Do I need more lights


Well-Known Member
I have one female plant in soil vegged for two weeks then flowered after that for height restrictions(plant is 6 weeks old going on 7week) .. I let it get dry for a couple days till pot was lite so then I added a spoon of sugar a little bit of lime juice and couple drops of shultz to the watering and then the leafs of the plants all started pointing towards the lights like they were thirsty for more light, I have one 68w,and two 42w cfls does this mean I need to add more lights?:confused: My grow cabinet is 21" by 30"



Well-Known Member
Sugar, lime juice? please explain the lime juice and sugar, we attracting ants and stuff or growing scientificaly engeneered super pot?


Active Member
sounds like a good drink mix.

Lemon juice for ph? Not the best, also did you measure your ph or just guess that it needed it.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good drink mix.

Lemon juice for ph? Not the best, also did you measure your ph or just guess that it needed it.
Yea I use the lime juice to adjust ph since I dont have ph up or ph down(its worked for me so far).. and the sugar, I just thought it would add a sweet flavor, but yall didint really answer my question do I need more light?? and yes I measured the ph of soil.. and its at 7ph so I add a little bit of lime juice since lemons or limes are naturality acidic to bring down the acidity of the water a little u fuckhead


Active Member
No one desirves to be called a fuckhead. I dont think you will find many people using lemon juice. Forgive the curious questions.


Well-Known Member
No one desirves to be called a fuckhead. I dont think you will find many people using lemon juice. Forgive the curious questions.
sorry bro I was just a little drunk and overreacted... but thanks for the info ill try to get some ph up ph down at the HD, but is the leafs all pointing upwards towards the light, is this normal (this happened a couple hours after watering the plant)?? this is my first female sorry for the newb question fellas


Active Member
the more light the better

more light = bigger plant

bigger plant = more bud

and your lemon juice has been working for you?? do u just put it in your water or what?


Well-Known Member
the more light the better

more light = bigger plant

bigger plant = more bud

and your lemon juice has been working for you?? do u just put it in your water or what?
Yes I just add it to purified water not tap (keep in mind you dont need a whole lemon,lime watever just couple drops because then water will become very acidic!) shake a little and then I test it with my ph tester till it goes down to a little over 6 ph around 6.5.. and yes its worked for me so far my plant is about 17" in height and I havent had problems with nute lookout so I would say lime,lemons,oranges are a safe and cheap alternative if you dont have ph down.


Active Member
For sure that enough light, thats more than enough light if used wisely. The leafs pointing up is not a problem! This is your plant finally thanking you for not over watering it for once. With those CFLs more light comes of the sides. I would place the one 85 watt on it's side, with a reflector, 2 inches from the top of the plant and those 42's around the sides, aslo with reflector made from beer cans. Don't listen to DR. Greenthumb, you already said you have height restrictions so growing a big ass plant isn't an option. With these three light you could grow 3 small females which would achieve the maximum amount of pot for those watts. Also Don't harvest yet, your plants sure don't look 6 or 7 weeks into flowering, they look about 4 maybe 5, notice the lack of any orange hairs. I'm guessing you started flowering prematurely. Now this is not bad, it only means the plant continued to veg despite the 12 and 12 cycle because the plant needs to attain a certain maturatiy before it can flower, no matter what light cycle. Add another 2 to 3 weeks to your flowering time. Get some bad Guano, and some Molasses, and just keep doing what your doing.

For more the most part looks good.


Well-Known Member
For sure that enough light, thats more than enough light if used wisely. The leafs pointing up is not a problem! This is your plant finally thanking you for not over watering it for once. With those CFLs more light comes of the sides. I would place the one 85 watt on it's side, with a reflector, 2 inches from the top of the plant and those 42's around the sides, aslo with reflector made from beer cans. Don't listen to DR. Greenthumb, you already said you have height restrictions so growing a big ass plant isn't an option. With these three light you could grow 3 small females which would achieve the maximum amount of pot for those watts. Also Don't harvest yet, your plants sure don't look 6 or 7 weeks into flowering, they look about 4 maybe 5, notice the lack of any orange hairs. I'm guessing you started flowering prematurely. Now this is not bad, it only means the plant continued to veg despite the 12 and 12 cycle because the plant needs to attain a certain maturatiy before it can flower, no matter what light cycle. Add another 2 to 3 weeks to your flowering time. Get some bad Guano, and some Molasses, and just keep doing what your doing.

For more the most part looks good.

yes I did flower early and shes prob like a little over 7 weeks old total lifetime.. how much time till harvest time? should I just wait till all the hairs turn red ??


Active Member
From my understanding most people wait till 50% of the hairs are orange/redish and thats if you don't have a magnifying glass/ microscope.


Well-Known Member
I do have a magnifying glass and the the red hairs are just bareley starting to show... since I flowered(vegged two weeks only, bagseed) early do I still have while or should I just keep an eye on the hairs? will she get bigger shes at about 71/2 weeks and 18 inches in height?

