totally changed my perspective but my mom wont let me use cardboard for fire hazard, anyone know anything else as cheap that can make an enclosure...When I first told my mom, i told her my closet would be the first place and she said hell no, so that's why i was asking about not enclosing it.

anybody have any ideas on cheap material to build an enclosure. can't use cardboard, mayb something else.


Well-Known Member
piece of sheetrock in a corner, plywood, an old door, backside of a bookcase or bureau... look around, assess your surroundings. An extra day or two of planning now may make a huge difference later.

Remember the tortoise and the hare?

Good luck. ;-)


Well-Known Member
just use boxes and odd bits and pieces to build the grow area, just make 2 piles of boxes against a wall, run maybe 2 or 3 pieces of wood over the top of the boxes, then cover all of it in plastic and cover with a blanket or 2, you can get the plastic from old bags that you getw hen you go food shopping etc, i will draw a picture to clarify


Active Member
Tell your mom 1 plants not worth the electricity so your upping it to 4 or 5 :)

The cheapest and easiest way would be to buy one of those tents they make for like $100 and leave the door open with a fan blowing out since you don't have to worry about concealing it and heat shouldn't be an issue with the door open, then you can always use that tent in the future.

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
cool thanks guys helps alot, totally changed my perspective but my mom wont let me use cardboard for fire hazard, anyone know anything else as cheap that can make an enclosure...When I first told my mom, i told her my closet would be the first place and she said hell no, so that's why i was asking about not enclosing it.

anybody have any ideas on cheap material to build an enclosure. can't use cardboard, mayb something else.
do you have any god damm imagination your makin me feel like macgyver wow have you not done any reading videos etc not trying to be rude but god