Do mods sponsor trolling of members they do not like?

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In fairness, I have always assumed Sunni shut that thread down having started reading from the threads beginning. Not realizing it had already calmed. She also did reopen it later on my request.

That said, in December after reporting repeated UB trollings of me in generic weed threads Sunni bopped in to tell me she had cleaned things up while at the same time I saw her yucking it up with UB on another thread. I suggested she was a UB enabler and she suggested i was "rude". Things calmed for a couple weeks then he started in again know...trying to paint a native american using a picture of a hispanic as his avatar as a white supremacist...I report, admins delete his post...he repeats their face. No consequences.

In any case, I too would like an answer to @Bugeye 's question. And if not you who?
How many unclebucks is there? Cuz i keep running into a straight dickhead punk unclebuck
Ya well he lives near me i wish hed just meet up with me ....punk always trollin my shit runnin his mouth
Don't do it, that white boi is so bad he's gonna take a stroll thru the baddest part of Five Points, he's even gonna do door to door surveys AND possibly sell some treadmills.
Nah it ain't Buck...would've called me CiCi init.. plus don't think Buck is Sexist..

btw Buck using same Avatar as You PR
I think you're mistaken. I tagged his IP in new jersey.
Well u one i have been callin out lives in denver he was dumb enough to post a screenshot pic of him at the rockies opening day baseball game with his website name on the pic so i googled the pic with @ unclebuck and it showed his photo as a manager to a wed site so i looked that up and BAM got his name
No, you didn't "tag" any other members' IP addresses here, so now the whiners will call for me to ban you for lying.

Why not find the fakes and band them this site is about helping grow weed my first time here @pup&carebear over a year ago i found this site cuz i needed help growing why get static for someone when ur only asking for help or talking about the world of growing
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