Do I need an RO filter?


Well-Known Member
If I may suggest something else, why not just visit a good aquarium shop. I don't know about over where your from but here there is a 3 aquarium shops local to me that sell RO water at $4 per 25L, I bring in my own 25L cubes and fill them up and on my way. The reason I say this is because I have my own RO gear but sometimes I can't be bothered and want to go out and do things rather than refill my drums and tubs, plus the waste water sort of hits me as "water down the drain" (hahaha sorry had to include the pun). As I have said in earlier post, I go through a lot of RO with the hydroponics as well as a 400 Litre Marine reef tank that has about a 4-5Litre/day daily top up from evaporation. So I just find it convenient to take 20-25 of these containers down to the fish shop and fill up once a month, load the back of my truck up and then store them in the shed. Now I only use mine for emergency back up in case I run out of my storage before the month is up

Sorry just throwing that out as an option, but the kit you mention looks rather decent
thats gonna add up FAST and be WAY more, my DWC reservoir is a 45 gallon tote, probably end up with 35 gallons of solution, 35 gallons = 132 liters, so rounding down it would cost me $20 a week to change weekly and raise questions as to where all the waters going, if i could locate a source anyway. im out in bum fuck nowhere. under different circumstance that could be a good solution but its not really viable for me.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
ok so i gt my TDS my tap water is 183ppm so not to shaby. so should i be able to get away without the RO then? I should still go with a chloramine filter though, huh? thats a GAC carbon filter right? any suggestions on a good filter that relatively cheap?
My well water is 300 ppm. I figure it's mostly calcium and magnesium anyway and it tastes good. It starts out at ph or 8 when I add about 500 ppm of floranova or dynagro the ph goes down to 5.5 and I almost never use any ph up or down. RO may be better but it certainly isn't necessary when starting out. Just food for thought.


Well-Known Member
Nvm thought u were Ireland lol
my taps 7ph very low ppm all i do is leave her out for 24h n bobs ur uncle...


Well-Known Member
183ppm is fine. Just grow with it.

Tap here is 400-500ppm. As long as you're sure it's not going through a water softener, you can pretty much be sure that's mostly calcium carbonates and probably some rust (iron).

A water softener would replace all the calcium with sodium, which is no good for growing, although would increase the lifespan of RO units if you were to use one. If you are forced to use a water softener (apartment management does your plumbing maybe) , then you'd need RO to get rid of the sodium.