do i need to add nutes to my water when using organic soil?


Active Member
hi all,

i recently received a well rooted clone about a week ago. I have kept it in the shade for the past week, and have just recently transferred to a pot of Fox Farm Ocean Forest organic soil.

My question is, how long will the nutrients in the soil hold out before I need to start adding light nutes to my water? I plan on moving my plant to a bigger pot as it gets root bound.

Thanks for the help!

ps - also, when putting my rockwool cube into the soil, how deep do i put it in the soil? if u look at the picture, i have a thin layer of dirt covering the cube, so there is quite bit of stem sticking out from the ground... should i have put the cube deeper? please advise... thank you....


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Personally, I think it's time for you to repot into at least a 1 gal.

I have not used FF soil yet, so I can't give you any advice unfortunately. But, here is a website that has a feeding schedule for people who use their soil. It may help:

Good luck.
I agree it's about time to repot

You don't have to use additional nutes, but you could use something mild like alaska fish 5-1-1 half strength when you transplant if you want to give 'em something extra. The fish emulsion is a good foliar feed too, but it's stinky


Active Member
thank you for the help. so basically, i will not have to add any type of nutrient or chemical? just continue to increase the pot size as plant size increases as well? thank you.