Do I need more light?


Im growing 11 plants in a 25 sq ft room. I have a 600w HPS. my last grow of ten plants was a bit of a dissapointment. I yielded aproximately an ounce per plant. I attributed this to the small pots (3.8 qts) I used and have since switched to 7 gallon containers. Should I add another 400W or 600w lamp. What is optimal?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Yes, add another 600. Each 600 is only good for 12 to 15 sq feet.

General rule of thumb is 50watts HID for every sq foot.


Well-Known Member
Im growing 11 plants in a 25 sq ft room. I have a 600w HPS. my last grow of ten plants was a bit of a dissapointment. I yielded aproximately an ounce per plant. I attributed this to the small pots (3.8 qts) I used and have since switched to 7 gallon containers. Should I add another 400W or 600w lamp. What is optimal?
If heat is not a issue, then I would add a additional 1000w.
I would add another 600w for sure !!! If you have an inline fan and cool tube add a 1000w. Really 1lb per 600 is what a lot of people
Actually get ... Depending on method used and time in veg/strain.