Do I need Cal-Mag Plus? DWC

Do you own your house or are you renting or what? Lol that’s nuts I’ve never heard of zero ppm from the tap. Unless you live in an apartment that has an industrial ro machine supplying the building.

It's an apartment. Not a big complex though (in a residential neighborhood with just 6 or so units). It's also kinda outdated and sat vacant for a year or two before I moved in. I doubt it has a system set up, but I can't say for sure.
My water basically comes straight out of the river and is treated. Gotta love Oregon :)
no way its 0ppm naturally bud but if so you got a great water treatment plant lol

Im not even sure if distilled is 0 never tried testing it
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If your tap water is zero PPM then there isn't anything in it. No trace elements, no calcium, no magnesium. If that were the case then you 100% should supplement.

Edit: I should mention that not even my RO water is zero PPM, the lowest it's gotten is 5 or 6... Do you live on some glacial mountain of some sort? How do you manage zero PPM water from the tap?