Do I need to flush??

So the title basically says it. I have been using Fox and Farm nutrients in my pro mix for 2 weeks now. I am on a feed water feed water schedule. Since I use plain water every other water Is it still necessary to flush every now and then. I plan on flushing two weeks before harvest but is flushing it necessary for my Vegetative and flower growth? And if it is necessary how often should I do it? Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Flush toilets it pot LOL
Yeah I spend a lot of time reading posts on here and it gets pretty funny how all the stoners get so angry at each other. All because of their preferred method of growing.
Simply amazes me as well lol. And the same shit over and over lol. It would be nice to have a nice laid back discussion about this stuff once and a while.
Simply amazes me as well lol. And the same shit over and over lol. It would be nice to have a nice laid back discussion about this stuff once and a while.
Yea ppl get prety pissy prety quick. but being the stoner i am i just laugh at it all
I think the reason I haven't done a scrog setup yet is because it's not perfectly clear exactly what I would buy or how to do it. Seems there a bunch of different materiel and ways I could go about it and it doesn't appear that anyone is really selling scrog kits for specific sized tents or anything. I'll probably just make a pvc frame and use zip ties to hold down a piece of trellis netting, maybe 6" squares, or smaller if I can find it. I think the one company that does make something where a scrog could be done from a kit is GeoPot. They make large fabric planters that are held up by a pvc frame and they also sell a little kit to attach pvc to the top at each corner and then you can connect more pvc to that and attach a trellis. Something like this would be perfect for growing straws in my green house. And if the pvc trellis kit is the same diameter pvc for a 3 x3 planter as it is for the 4 x 4 planter. Then I might go with a 3x3 for my 4x4 tent and just plant a few plants in the one large planter and set the whole thing in a 4 x 4 flood tray to use as a large saucer. Would be great if I could just do that and use some type of no till soil growing method and just re use the same soil without having to re amend or add more every time. I'm thinking like two of the 4x4's in my green house or maybe one 4 x even longer would do well for me. Super soil and irrigation on a timer to the green house, a little training and then basically fire and forget with any luck haha.

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I think the reason I haven't done a scrog setup yet is because it's not perfectly clear exactly what I would buy or how to do it. Seems there a bunch of different materiel and ways I could go about it and it doesn't appear that anyone is really selling scrog kits for specific sized tents or anything. I'll probably just make a pvc frame and use zip ties to hold down a piece of trellis netting, maybe 6" squares, or smaller if I can find it. I think the one company that does make something where a scrog could be done from a kit is GeoPot. They make large fabric planters that are held up by a pvc frame and they also sell a little kit to attach pvc to the top at each corner and then you can connect more pvc to that and attach a trellis. Something like this would be perfect for growing straws in my green house. And if the pvc trellis kit is the same diameter pvc for a 3 x3 planter as it is for the 4 x 4 planter. Then I might go with a 3x3 for my 4x4 tent and just plant a few plants in the one large planter and set the whole thing in a 4 x 4 flood tray to use as a large saucer. Would be great if I could just do that and use some type of no till soil growing method and just re use the same soil without having to re amend or add more every time. I'm thinking like two of the 4x4's in my green house or maybe one 4 x even longer would do well for me. Super soil and irrigation on a timer to the green house, a little training and then basically fire and forget with any luck haha.

You can go a little longer before you flush without anyone else noticing if you use, Just a drop. But you are still going to have to flush.


So the title basically says it. I have been using Fox and Farm nutrients in my pro mix for 2 weeks now. I am on a feed water feed water schedule. Since I use plain water every other water Is it still necessary to flush every now and then. I plan on flushing two weeks before harvest but is flushing it necessary for my Vegetative and flower growth? And if it is necessary how often should I do it? Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Experiment...try flushing one.. see what works best for you. Everyone has different techniques.
If it's truely organic nutes rinse 3 days. Doesn't need it if dried and cured right. But if you over dry or fast dry or a dozen other fuk ups we all do, you'll be glad for the 3 day rinse. Chelates stay irregardless of what you do. I stop silica last week and rooting agent for last two weeks. Rinse reduces smell and taste. I use reduced Budswell last 5 days and smell stays strong.
Experiment...try flushing one.. see what works best for you. Everyone has different techniques.
Best advice given. Don't listen to a bunch of people. Figure out what works for you. Do a different finish on each plant. Half the fun in growing is doing it your way. Just because a bunch of people agree, doesn't mean their right.