I'm new to growing weed. I'm not even sure if I'm late on schedule for the seasons because I'm growing it outside... Its been about 1 month since I started, I have a very small crop since its my first time. But basically I'm growing them in pots way out in the forest, checking them regularly. in the pots I put 1/3 ash from a bonfire, 1/3 compost heap soil, and 1/3 regular soil which has been pretty good for me and my vegetables and tomatos so far without fertilizer. I'm wondering if the soil is so good that I don't even need to worry about fertilizing it... I have chicken manure to use as backup LOL... and yes I'm a hick. I was thinking of putting the round wire stands that I use for tomatoes around the pots for some support, and putting white plastic around the wire to give the plants more heat... any thoughts at all throw them my way.