do i need...


Active Member
Do i need a fan when i start out because i got to find a fan that is quite it will be like a week or 2 befor i can get one


Well-Known Member
you're gonna have a bitch hiding a grow from your parents, which is what it sounds like you're doing. save up some money and wait until you can get a grow box or something like it. and, yes, an outtake fan is quite necessary as well as a hole or a fan for fresh air as well


Active Member
its in the basement under a huge bed its perfect and smell is no problem cause my parents know i smoke soo... i can say that i just got done smokin :D


Well-Known Member
under a bed? do you hit your head on the ceiling when you wake up? that would be the only way you'd have enough room under a bed for growing.


Active Member
nope its boxed in it has a dresser built into the bottom :D is there anway were i can upload a pic ill show oyu a pic :D


Well-Known Member
ah. well, if it's 5 feet high it should be okay, don't know about the other dimensions, defnitely get a fan blowing air out of there, a lot of basements aren't easy to get fresh air in.