Do I Switch?


Well-Known Member
I found out my Son is telling others I have had problems with Fungus Gnats because I use Fiber Pots and he uses plastic and never has a problem.

I have never seen any of his grows so I can't say.

I wash my Pots in the washer then Dryer and mostly see them on the floor of my Tent. And use Mosquito Bit tea on them.

My question is should I switch to plastic?
just tell him fungus gnats are a symptom of his horrible body odor and that stank is so bad (like not your normal run of the mill bad but so bad) that the gnats have become A-sexual and are multiplying on a daily basis and he needs to take care of this hot mess he has created?

how does that sit?
If I keep things too wet or constantly wet my fungus gnats thrive. A good way to reduce humidity is go with plastic pots. I prefer buckets but this dryer time of year I do fabric and wrap with plastic if needed.
If I keep things too wet or constantly wet my fungus gnats thrive. A good way to reduce humidity is go with plastic pots. I prefer buckets but this dryer time of year I do fabric and wrap with plastic if needed.

I'm using Sunshine 4 which is to be watered every day. No I'm not happy with it and changing.

Was using Happy Frog and wasn't over watering. I was feeling if it was dry. I can't lift the Pots to weigh them.

I tried doing the same with Sunshine 4 and almost lost the whole grow.
Gnats will happily fly in and out of the the little holes in the bottom of your plastic pots - I’ve watched it happen plenty of times - even after pouring a thick layer of preventative perlite on top of my soil, using new soil, and using sticky traps. They’re persistent. If you have organic material and water in your soil, they’re gonna want to get in there and make their little shit babies. Stay disciplined with your watering, use whatever prevention you can, and have stuff like BT on standby to drench them if they do colonize.
Use a layer of garden pumice screened to 1/8 instead of perlite. Water from the bottom. If you have fabric pots you can set them up to wick from the bottom. Mosquito bits drench 3 times and no more gnats. Gnat larva will feed on the roots of your plants, nasty little fuckers they are.
Use a layer of garden pumice screened to 1/8 instead of perlite. Water from the bottom. If you have fabric pots you can set them up to wick from the bottom. Mosquito bits drench 3 times and no more gnats. Gnat larva will feed on the roots of your plants, nasty little fuckers they are.

Been doing good with Mosquito Bits. I went to Sunshine 4 because people had said they don't have problem with Sunshine 4 but I have the same.

I think my Son just don't see them. I pointed out White Flies one time and all he said was I thought they was Bugs.

He don't understand most things that give your plants problems you just can't see with the naked eye.

He don't close his Tent and no Fans.

He is telling everyone to use Plastic Buckets and no Fan and a Tent isn't really needed.

I'm having the same problem in my Greenhouse so Bottom watering won't work because I'm wanting buyers to have a plant they can take home.

I think I have a handle on the Gnat problem.
Been doing good with Mosquito Bits. I went to Sunshine 4 because people had said they don't have problem with Sunshine 4 but I have the same.

I think my Son just don't see them. I pointed out White Flies one time and all he said was I thought they was Bugs.

He don't understand most things that give your plants problems you just can't see with the naked eye.

He don't close his Tent and no Fans.

He is telling everyone to use Plastic Buckets and no Fan and a Tent isn't really needed.

I'm having the same problem in my Greenhouse so Bottom watering won't work because I'm wanting buyers to have a plant they can take home.

I think I have a handle on the Gnat problem.
Try the garden pumice, it really works.
Excuse my ignorance I've been fortunate enough not to have had gnats.

If they're eating into the fabric fair enough plastic would be a better option.

If they don't eat into the fabric idk why there would be any difference, air pruning ime gives great sturdy root balls so I'd be sticking with fabric.

From what I've picked up I'd rather you were growing my weed than your son, i don't mean any disrespect by that.
I had the gnats early last summer. I treated the whole tent with sns 209. Just sprayed everything, the sides and ceiling of the tent, the leaves under and over, the base of the plants, three times when I watered. I have the sticky traps and all of that seems to do the trick. I have seen them on the traps, but I don't see them flying around like I had in the summer.
Keep up the good work, your son may or may not want you to do what he does, but if you like your smoke, tell him 'to each their own.'
If it aint broke, do some environmental studdies and send it to commitee for review and send in the TPS reports. That'll be just great.
I never really had an infestation of gnats once I switched to soilless with salts. There were never more gnats that a sticky trap couldn't manage.
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I think I have a handle on them.

What is strange he asked me the other day if I had something for them. Maybe he isn't telling me all.
I think I have a handle on them.

What is strange he asked me the other day if I had something for them. Maybe he isn't telling me all.
He isn't one to admit when he's wrong. At least what I've gathered from all of your posts where he proclaims to know everything all while you are always wrong even though you have successful crops. BTi seems to be the favorite and most effective from the folks on here.
Fungus gnats eat decaying organic material, it doesn't matter what pot it's in..
Sometimes they come with the bag of soil..
Exactly and like the others said if your mediums too wet you will struggle to lose em they tend to be more common in soil and compost than other mediums its usually cos the soils stored incorrectly somewhere along the line and they make there way in pot type got nothing to do with it
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