do i need to have a fan on 24 7

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
i turn my fans off during the dark period of my flowering females. How important is it to have the fan on them 24 7 wil it affect my plants in a big way. Let me know ur suggestions wil my plants be ok just 12 hours of being fanned.


Well-Known Member
yes i do. unless you have c02 running then you want to shut it of so the plants can get the most of it. and it helps move fresh air to the plant.


Well-Known Member
yes it helps with making the stem stronger just make shore its moving and not blowing on 1 spot all day


Well-Known Member
by the time you're flowering stem strength should no longer be an issue. The main point of having exhaust fans, intake holes and oscillating fans is fresh air circulation. Stem strengthening is a happy by-product but not the main point. Another by-product of an oscillating fan is it helps prevent development of anaerobic (air-borne) molds. Proper lighting, correctly placed should take care of any stem elongation problems.

if memory serves, there is only about 0.3% of CO2 in fresh air and plants need CO2 to thrive. So the more fresh air you make available, the more CO2 is available. Please note that without fresh air intake holes and a proper exhaust system, an oscillating fan is just blowing around hot, stale air.


Well-Known Member
Geez - sorry forgot to answer your question - i'm assuming you're talking about your oscillating fan - your exhaust fans should be on all the time.

I don't think turning off your oscillating fan(s) during the dark periods will do any harm to your plants. But i see no benefit to turning off the fan either.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
the benefit is i dont have to listen to it when im in bed it makes noise. I could buy a silent fan but thats another expense.


Well-Known Member
that's a good benefit. isn't your exhaust fan a lot louder than your oscillating fan? mine sounds like a damn jet engine!


Active Member
YES, have a fan on 24/7 especially when flushing if you don't want to risk getting bud rot and fungus, that can easily build up in damp dark places.

A dehumidifier is also helpful and if the humidity in the room is kept low enough, then u shouldn't have to worry to much as long as there is some kind kind of air circulating. I had one of my plants start to show bud root on the main stem because i wasn't using a fan 24/7 during the last month of flowering. so DO it or the whole crop could be in danger of going bad.

Also picked up a great TIP, after you flush the plants, for the very last watering you should:
step 1. water with a cup to a 20 oz of water, ehough to get the soil wet but not soaked, or you can flush again with a gallon or two of water, doesn't matter, just depends on if you think there is still to much nuetrients, Just make sure the plant has enough nutrients for the last two weeks when you flush.
SO FLUsh the first week then the second week.
Step 2. water with around 10 oz of some kind of sugary drink. (like Grape Juice) YOu can mix the 10 oz in bottle with some water to make it like a half gallon mix.
Step 3. let the plant live for a lother couple of days until u feel it is ready to come down.

Now for me i have done this before.
One plant i watered with a half GALLON of Grape Juice, which had 40g of sugar. after two days of high humidity(no dehumidifier at the time), the dirt turned to fungius and smelled like throw up/baby poop. it was nasty, way to much sugar, but the plany smells like grape juice, and i haven't smoked it yet properly dried out. but the microwave bud i dried form it got you really high.
(let the plant live for a week after the grape juice watering)
The second plant i had a dehumidifier, I used half gallon of hawaiian punch fruit juicy red. NO fungus but i let the plant live for only two days after watering.
the third plant i watered with around 10-15 oz of hawaiian Punch Bodacious Berry mmmm.... you GUYS have to try it.
let it live for two days. smells Berry lushes.
then for the fourth plant i cut some stems of with fat nugs and put it in a cup with sunny D ( another sugar/water drink) over night under the lights for 10/12 hours.
Once i smoke the different ones i'll give more info.

I had a friend use the first method with 10 oz of grape juice and let the plant live for another week. THe plant turned out to tast way better then his other plants, much smoother and sweeter tast bud.
THe plants love to soak up sugar and get nice and fat the last week of growth.
so if you want some FUnk find any great tasting juice and try it out.


Active Member
I have heard using a inch or so of perlite on the top of the soil will help with funguis and bactiera build up in the soil.


Well-Known Member
the plants release water at night, so air circulation is huge. one time during my last grow i forgot to put the fan in the closet for the dark cycle and when i took them out one had cobweb mold on the soil. i took care of it with hydrogen peroxide / water, but id still recommend giving it as much air circulation as possible for some dank buds


Active Member
I have heard using a inch or so of perlite on the top of the soil will help with funguis and bactiera build up in the soil.
I layered a small plant in veg stage with perlite on the top 1/4in. I ended up giving that plant to a friend but boy I tell you that was one healthy and green plant and it turned out great for him. That perlite reflects light back up towards the plant also ;)

Wouldn't a fan thats running 24/7 or maybe 12/12 be a given? After all - A stronger stem would mean a larger stem and that would mean larger "roads" for plant juices to flow up n' down the plant, right? More productivity, bigger and better growth.


Well-Known Member
the perlite onto of the soil allows the plants roots to grow to the top of the soil because it shaded from the light. I tried it my self but didn't like using perlite, it's just to lite and messy for me. I'll probably do it again when I pick up some sterilized rock but I never can seem to remember.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you can always pinch the stems. i have had some stems hard enough to knock you out with , just from pinching it.