Do many people put germinated seeds strate into there grow tent ?


Active Member
I posed this question yesterday and a couple of peeps said they put there newly germinated seeds in there grow tent/ room e.t.c !

My question is to any experienced growers

is it plausable to put the new saplings in my tent under my 600 watt hps light ? The temp in the tent is 81 degreese the humidity is 49%

i have intake outtake via carbon scrubber and cooltube !

I put the five in there yesterday about 30 inches away from the light, i cud put them much closer without damaging them with heat as its under control in there !

Based on the advice i got yesterday there is at least a couple here who have had success this way,, any tips or advice from any other rollitup peeps wud b well appreciated !!! Thanx


Be carefull, they are fragile. I would keep the humidity higher (or use a dome) till they get going good. raise the light up as high as you can, dim if ballast if you have that option. A compact fluro would be a good choice for you till they get a lil bigger.


Active Member
Be carefull, they are fragile. I would keep the humidity higher (or use a dome) till they get going good. raise the light up as high as you can, dim if ballast if you have that option. A compact fluro would be a good choice for you till they get a lil bigger.
just dont av one at the min man but i will keep them well away from the light n keep a close eye on them as fragile is the word of the day right here !! thanx man


Well-Known Member
It looks like you already have them growing in there like that. Humidity could be higher but it could be worse. If the plants start drooping bump the humidity. I have seeds I'm growing 12/12 from seed under a 1000w. Humidity is between 50 and 55 percent and they are doing fine! your pic look like they are doing fine, let the plants tell you if they need any thing!